13 year old boy becomes...

At least Alfie can go back to living as a normal teenage boy again.

Yes, I personally am glad that he is not Dad but for Alfie? He feel being betray by his "girlfriend" because she lead him belelive that he is father of her baby.. He defend his "girlfriend" and her reputation against boys which he thought for long months and excited as "Dad"... :(

You know school bully... I hope he would not suffer at school...

I have no symapthy for girl but her baby...

I knew something was fishy when I saw a picture of Alfie - if you have no hair and no muscles, you aren't producing enough fertile sperm. He just looks way underdeveloped to be fertile.
I knew something was fishy when I saw a picture of Alfie - if you have no hair and no muscles, you aren't producing enough fertile sperm. He just looks way underdeveloped to be fertile.

:lol: Sorry, I couldnt resist laughing.
:lol: Sorry, I couldnt resist laughing.

In a way he is pretty much possibly correct...of course there are still alot of fathers who are under the age of 13 or so... 26% of teenagers are fathers below the age of 18.
I knew something was fishy when I saw a picture of Alfie - if you have no hair and no muscles, you aren't producing enough fertile sperm. He just looks way underdeveloped to be fertile.

That exact picture of baby face Aflie is similar as my soon to be 13 years old son. Yes, my baby face son started his puberty last year (public hair and armpit).

I asked him after read your post about sperm. His replied is yes. My baby face son could be father like Aflie but good thing is he has no interest to invovle with girls... :aw:
You know, for all you proponents of sex education at whatever grade and age, take a look at what's happening. A lot of you are my age, give or take . . . When we were all younger, if we had sex, slept around, humped the fire hydrant, people frowned on it and told us to control ourselves, right? Okay, here we have a 12-year old boy screwing a girl who has obviously slept around with more than one boy. That's no secret, right? But, we can keep teaching sex education all the way down to nursery school and we will still have the problems that this 12-year old boy faces (do I need to mention them?).

Now, let me ask this to all you parents: Where are you people? Where are all of you? You and your spouse are the only two people that should be teaching YOUR children sex education, not the schools, not the Church/Synagogue/Mosque, not the television, not Hollywood. When your children are old enough to read is when they should be taught (BY YOU, THE PARENTS) about sex. It's not the school's job or anyone else's job. And this is the problem: Parents aren't doing their job as educators to their children.

Okay, let's talk about role models and who your children and most likely, you, look up to. Should we discuss who the people are that are NOT role models? Let's start with every person that doesn't live inside your home. They are NOT role models -- YOU are. You should be setting the example for your children to follow. What's on television tonight because pek1 is hammering on sex ed? That's the problem, too! Turn it off and talk to your kids. Take them to the park, go camping, go to church, go golfing or a sporting event, spend time with your kids because I can guarantee you, the people who are setting a bad example for your kids are spending more time with them than you are. Am I making sense or am I telling this to the choir?

Madonna is not a role model, never claimed to be one, never was one. No one in Hollywood is claiming to be your child's role model when that's YOUR job. They influence your kids, yes, because YOU LET THEM. The television program, "American Idol" is not a role model, never claimed to be.

Now, all this is coming from an originally single guy with no kids and I KNOW I have no kids. When I get married, do you think I want my kids to look up to you or your kids, much less anyone on television or sports as role models when you can't control yourselves? Seriously, ask yourselves that question. Look around you and ask: Do I want that person influencing my kids in any way? If not, then you as a parent has to do something about that. If you don't, someone else will and I know you won't like who that person is. Let's never mind your past, okay, because no one can change that, but we can change the future.

By the way, many of you know how old I am. What you don't know is that I haven't slept around and won't until I'm married. If I get married in a four years, when I'm **, great! If it doesn't happen until I'm **, so what, who cares? She will when she finds out that I wanted her to be the first. With that said, do you think I want to be your kids' role model then? No, you're the parents of your kids, you should be the two people that model that for them.

Enough said? Good preaching, pek1! :applause: I doubt anyone will listen, though and refuse to take responsibility and blame society.
Wow, that boy surely admit his hardest lesson to confront. I agree, this is the good example reason why the sex education and safe sex are important.

That boy look cute, heh.
There will always be parents who will either never talk to their kids about this or will only give them their conservative propaganda of "Don't have sex unless you're married otherwise you go to hell sinner" read mine. While parents should be teaching their kids about it I'd rather have schools assume the responsibility than churn out generation after generation of people who don't know how to avoid pregnancy and STDs.
There will always be parents who will either never talk to their kids about this or will only give them their conservative propaganda of "Don't have sex unless you're married otherwise you go to hell sinner" read mine. While parents should be teaching their kids about it I'd rather have schools assume the responsibility than churn out generation after generation of people who don't know how to avoid pregnancy and STDs.

I'm glad you brought that up, Mockingbird, because that is precisely the kind of talk that parents should NOT be giving their kids, nor was I advocating for it (i.e. you're going to hell if you screw). Education that the mainstream wants to send is "Hey, it feels good, keep doing it and who cares what happens." That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that parents need to talk to their kids by using the proper organ names without blushing and speak frankly and honestly. No child at any age would not understand even the basics. Your son or daughter asks a direct question, they should have it answered honestly, without flinching and honestly. We all are born sexual beings and are meant to have sex. Parents need to know that before sonny boy or daughter girl comes home and says, "Uh, mom and dad, um, you're not going to believe this . . . " See what I mean?

By the way, mom and dad, when the son or daughter comes home from school with the sex education material, you need to turn off your ipod and the internet and read through it from cover to cover so YOU know what your precious sonny boy or darling daughter is being taught. If they get an std or unwanted pregnancy, you are to blame as well as them.
We don't believe in the "if you have sex before you get married, you're gonna go to hell" crap. I have sex and I am not married, and I know I won't go to hell. That's our belief. I don't care if you think we are wrong. We only believe that no one should be having sex before the age of 18, and especially before they move out of their parents' house.

We are not going to tell my future children that they are going to hell if they have sex before marriage. That will not work. It will not scare them into not having sex. It most certainly did NOT work on my mother, and she had me when she was just 16 years old.

What we will instead, is educate our future children about everything that has to do with sex, have frank and honest discussions with them about sex, allow them to ask any question with no penalties such as for asking a question that someone think they shouldn't be asking, and allow them to feel safe to come to me if they are thinking about having sex or has a question about sex and anything that has to do with sex, or if they need condoms or birth control (teenagers can be VERY stubborn and sneaky, and it is just better safe than sorry - provide condoms and BC even if you tell them they should not be having sex before they are adults), and even if they end up pregnant. We will not threaten them with the "if you get pregnant we will kick you out of the house forever" but instead we will tell them that they should not be having sex before the age of 18, or later if they are still living under our roof, and we will not kick them out of the house, but we will tell them that we WILL give them tough love - by making them be responsible for their own actions - such as not we will not be doing the majority of babysitting for them after they graduate from high school - they will be caring for the baby they made when they aren't in class and aren't at work, they will be required to get part-time jobs if they are still in high school because they are going to be financially responsible for the baby (we will care for the baby while they are in class if the school does not have a childcare center and at their part-time jobs but once they graduate and have full-time jobs they will have to find their own child-care center to do this), they will be required to complete their high school education, and during the summers they will be required to work full time, and then in the spring time (around March or April or maybe early May if that is more appropriate) of the senior year of high school they will be required to start searching for a permanent full time job that also provides good benefits such as good health insurance for both parents and the baby and good pay so that they can ensure that they have a full time job to start working at on the day after they graduate. If they want to go to college, fine, but they will have to do it with scholarships and other means to pay for college because we are not paying for it and they will still be fully responsible for their children (parent-wise and financial-wise), and they will have to find their own childcare to care for their children while they are in class. We will not coddle them. I and my fiance will be ones doing all the sex education, not the schools or other people, as it is OUR jobs to do so. Unfortunately, there are parents who either don't care, or they are so fucking religious that they are so afraid to discuss sex with their own kids (because they think that talking to their kids about sex will ensure an eternity in hell for all involved), and that's where the sex education in schools comes in. No, it isn't the best solution, but it most certainly is better than simply allowing the kids to fall through the cracks because they know absolutely nothing about the risks of having sex in the first place because their parents won't talk to their kids about sex.
We don't believe in the "if you have sex before you get married, you're gonna go to hell" crap . . .

Who said anything about that, Lucia? I sure didn't. I don't care if young people have sex, it's their lives and their bodies and if they want to, well, who am I to stop them? Go for it, but don't come up to me and blame me for giving you permission. As the Travis Tritt song says, "Here's a quarter, call someone who cares."

As for the "religious people," as you say. Churches have taught sex is dirty, the human body is dirty, politics is dirty. Perhaps if pastors taught their people that holy sex is wonderful and unholy sex isn't (where the std's come in from, as do the reasons for abortions); if parents that don't attend church would teach their kids properly there wouldn't be any problems, either. As for the politics, well, :topic: and I won't go there = beating a dead horse.

For the sex, parents aren't ashamed to have it, why should they be ashamed to explain it to their kids using proper names? They don't need to turn it into an object lesson, just talk about it when the kids want to talk about it, answering their questions truthfully, frankly and without becoming jell-o. There's way more to puberty than sex and the growth of body hair, I sure hope parents understand that. While they're at it, there's more to sex than just the feeling of "hey, you turn me on!" Sheesh!!
Who said anything about that, Lucia? I sure didn't. I don't care if young people have sex, it's their lives and their bodies and if they want to, well, who am I to stop them? Go for it, but don't come up to me and blame me for giving you permission. As the Travis Tritt song says, "Here's a quarter, call someone who cares."

As for the "religious people," as you say. Churches have taught sex is dirty, the human body is dirty, politics is dirty. Perhaps if pastors taught their people that holy sex is wonderful and unholy sex isn't (where the std's come in from, as do the reasons for abortions); if parents that don't attend church would teach their kids properly there wouldn't be any problems, either. As for the politics, well, :topic: and I won't go there = beating a dead horse.

For the sex, parents aren't ashamed to have it, why should they be ashamed to explain it to their kids using proper names? They don't need to turn it into an object lesson, just talk about it when the kids want to talk about it, answering their questions truthfully, frankly and without becoming jell-o. There's way more to puberty than sex and the growth of body hair, I sure hope parents understand that. While they're at it, there's more to sex than just the feeling of "hey, you turn me on!" Sheesh!!

Try telling that to every woman who is married who has had an abortion, or to every person who is married that has contracted an STD from their partner. You seem to be of the belief that marraige is some sort of protection against unwanted pregnancy, non-viable conception, and STDs. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Try telling that to every woman who is married who has had an abortion, or to every person who is married that has contracted an STD from their partner. You seem to be of the belief that marraige is some sort of protection against unwanted pregnancy, non-viable conception, and STDs. Nothing could be further from the truth.

My ex hubby cheated on me and I learned from the other woman that they had unprotected sex. I could have easily gotten STDs from him for that.

Pek1...life doesnt go the way everyone wants or try to make it...we have no control over others especially our spouses.
. . . Pek1...life doesnt go the way everyone wants or try to make it...we have no control over others especially our spouses.

I'm aware of that. Let me rephrase what I said: If people would be faithful to their partners and not have sex until after they're married, none of us would have any idea what an std is because it wouldn't exist.
I'm aware of that. Let me rephrase what I said: If people would be faithful to their partners and not have sex until after they're married, none of us would have any idea what an std is because it wouldn't exist.

Yeah, and if a frog had wings it wouldn't bump its butt every time it tried to fly.:giggle: A frog doesn't have wings, and people have always had, and will continue to have sex outside wedlock. And that ole frog will just keep bumping his butt.
Yeah, and if a frog had wings it wouldn't bump its butt every time it tried to fly.:giggle: A frog doesn't have wings, and people have always had, and will continue to have sex outside wedlock. And that ole frog will just keep bumping his butt.

:hmm: Okay, we all know what drugs do to the brain, right? You're an educator, as is shel. What happens if one gets too much of a good thing? After awhile a child is going to say, "Well, no one told me anything about how I got an std!" Never mind the fact that he/she is inundated with these messages countless times in classes, specifically sex education classes, at school. How much is too much? Perhaps what's needed is a change in communicating the message, much like how medical doctors are changing the way they interact with patients and how medical schools are beginning to do it.
:hmm: Okay, we all know what drugs do to the brain, right? You're an educator, as is shel. What happens if one gets too much of a good thing? After awhile a child is going to say, "Well, no one told me anything about how I got an std!" Never mind the fact that he/she is inundated with these messages countless times in classes, specifically sex education classes, at school. How much is too much? Perhaps what's needed is a change in communicating the message, much like how medical doctors are changing the way they interact with patients and how medical schools are beginning to do it.

Inundated with what messages?

How much is too much of anything? Are you talking about too much sex or too much education?

And, yeah, they need to change the way they are communicating the message. They need to start teaching fact and science, and leave the abstinence and morality to the parents.
I watched on TV about teenagers and internet porn last night.

The reporters interviewed with some teenagers in different big cities about unprotection sex, porn, why sex, etc.

ALL teenagers, they interviewed with saying that they use protection sex and like to focus out of curiousity. Some of teenagers addict on sex... :shock:

Some parents said ininterview that they block porn sites in parental control... Guess what? Their teenagers went to sex shop to lurk the magazines and went to other city where the public sex shop are around. It look like that block adult porn sites under parental control doesn´t solve anything?

They also asked the teenagers that they can sex with girls or boys without feeling... All answer: NO they can´t image to have sex without feeling and said that they don´t have any experience to have sex without feeling...

It look like that the teenagers focus on sexuality out of curiousity?