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    McCain Picks Palin!!!

    Pinky, drilling for oil in Alaska or anywhere else in America won't do anything for the price of gas. It is a well known fact that it would take over 10 years to make any affect on the current market price, if any at all. It's just an empty hollow issue people talk about when they want you to...
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    McCain Picks Palin!!! forgot that Obama was president of the Harvard Law Review, a community organizer, constitutional law professor at University of Chicago Law before he became a senator. I don't know about you, but I'd rather have a guy who knows the constitution well enough to teach its nuances to...
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    McCain Picks Palin!!!

    I bet Al Gore would make a pretty damned good Secretary of Energy. Or even secretary of state. Ah, the possibilities... How about Gen. Wesley Clark as Secretary of Defense. Back on Topic: For some unbelievable reason, this is still a fairly close race. Personally, I think by picking Palin...
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    McCain Picks Palin!!!

    Nice?...Wait a few days. If that long.
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    McCain Picks Palin!!!

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    McCain Picks Palin!!!

    Why is this a brilliant choice?
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    Honestly, what's on your mind right now?

    Right now I am watching a rendition fo "Yes We Can" Live at the DNC...and I'm thinking about when I saw Obama speak in Austin with 30,000 other people and just how powerful that moment was when then playing this song at the beginning of the rally. And all of the sudden, I'm in a place of total...
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    Honestly, what's on your mind right now?

    I'm thinking is you had your webcam up when you posted this, I could have helped you out spotting that pesky fly! I remember that. I'm also thinking good thoughts for you and your friend in the hospital. Let me know how that works out, ok?
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    "Breakaway" by Kelly Clarkson in ASL Video

    As I told you before, I love this video of you signing the song. It's a great song anyway and you give it so much heart and soul. You rock!
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    Possible Obama Assasination attempt foiled

    Fair enough! I will admit, this was the first quick, passionate post I've put up here. So my apologies if it doesn't reflect your views accurately or even make an accurate point. Thanks for the reminder to get to know people a little better before making snap character assumptions. I would...
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    Possible Obama Assasination attempt foiled

    Jiro I try really hard to respect and understand the positions of others. I know you're a Marine so here's a bit, heart-felt "Hoorah!" to you and yours for all you do. That being said, it's obvious you listen to a lot of right-wing radio and watch a lot of Fox News. Obama and the...
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    Possible Obama Assasination attempt foiled

    OK I love politics, and I love Obama. I admit that as much as I try to push it out of my mind, there are a lot of delusional, psychotic, inbred, right-winged fanatical douchebags out there who are capable of such an unspeakable act. I am fully aware of the implications of all this and it...
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    I dont know if i should change majors..

    Avwdng Speaking as a person who has had a LOT of college, I am having trouble believing that the structure of your degree plan is so stringent. In my opinion, the best thing you could do is to ding an advisor or instructor you feel really comfortable with and just be honest with them. Who...
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    pics of you - Part II

    She has FAR more class than even a young Paula Abdul. But I can see the resemblance. Paula wasn't always crazy.
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    pics of you - Part II

    Never, ever, underestimate the power of the sexy librarian look.
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    Conversations in Threads

    :topic: :laugh2:
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    Conversations in Threads

    There's absolutely nothing wrong with dissent. It's our right and (according to The Constitution) our duty to question the powers that be. The least we can do for our country is to prosecute the war criminals in the white house and make sure they and their friends rot in prison for their rest...
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    Hello Everyone

    Bahamas sound NICE! :welcome: to AD!
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    Hi, proud mom of a HoH child

    :welcome: to AD!!!
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    Keep Austin Weird

    Leslie! I voted for him for mayor...LOL I love it when he wears the devil horns. LOL :giggle: