Recent content by arao6

  1. A

    Why do homeowners not want to take care of the ice?

    Because the snow keeps falling. You clear up the snow and ice, and 2 minutes later, it's all back. It's a pain.
  2. A

    California is running out of water.....

    Here in Chicago, we are getting boatloads of precipitation-- rain and snow flurries. Come, take our water, please.
  3. A

    Time to buy book for college...

    Just spent $870 on textbooks, so I feel the pain too. Great tips everyone.
  4. A

    How is your weather today??

    Getting warmer. 34 deg F today.
  5. A

    Black ice in Chicago nearly did me in

    No damage was done, thankfully. My biggest worry is the car sliding down and running someone over. My neighbor has little 5 year olds who run around on the sidewalk and play in the snow in front of my driveway. Luckily, this was midnight when it happened.
  6. A

    Black ice in Chicago nearly did me in

    I live in Chicago as well, and black ice sent my parked car flying down my driveway in the middle of the night and set off the car alarm.
  7. A

    It's funny

    An increase in hormone levels can lead to hypersensitivity as well; remember those teenage hormones? :D
  8. A

    Merry Christmas everyone!!!...

    Yeah :) Have a happy new years everyone!
  9. A

    It's funny

    I've been fascinated with the neurocognitive process of thought formation for a long, long time. I do not find anything funny about how people think; much of human behavior can be explained biochemically or psychologically (IMO). *shrugs* (I probably went off-topic here)
  10. A

    Windows XP to stop being produced April 2014

    I know Windows Updates for Windows XP stopped a while back.
  11. A

    What makes you unique?

    You all are so awesome! :) Each of you embody a very unique personality. I've come across all sorts of people here, and I find every single one of you special.
  12. A

    What do you do when hearing people ask you rude questions?

    I've seen some unbelievably rude people-- I saw a girl who obnoxiously mouthed "Caaan youuu taalk?" as if the person she was communicating with was mentally incapacitated. Argh
  13. A

    Thinking to yourself?

    This is a question that has been bugging me for a while. When I think, my thoughts come in discrete sets of logic which are guided by speech / sound. However, how does a person who has never perceived sound think? Do they see themselves signing instead of hearing themselves speak? Thanks
  14. A

    How many of you can make people laugh?

    I'm at that age... you know, girls and stuff xD I'm always so serious that people forget that there's another side to me :D
  15. A

    How many of you can make people laugh?

    Thank you for posting this. Upon reflection, I realized that I am rather serious and uncomical. I picked up a book on personality development, so I will give that a shot :)