Military Relationships


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Jun 2, 2003
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Do the relationship always work when either one is in the military?

Well, my brother in law James is going to Iraq in June so I told James that he needs to talk to Amanda about everything before he goes like relationship, the future..etc. and to make sure not just 100% sure, just 200% sure. Also Amanda is going to college in Ft. Wayne..3 hours from where we live.

If you have a relative that's in the army, marines, navy, air forc, etc and have a relationship with a girl or a guy .. does it ususally work or not?
as i see it usally works.. important there's trust..
i notice once the armed forces return home they both cry and have a very strong bond in the end when they're finally able to see eachother again..

the only thing is Trust and faith :D
Well my last ex is an officer in the Air Force. The relationship worked well for awhile. I think it's a matter of trust, and compromise. Compromise is key.

My relationship didn't last with my ex because I couldn't handle the idea of moving around so many times and the stress of job searches (that was while I was engaged, not married -- it's easier for spouses since the military would help the spouses and families out, but couldn't help me out). Also trust was a major factor -- he changed a lot since joining the military, and it bothered me: his ego kinda got bigger, and tons of women were talking to him (I didn't mind the fact that women were checking him out, but it bothered me that he exchanged phone numbers, etc). Eventually he did cheat on me, which he somewhat regreted, and I had to end it on that reason as well.

Deployment is hard, I imagine, but I think if the couple has tons of patience, it's possible. There are usually seminars held for the families/couples after the military comes back to help rebuild the relationship. Military families do work.
WildKaTReSS said:
Do the relationship always work when either one is in the military?

Well, my brother in law James is going to Iraq in June so I told James that he needs to talk to Amanda about everything before he goes like relationship, the future..etc. and to make sure not just 100% sure, just 200% sure. Also Amanda is going to college in Ft. Wayne..3 hours from where we live.

If you have a relative that's in the army, marines, navy, air forc, etc and have a relationship with a girl or a guy .. does it ususally work or not?
My brother is a Military and he is at the IRAQ now he is doing good. And he have a relationship with his girlfriend I would not ask him about what he would do with his girlfriend Beause I wants him to deal with it . He will tell me what is going on when he feel ready to talk about it
I'm not crazy for dating military types. If I was in the military, then I'd prefer to date someone else who's also in the military. The reason for this is that it's easy to understand each other and time management is easier as well when both of us are in the same place.
Vampy -- i dont think BOTH spouses would be deployed at the same location at the same time very often -- ive heard of stories where spouses would be deployed at opposite sides of the world!
I'm dating a guy in the military.. he's currently deployed in middle east. I trust him more than anything. we did discuss lonliness with the separation and we have the agreement that if we meet someone and things happen, we will tell each other.. so far neither of us have done that.

I think military relationships are a good benefit to couples. Because while the soilder is gone, you learn to build trust in each other with the distance. And it makes the heart grow fonder when the soilder returns.

I miss my soilder, and can't wait til he comes home in July 2007.

Miltary life isn't easy, but I just go with the flow and see what happens.
Military relationships can work if it is done the right way and for the right reasons.
I once fell in love with a guy who was in the Air Force and then a year later I found out
that he was married :(
I never dated anyone from military but read stories about them coming back and other things. Relationships can work but its important that couple communicate and trust each other. Deployments is a fact of life and probably the hardest part of the military besides relocating every 2-3 years. Many in the military marry young and have families. Another thing to keep in mind if your loved one is in Iraq, they may not come back the same due to being in the war--post truama syndrome, severe injuries, etc. That will be another tough factor to deal with.
Hubby and I were both active duty Navy when we met and married.

We've been married over 30 years, so it's worked for us.

We're both retired from the military now.

Military relationships are not for everyone. The life can be very hard. Don't go into the relationship "blind".
i never been have relationship with military cute boys and someone who got married and right as wife,have children,etc dues of Deployments.

but mostly hearing people who still dating and getting married but still know each since got met as high school sweethearts,college sweethearts and meet bars,mutual friends,etc.But mostly military wives who staying at home as full-time mother or have jobs they remind about military husband.

but i know its hard for wives who missed husband for 6 months and come visit families for 2 weeks or more weeks.

you know when you saw yellow ribbons on the tree,magentic ribbons on the car,trucks,gmc,lincoln,etc of your brand cars saying "support the troops" who lived in your hometown but i know i watch news and newspaper about military in my hometown but we have Air Forces in Jacksonville,Ar but i went there first time.
2 of my 3 sisters were in the military. One of them was Navy and met her husband and married while in the Navy - hubby was Navy also. They have finished their service, though. My youngest sister, however, was in the Air Forces for a very short time but ended up getting a medical discharge, which I am glad she got. She only went into the military because my dad coerced her into going into the military, she hated it so much. I am still pretty mad at my dad for that. She had a boyfriend while in the Air Forces and still have the same boyfriend now. They're engaged. The sister that was in the Navy went into the Navy on her own accord, though. My oldest sister never was in the military because well, she was never around my family because well my stepmother (her real mom) is a bitch and she hated her. I don't blame her at all! I hate her too!
i did dated one as he was in Navy. It worked for a while then he died from Russian Roulette. Stupid! we dated 7 mts. if it had not happened.. maybe would have still be together to this day.. who knows.. but guess it was not meant to be... sigh..
My 2 oldest daughters have their " military " boyfriends. My 2nd oldest daughter and her finance ( soon to be husband ) plan to marry in Oct. 2008. Right now, he is deployed in Iraq and will come home in a month. Oh, yes both of them are very happy together and live in California.
If I was in the military, I would rather be without kids. Having kids could cause a lot of conflict. Imagine me getting my wife pregnant. Suddenly, I'm sent to Iraq and don't return until after the baby is born. I missed the beautiful birth of my child. My child isn't getting any bonding with me. My child is practically "fatherless".

vampro... My boyfriend would understand how you feel. He was deployed when his son was born 4 years ago. he was lucky to see his daughter born last year. I met him after the birth of his daughter, in case you're wondering. I know he had a hard time being away from the kids and he still does to this day. Right now he's deployed and I know he misses me and the kids a lot. No, I'm not the mother. Obviously :angel:

He and I talk about his kids a lot. he knows I think his kids are the cutest kids on earth... Who can resist children?
If I was in the military, I would rather be without kids. Having kids could cause a lot of conflict. Imagine me getting my wife pregnant. Suddenly, I'm sent to Iraq and don't return until after the baby is born. I missed the beautiful birth of my child. My child isn't getting any bonding with me. My child is practically "fatherless".

Your wife's friend can use the video tape while your wife's givin' a birth. When you come home from Iraq, your wife can show you the video tape. You won't miss anythin'. Oh, yes I know for bein' there in person to watch the " birth " is better than usin' the video tape, but that's all the video tape could offer. The video tape is the only an option and it's better than not knowin' what it is like to give a birth of your child. :)