McCain Picks Palin!!!

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Whoa... Pinky. Everyone have own an opinion. I don't know why you take it so personal... Sure, we disagreed with some posts here but we are an ignorant just because we are disagreeing? I don't think so. Please don't get piss off for what they said... Let them go.

Anyway... I'm not surprise when I will get a flame by AD'ers soon...

But... I hate to blurt it out... I really hate when AD'ers pick on Christians all the times... Am I an ignorant for not trusting or supporting Obama? I don't think so. It's my opinion and I already considered for so long a time before I became a semi netural. Some of AD'ers thought I am the McCain suppoter - Whoa, wait a minute. Not yet... It's getting annoy when they're simply point at Christians often as if they "start" it.

Believe it or not, some Christian friends of mine and other Christians (that I don't know who they are) do support Obama. You gotta know that. Not all Christians are pro-Obama...

I still can see Christiaphobic comments anywhere else in AllDeaf. I just wish they just stop make an assumption about Christains all the time. Sighs. :(
Right..being a senator takes prededence over being a mayor. The experience blasts the mayor experience to pieces...:)

Hmm.... on lacking experience....

Palin was reporter, mayor and now government of state.

Obama was lawyer and now senator.
Drilling more oil reserves is not a long term solution to our energy source problems. It may solve our problems now but in the long term, the same old issues will come up is time to look for alternative sources of energy, especially those that do not do damage to the environment.

Drilling more, create more jobs.
:roll: I don't believe it. Al Gore started made it up a :bsflag: about global warming. I will figure it out what Palin will talk about her state. I am not buy liberal's story. You called me a stupid. That's not nice! You're the blind about Iraq's issue. You know nothing about military. You don't need to discuss with everyone who is conservative about abortion. Just respect their view. You are trying to change someone's mind. I am not here to argue with you. It's enough to say. Let you figure it out by yourself.

Suggest to watch "11th Hour" DVD. Good stuff to learn about global warming.
Hmm.... on lacking experience....

Palin was reporter, mayor and now government of state.

Obama was lawyer and now senator.

This argument never gets old.

Being a Senator trumps all three of those positions that make up Palin's "experience".

Many ex-governors aspire to be Senators. Very few Governors have ever been elected as President.
I definitely do NOT want to be sorry in the long run cuz once the environment is permamently damaged, it is irreversable. I do not want to take my chances which is why i am willing to resort to bike riding or even walking in order to give up my truck. The Earth is much much more valuable to me and my future children have the right to a healthy environment. That is very important to me and if a candidate values that, my vote is in.

Agreed. That's why I did want Kerry to be president eight years ago. I'm sometimes worried about that too.

Earth is our only home. :(

I can understand some/many pro-Obama people want him to be... I guess they and we have different POVs...
War and Political forum need ban same with Religion. I want Religion forum get re open. I am not piss off at everyone. I nodded at them. I didn't say Christian are pro-Obama. I have nothing against your opinion. You do nothing wrong with me. I have problem with someone who are not respect and believe me. Then it's okay and let them go. I wish this thread should not bashing and criticize on McCain and Palin. They need to respect creator of thread. Did you read over posts? At first I said I am happy for McCain found a right VP. I saw someone who is start mess up about Palin's lack of experience. I was alike huh? It's wrong. :nono: I don't want to debate with them. I am finished now. I need to go for weekend. You have a great labor day weekend.

Whoa... Pinky. Everyone have own an opinion. I don't know why you take it so personal... Sure, we disagreed with some posts here but we are an ignorant just because we are disagreeing? I don't think so. Please don't get piss off for what they said... Let them go.

Anyway... I'm not surprise when I will get a flame by AD'ers soon...

But... I hate to blurt it out... I really hate when AD'ers pick on Christians all the times... Am I an ignorant for not trusting or supporting Obama? I don't think so. It's my opinion and I already considered for so long a time before I became a semi netural. Some of AD'ers thought I am the McCain suppoter - Whoa, wait a minute. Not yet... It's getting annoy when they're simply point at Christians often as if they "start" it.

Believe it or not, some Christian friends of mine and other Christians (that I don't know who they are) do support Obama. You gotta know that. Not all Christians are pro-Obama...

I still can see Christiaphobic comments anywhere else in AllDeaf. I just wish they just stop make an assumption about Christains all the time. Sighs. :(
Drilling more, create more jobs.

Drill the oil in Alaska. The gas price will go down and cheap. Our America need to be OWN of OIL not belong to Canada and Saudi Arab's big oil. You see Canada have a great environment like Alaska. But why Canada drilled a oil? It' not make sense to me. They are worrying about ANWR Alaska Drill will hurt the wildfire and environment. :roll: They are too much worrying and have a panic attack. Blah Blah Let it go!
Hmm.... on lacking experience....

Palin was reporter, mayor and now government of state.

Obama was lawyer and now senator. forgot that Obama was president of the Harvard Law Review, a community organizer, constitutional law professor at University of Chicago Law before he became a senator.

I don't know about you, but I'd rather have a guy who knows the constitution well enough to teach its nuances to College Graduates than a guy who's greatest achievement was marrying a really hot rich chick that he left his invalid wife for, followed closely by getting shot out of a plane.

Palin is a nobody. She doesn't even warrant talking about. But if you want to know just how batshit crazy she is...just wait a day or two. Shouldn't take too long.
Drill the oil in Alaska. The gas price will go down and cheap. Our America need to be OWN of OIL not belong to Canada and Saudi Arab's big oil. You see Canada have a great environment like Alaska. But why Canada drilled a oil? It' not make sense to me. They are worrying about ANWR Alaska Drill will hurt the wildfire and environment. :roll: They are too much worrying and have a panic attack. Blah Blah Let it go!

Pinky, drilling for oil in Alaska or anywhere else in America won't do anything for the price of gas. It is a well known fact that it would take over 10 years to make any affect on the current market price, if any at all. It's just an empty hollow issue people talk about when they want you to focus on things other than the mistakes they are making.

I think that some of the reason people here are getting frustrated is that you seem to be misinformed about a lot of things. I would encourage you and anyone to research both sides of an issue before defending it so strongly. It is best for everyone that way.

As for energy, our options are running out. We need to cut our dependence on foreign oil but destroying our natural landscape is not the answer.
i read says palin will stole show from Obamas!

US surprise and praise for Palin
BBC NEWS | Americas | US surprise and praise for Palin

McCain picks woman running mate to woo Hillary supporters
McCain picks woman running mate to woo Hillary supporters | Mail Online

John McCain picks Alaska governor Sarah Palin as Republican running mate
John McCain picks Alaska governor Sarah Palin as Republican running mate - Telegraph

McCain Names His Running Mate
John McCain Names Sarah Palin As Running Mate | World News | Sky News

McCain move is cunning gamble
McCain move is cunning gamble | The Sun |News|Columnists|Fergus Shanahan
Drill the oil in Alaska. The gas price will go down and cheap. Our America need to be OWN of OIL not belong to Canada and Saudi Arab's big oil. You see Canada have a great environment like Alaska. But why Canada drilled a oil? It' not make sense to me. They are worrying about ANWR Alaska Drill will hurt the wildfire and environment. :roll: They are too much worrying and have a panic attack. Blah Blah Let it go!

Yes and no, we could try it, it could be work or not.

Other optional, auto companies need put more mpg, such as increase of technology and change the frame but same size, especially on SUV and truck, sale of SUV is fairly poor right now and need change the technology to increase mpg, it would target to Americans who wish want own SUV due preference and comfortable with great mpg.

We should focus on renewable energy as well.
:roll: I don't believe it. Al Gore started made it up a :bsflag: about global warming. I will figure it out what Palin will talk about her state. I am not buy liberal's story. You called me a stupid. That's not nice! You're the blind about Iraq's issue. You know nothing about military. You don't need to discuss with everyone who is conservative about abortion. Just respect their view. You are trying to change someone's mind. I am not here to argue with you. It's enough to say. Let you figure it out by yourself.

Global warming has nothing with liberal media, have you notice about rise of sea level? reduce of water in Lake Chad? change in climate? That's part of global warming.

There's some republicans who believe in global warming.
This is not about Global warming..this is about the destruction to our environment like pollution, for one example and the draining of our Earth's resources. I studied Geology at Arizona State University under a highly respected and well-known geologist and what he shown us in that one class was enough to shock me for life.

i wouldn't doubt that. Arizona has a fine geo program. you're getting your geo-education worth every buck there! Geo-program is pretty damn good in mid-western area especially Colorado. funny thing is - it's structured differently depending on what state it's in. I've had a same opportunity to be exposed to whole hidden world and it was shocking too. He had this part of lecture called... "RAPE OF THE EARTH" or something. very sad.. sad enough to make me hate humans - intensified deforestation and aggressive & very poorly regulated, intensive farming. He does not believe global warming is a man-made problem. he does acknowledge that humans contributed to it but it's like relatively insignificant.
The USA military need to protect people coming first than environment. If you don't want to be in war time and the terrorist will attack on America and everywhere in countries again. They want to kill all people in the world. If Obama is become a president. The Al Qaeda will attack on America again. The people are coming first than environment. After war end and the people will become peace to everyone from enemies. Then we will work on environment for solve. Just trust in God is in control.

Pentagon released a report on global warming. and of course and not surprisingly... Bush Administration squashed that report and hid it under the carpet. the report said that Global Warming is a serious national security threat. What does this mean for USA? No don't picture it as whole coastal zone will be permanently flooded just because of one giant iceberg broke off and melted. Obviously - this is a gradual process. The biggest threat to us is AVAILABILITY OF DRINKABLE WATER and food. There is only have about 2% (?) of drinkable water in the world.

PENTAGON'S REPORT - An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications for United States National Security (22 pages PDF file)
There is substantial evidence to indicate that significant global warming will occur during the 21st century. Because changes have been gradual so far, and are projected to be similarly gradual in the future, the effects of global warming have the potential to be manageable for most nations. Recent research, however, suggests that there is a possibility that this gradual global warming could lead to a relatively abrupt slowing of the ocean’s thermohaline conveyor, which could lead to harsher winter weather conditions, sharply reduced soil moisture, and more intense winds in certain regions that currently provide a significant fraction of the world’s food production. With inadequate preparation, the result could be a significant drop in the human carrying capacity of the Earth’s environment.

Conclusion: Threat to the world is greater than terrorism - rioting and nuclear war. The Climate War over 20 years.
Right..being a senator takes prededence over being a mayor. The experience blasts the mayor experience to pieces...:)

However..... Mayor and Governor jobs have bigger exposure to public view and have more visible effects. Senators are nearly non-existent to general public - at least to our eyes. Being a mayor of some 80,000+ town isn't impressive but if she was mayor of a large metro-area like LA, NYC... and did a damn good job with it.. I'd give her a serious thought. I keep hearing in CNN that she has some executive experiences so I'll need to delve further in it. meanwhile I'm still blinded by her :cool2: :naughty:
It is called a convention bounce. It is common for the party get a boost following their convention.

Meanwhile, the real votes, not opinion polls, count on November 4th.

Absolutely!!! So everyone get out there and cast your ballot!!!
Pro life means you are against taking the life of the defenseless, and that there are exceptions in everything. You will note that I have never said "there is never cause for abortion". But even if the mothers life will be saved, it is still a murder. The police call it justifiable homicide. But is a homicide none the less. Lets not sanitize the language for comforts sake. If I had aborted my baby as others said I had the right to do, it would have still killed the baby. There is a difference also in a warrior placing their life at risk to protect innocent people in our country.

The point is, you had the right to choose not to abort. If you want that right for yourself, you cannot deny the same right to others based on your own particular moral beliefs. Take away my right to choose and you loose your right to choose. To tell another woman that she MUST liver her life according to your religious views and your moral stance is nothing more than self righteous and presumptuos. Especially when in doing so, you place the very programs that could assist a poor young mother in raising that child in jepardy. Until the pro-lifers extend their concern to children after they are born, as well as during the fetal stage, their arguments are nothing more than moralistic and self righteous rantings and attempts to force others to submit to their tyranny.
Are you stupid?

Destroy the wilderness just for an oil reserve that is UNPROVEN? Ruin gorgeous views? Destroy the habitats of animals?

How about cutting back on our dependence of oil?

The human race is so poorly focused on the bigger picture, which goes beyond satisfying our own selfish wants.

Exactly. The solution does not lie in additional destruction. It lies in reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.
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