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  1. D

    How Do I Get Into Deaf Culture?

    is deaf culture a sort of secret club?, do you just hope to meet a deaf person and hope they want to be your friend or is there a meeting place where you go and meet deaf people, how do you find out about the culture itself and what are rules to deaf culture?
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    I Am Angry And Confused

    i went to my audiologist appointment last week and I redid my hearing test, (back story:I did my research on hearing loss and decibels, so I knew I had at least a mild hearing loss to start with), I saw the results and they WERE actually in the mild hearing loss frequency and some of the higher...
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    I Am Dreading My Audiology Appointment

    i have a audiology appointment tomorrow and I have a quite a few worst case sinarios in my head including being told that I am going to go deaf, that I am faking it and being taken away to a phychriatic unit, being told it was own doing when I have to have things louder like the TV and being...
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    I Am Going Deaf!?

    my hearing seems to gotten worse again, I have my appointment this coming Wednesday but it is for listening strategies rather than my actual ears since I had been wrongly diagnosed with auditory processing disorder. Do they ask "has your hearing changed in any way since the last appointments?"...
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    Does Anybody Get This As Well?

    i was in the bank withdrawing £2 out of my account when the lady decided to be awkward and ask me if I wanted 2 £1 coins or just 1£2 coin, she didn't know I was hard of hearing because I only just met her, I said "pardon" and she got slightly annoyed and over anuinciated what she said, I didn't...
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    Just Curious

    does anybody talk slower or differently when they are hard of hearing or deaf, I have a slight deaf lisp when I pronounce "th" as a "p" and I say "f" instead of "th" and I got told recently that I talk slow, How about you?
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    Hearing Gets Worse When Sick

    i got the Vomitting Stomach Bug and i noticed that my tintus was more noticable and my hearing was a little worse than it normally is. I can Understand a could a cold that but i have Vomitting, nausea, fever, headache and aches. Does anybody else have experiences of that happening?
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    What Can And Can't You Hear? (redo)

    I relized this was in the wrong section, so the title explains all.
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    What Can You And What Can't You Hear?

    title explains itself, i'll Post Mine if this Thread get's interest.
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    When Your Ears Pop

    :hyper:It Can be scary, but does it mean your hearing is going, because every now and again, i Can feel my ears go wierd, they have a wierd Pressure feel to them and then my ears Start ringing momentarily. What the hell is this?!:hyper::ugh::wtflol: :wtf:I am Little confuzzed!
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    I Have Both Types Of Hearing Loss

    this might not be true since it's off the Internet, but i noticed that my hearing starts around 65 Hertz and ends Around 15.559 Hertz, i noticed my hearing has got worse and it explains why my audiologist thinks i don't have a hearing Loss when i do. I find it harder to listen to men more than...
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    I Had No Idea, He Could Hear Me!

    i Woke up from my nap, exhausted as Usual, According to my Brother, i Groan when i Wake up and my dad had no idea that i still Do it. My dad Woke up to ask me what Pizza i Wanted because we were ordering. He Shouted me from the Landing a Couple of Metres alway and i groaned because i just Woke...
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    Being Exhausted By The End Of The Day.

    Do any of you, hard of hearing People get really tired by mid day, i Do and get a massive headache to go with it. I end up Having to have a Nap Around 4pm for about 30-60 minutes and then by the end of the actual day at Around 9 oclock, i am so exhausted i can't Do anything, i sleep for about...
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    Rude Bus Driver

    i went on a Bus to College when it came to Pay for my Ticket, i was struggling to hear the Bus driver, i must of asked him to repeat himself 3 Times. I have tried to Pay with a Note but he didn't have enough Change for me to Pay so he let me get away with it. But when i did finally get what he...
  15. D

    My Hearing Is Getting Worse!!

    i noticed my ears have been hissing a bit more louder recently and just now my ears Are going bezerk and have now added a Humming Sound when the Place is quiet. I have mild hearing Loss but i have noticed from Time to Time more recently i have sometimes struggled Some sentences in one to one...
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    Anybody Get Worser Tinnitus When Coming Out Of The Shower?

    i have Tinnitus all the time which consists of a high pitched whistling sound and a low pitched humming sound. But when i come out of the shower, my ears start ringing ever so slightly. I also get it when i use my electric toothbrush. Does anyone else experience that?
  17. D

    Humming In My Ears Redo

    i figured i may of put the original post in the wrong catagory. I have always had a high pitched whistling noise playing constantly in my ears since i was little so i am used to it. But just as late a humming sound has joined the whistling and also i have been finding it more difficult to hear...
  18. D

    Humming In My Ears

    i have always had a very high pitched whistling in my ears from Since i Can remember but i am finding i am finding it hard more often to understand people when they Are not facing me when speaking. I have a new Humming sound that has Joined my whistling in ears. I am going deaf!?
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    I'm Sorry

    i have had an arguement Regarding one of my posts i have made (i feel Bad for saying this) thread. I overreacted and i was being the child, i am only 18, i am autistic and have been under a Lot Stress because my mom has been in Hospital for 3 Months now and is Severly ill, i have suffered...
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    I Feel Bad For Saying This

    i am mildly hard of hearing but i feel like i am not hard of hearing enough because i have excepted it and i feel like its not me being ONLY hard of hearing. Since i have also have audority Processing disorder as well, i feel like i am not supposed to be hearing and that i am trapped with the...