do HA's ever...


Audist Free Zone
Premium Member
Jun 18, 2011
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I was wondering if I am alone on this... but when I wear my HA's for too long... especially after I get them reprogramed, it seems like I feel like I'm going to pass out easily... anyone else get this feeling? I feel like I am gonna pass out, I get all dizzy, and my stomach starts to hurt... am I alone on this or are other peoples reactions the same?
I do not have much balance sense left, so little things like HA programming can bother me a lot.

You are probably feeling a bit of vertigo. The hearing and balance are interconnected. so if your balance is not used to the vibrations then It could cause you to feel off balance which could cause your stomach to feel upset. Perhaps talk with your Audi? Perhaps turn down the volume for a while or for a day see if you feel a bit better. This should go away as you become used to the new HA programming.
Ermm..if I hear a sound that's too loud with my hearing aids in I get a weird dizzy spell, so it might be something to do with that, plus when they reprogramme them they do that test where there's a really loud sound don't they? So it might be connected somehow, but sorry I have basically no idea lol