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  1. ash345

    question for those with bilateral implants

    if you had sequential bilateral implants, after you got the second one activated... did it seem like sound was echoing? how long did it last? I had my second CI activated yesterday... and I can't understand speech with it at all yet... but its echoing like crazy... its almost like I hear it...
  2. ash345

    how is it legal?

    how is it legal that movie theaters have movies that are OC, but don't show them, don't offer any sort of captioning what so ever, and state flat out that they won't do it? How is this legal within the ADA? that just doesn't make any sense to me...
  3. ash345

    VNG result questions

    OK... so I was wondering... does anyone actually understand the results of an VNG? I have the results... and my doctor didn't know to to explain them in a human language... the one finding that was significant, according to the results, is a "35% directional preponderance to the left which could...
  4. ash345

    who said deaf kids can't read?

    this is my Niece, she is 3 years old, deaf, and uses ASL to communicate... she also loves books, and not only from the pictures, but from the words she can tell me a story, and be pretty darn accurate... Here is to dispelling the myth that deaf kids don't like to read.
  5. ash345

    a picture of oral only education

    very very interesting... found this today... and LOVE the picture it creates... oral only education... this is what its like.
  6. ash345

    my sister isn't the brightest light bulb...

    so I got this text from my sister yesterday... and I wanted to scream at her... I get she is trying to connect with me... but... really... she isn't the brightest light bulb... " so I think I understand what you go through now being deaf... I went to the doc on Friday because I couldn't...
  7. ash345

    bilateral CI kid

    ok, so I went to the apple store last night to pick up my mac (was under warranty and getting worked on) so I walk in, and see this cute little boy, maybe 3 years old... with a flashing light on his head... he has a CI, then he turns... and he has bi-lateral CI's... I watch him for a while as I...
  8. ash345

    At&t vrs

    Just an FYI... Donno if you know it or not.
  9. ash345

    RO transfers...

    so i've been trying to deal with getting my window replaced after this happened... and i've been using ip relay because then i can have a transcript of the conversation... and I have had 3 RO transfers... and have been on the phone for... an hour and a half... why does this have to happen...
  10. ash345

    the message is good. a music video from a song from See what I'm Saying

    See What I'm Saying music video - YouTube I'm here, you're there, you ask me something... (But I don't hear you) I turn, you've left And now there's nothing (Unless you touch my shoulder) I use my hands, I read your lips I just want to talk to you See What I'm Saying See what I'm...
  11. ash345

    3 years... what a change 3 years difference... finally got my audiograms from a while ago... and all of the ones 3 years and on... look almost identical... from the time I was little... moderate loss... understanding was never my...
  12. ash345

    getting excited!!!

    Ok... so i've been looking into starting school again... even though I have my BS... i'm looking back to get my AAS... so... I'm been... for lack of a better word... nervous... but today I went to the school, for a new student session... I asked for a terp... thinking, if it was anything like my...
  13. ash345

    Dear 16 year old me

    Inspired by a new book that is coming out, Dear Me: Letters to my 16 Year Old Self Dear 16 year old me... I know life seems hard right now, and I know that it really is. You are holding on to so much pain, you are holding onto so much anger, some of it rightful anger, some of it is anger...
  14. ash345

    do HA's ever...

    I was wondering if I am alone on this... but when I wear my HA's for too long... especially after I get them reprogramed, it seems like I feel like I'm going to pass out easily... anyone else get this feeling? I feel like I am gonna pass out, I get all dizzy, and my stomach starts to hurt... am...
  15. ash345

    external pressure

    So much pressure from everyone around me to get a CI... I don't think I even qualify for a CI because of my nerve damage... but there is so much pressure around me to get one. My mom (who is finally learning ASL) my SO, my work, my doctors, it seems like everyone around me is pressuring me to...
  16. ash345

    fun with the family!

    Oh how I love these Kids!! So... Addy thinks the sign for oops is really funny... can't do it quite right, but hey she is only 3 Me and my Kiddos. My Keegers and I making funny faces!
  17. ash345

    door flasher?

    Does anyone know of a door flasher that would work in a business that does NOT require making someone press a doorbell? similar to the ones that chime for hearing people? I would really appreciate it, I have looked all over and haven't found one that doesn't require a doorbell to be pushed. (It...
  18. ash345

    gonna be offline for a while

    So I am most likely going to be off AD until Wed starting mid day today. I am going out of state with my SO, and her family isn't super supportive of the fact that I am Deaf... neither is she all the time for that matter of fact... so I will be off AD until Wed. some of you have my g+, gchat or...
  19. ash345

    weird "hearing" experiances

    So my speech discrimination isn't great at all... but my brain did something really weird tonight... I was wearing my hearing aids... and my brain "showed" me a frog... and I wondered what would a frog be doing here? I don't think I've ever heard a frog... so how would I know what a frog sounded...
  20. ash345

    why does family suck?

    I really would like to know... why does my hearing family suck? or rather one sister in particular... she really really really sucks... I think maybe I should tell you all whats going on... so my dad, one of my dads, my birth dad, had a stroke last night... she, lets call her h, went to see him...