13 year old boy becomes...

Paternity test for boy, 13, who says he's a dad

Paternity test for boy, 13, who says he's a dad
Two other British teens have also come forward, saying they're the father

LONDON - A DNA test will be performed to determine if a 13-year-old boy fathered a baby with his 15-year-old girlfriend, his spokesman said Monday.

The test comes after a Sunday tabloid newspaper reported that two other teenage boys have come forward claiming to be the father of the newborn baby girl.

Spokesman Max Clifford said the parents of Alfie Patten, 13, said the tests would be done "as soon as possible" to determine paternity.

"He obviously believes he's the father," Clifford said. "I think that having read the News of the World yesterday, it would be prudent to have a DNA test."

The teenager's 15-year-old girlfriend, Chantelle, gave birth to the baby girl earlier this month in Eastbourne, 70 miles southeast of London. The couple made headlines in Britain when Alfie, who looks much younger than 13, posed on the front page of the tabloid Sun newspaper with the baby.

The local council where the teenagers live said it would offer them support and that they will continue to be monitored by social workers to determine what help they might need.

Patten allegedly was 12 when he fathered the child, and his girlfriend was 14.

DNA test for boy, 13, who says he's a dad - Europe- msnbc.com

Ah, I see.

I did not exactly read everything that was said on snopes.com but I have to wonder -- at 5 years old, the puberty is not even developed at that age and I'm quite curious how all that happened, you know?

Yes, me too...

At first I was skeptical over 5 years old like what you said here... that´s why I check with snope.com on this before post here.
Paternity test for boy, 13, who says he's a dad
Two other British teens have also come forward, saying they're the father

LONDON - A DNA test will be performed to determine if a 13-year-old boy fathered a baby with his 15-year-old girlfriend, his spokesman said Monday.

The test comes after a Sunday tabloid newspaper reported that two other teenage boys have come forward claiming to be the father of the newborn baby girl.

Spokesman Max Clifford said the parents of Alfie Patten, 13, said the tests would be done "as soon as possible" to determine paternity.

"He obviously believes he's the father," Clifford said. "I think that having read the News of the World yesterday, it would be prudent to have a DNA test."

The teenager's 15-year-old girlfriend, Chantelle, gave birth to the baby girl earlier this month in Eastbourne, 70 miles southeast of London. The couple made headlines in Britain when Alfie, who looks much younger than 13, posed on the front page of the tabloid Sun newspaper with the baby.

The local council where the teenagers live said it would offer them support and that they will continue to be monitored by social workers to determine what help they might need.

Patten allegedly was 12 when he fathered the child, and his girlfriend was 14.

DNA test for boy, 13, who says he's a dad - Europe- msnbc.com

Oh boy...more drama.
Interesting...seems like the 13 yr old kid was "set up." I guess he doesnt seem very likely to be the father eh?
Have the paternity results come back yet?

If it turns out he is a scapegoat for a scam and his own family is involved, wouldn't that be grounds for his removal from his own home into state care?
DNA test confirms 13-year-old Alfie NOT the dad

The British boy alleged to have become a dad at age 12 is not the baby's father, a British newspaper reports.


Alfie is not baby Maisie's father, the 'Mirror' reports.

Alfie Patten was believed to be Britain's youngest father after his 15-year-old girlfriend, Chantelle Steadman, gave birth to baby girl Maisie. But then many other boys claimed they also slept with the mother, who had previously said that Alfie was the only boy she had slept with. As a result, Alfie took a DNA test, which indicated that he's not the father.

The Mirror reports:

The result will be a blow to Alfie who was "devastated" by the boys' claims and "adored" Maisie.

He was convinced he was the dad after a single night of unprotected sex with Chantelle.

Before he took the test, he said: "I didn't know about DNA tests before but mum explained it's when they do a swab in your mouth and it tells if you're the dad. So if I have it, they can all shut up."

His mum Nicole, 43, added at the time: "It had not even crossed Alfie's mind whether Chantelle had not been faithful to him. He's absolutely devastated that these lads say they slept with her."

What do you think should be the next step in this story that just keeps getting sadder and sadder? Should they give DNA tests to all the boys or just sign Alfie up for the position because he has made it clear that he wants to be the dad? We can only hope that baby Maisie gets the love and care she deserves.

DNA test confirms 13-year-old Alfie NOT the dad

:hmm: Wonder who is the father?
Ah ha! I knew it! I fucking knew it!

Cant believe that bitch (no offense) set him up and almost ruined his life over a lie that he is the father. I hope that slut (no offense again) gets somethin even worse for herself after so much trouble she caused for everyone.

Ugh cant stand girls like her who thinks they can get away from everything.

At least the boy can still spend his life like any other teenagers do...play with friends, play videogames, go to school and do homework, and everything like that.
Well, let's hope he learned a valuable lesson here: Sex is for marriage only and neither one of them are old enough or mature enough for either.
Yea I wonder who is the father and WHERE in the world is the 15 yr old mother with the baby now? last time I heard about them, they ran away. :roll:
:shock: I'm surprised that this 15 years old girl had been sleeping around with numeric of boys at this time of the age.

That boy is 13? He looks like he's 8. :shock:
I'm feeling for the boy... then on the other hand he has the chance to be a 13 year old boy just like all the kids too... come on, at this age, you're only a kid!!!!

Mod's Note:

Thread's merged.
This is just stupid. The principal must've been in a bad mood or something.

EDIT: This post was meant for another thread. Opps.