13 year old boy becomes...

Inundated with what messages?

How much is too much of anything? Are you talking about too much sex or too much education?

And, yeah, they need to change the way they are communicating the message. They need to start teaching fact and science, and leave the abstinence and morality to the parents.

I agree with you about morality and leaving that to the parents, but not on abstinence. Why someone would abstain from having sex is completely up to them (religion, beliefs, preferences, etc...) but abstinence IS a viable option that should still be taught. If you don't have sex, you can't become pregnant. That's just a fact.
I agree with you about morality and leaving that to the parents, but not on abstinence. Why someone would abstain from having sex is completely up to them (religion, beliefs, preferences, etc...) but abstinence IS a viable option that should still be taught. If you don't have sex, you can't become pregnant. That's just a fact.

I agree that it should be included as an option. Not just an option based on a moral or religious platform, but one that is sound from a scientific and medical perspective, and not as the ONLY option. Too much of our sex ed doesn't just include abstinence as an option, but gives it as the ONLY option, failing to teach children how to protect themselves if they choose not to remain abstinent.
god this is like ground hog day for people who dont keep up with previous threads, this is at least the third time i remember this to come up, the last time i told you my cousin was 12 when he got his girlfriend pregnant, nothing new, is this a quiet spell in the news? lol
PS this was 20 years ago my cousin did this and he was a grandad at 29, now gossip about that if you lot are so bored and nothing left to live for:lol:
The 13 year old in the topic has been proven not to be the baby's father through DNA testing. Had it been available to your cousin, one must wonder if the results would have been the same.
I'm certainly no getting involved in this discussion, it's every ugly persons excuse, :roll:honestly:lol:
Very few 12 and 13 year old boys will be producing enough sperm to reproduce. Most start at around 14 or 15. Besides at 12 and 13 most boys are more interested in sports and video games than shagging the 15 year old girl next door.
I think it was posted somewhere towards the top of this page or the last page in the thread. It was mentioned in here. It turned out to be some 15 year old boy, not 12 year old Alfie.
There have been cases where the parent and child were so close in age at such a young age that the parents decided to play them off as siblings to the younger sibling. The grandchild grows up and finds out later in life that his 'sister' was actually his mother. That would be a hard adjustment to bear, but it's happened before.
I think it was posted somewhere towards the top of this page or the last page in the thread. It was mentioned in here. It turned out to be some 15 year old boy, not 12 year old Alfie.

The 15 yr old guy is most likely more possible, but havent hear such proof about him being the TRUE biological father to the baby.

Also, I still wonder why that girl lied at first about the 13 yr old boy who is the father which obviously he wasnt. I cant stand girls like her who are such sluts and thinking they can get away with everything ugh.
The 15 yr old guy is most likely more possible, but havent hear such proof about him being the TRUE biological father to the baby.

Also, I still wonder why that girl lied at first about the 13 yr old boy who is the father which obviously he wasnt. I cant stand girls like her who are such sluts and thinking they can get away with everything ugh.

A paternity test had confirmed it was the 15 year old boy and not Alfie.
Well for one the girl probably got the shit embarassed out of her for having to admit she was a teenage slut. Secondly, I am sure Alfie got an apology if he didn't he should have at least received a written apology from the girl's family.

As for the 15 year old, he's probably having to take parenting classes, and get a job so he can start making the necessary child support payments, and once he turns 18 or the age of consent in GB then he will have the option to marry the girl and they can live together as a family and he will no longer have to pay child support, or he can choose not to marry her, keep paying child support, or completely sign away his parental rights and have no contact with the child or the mother and thus stopping child support payments.
And the kid fully admits that he had no idea what could happen.
I realize this is an old post, but it caught my eye; also, I am bored and digging around more than usual. What I want to say is....does anyone really believe this kid had no idea what would happen? "She kissed me and rubbed me, until me privates got real big. Then, she grabbed my privates and stuck it into her privates and started making this movement until liquid stuff come out, and it was not pee. It was white."