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  1. F

    Therapist Refuses To Allow Me To Use TTS Or Other Speaking Aids

    Talk to a lawyer and see what your legal recourse is in your country/state is. Good luck!
  2. F

    Marlee Matlin

    Its annoying to be around fawning judgemental deaf people who is quick to backstab so dont blame her for being quick to get the hell away from some of you guys
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    Embarassing Or Upsetting Date Stories

    Screaming at the wait staff and poor tipping and other one used a coupon to the date and also tipped poorly as well.
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    Body Armor To Protect Pets From Coyote Attacks

    Any predator in the skies can easily sever the spine of a dog with their talons... not just coyotes if not carry off with it this is a great idea if it works. Looks cute tho reminds me of Rufio from Hook movie
  5. F

    Where Is Deaf And Hard Of Hearing?!

    Austin TX
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    What Was The Name Of This Movie

    Tech bill answered it it was a movie titled Serenity
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    What Was The Name Of This Movie

    Thank you so much! This was what it was
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    What Was The Name Of This Movie

    For the life of me I just cant remember the cast to pull up this movie title but this was a movie that took place kidnapping this young woman that was a brother to one of the crew members and she had ninja powers if said something triggered her outburst....then they were going world to world and...
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    I Don't Know What To Say ...

    I'm sick of someone threatening to do suicide and its not addressed everyday. Everywhere
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    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

    It would be nice to see older people do this....haha that looks like a lot fun
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    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

    Sorry Jiro about your dog.
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    Question For The Deaf Community

    Ive found that I'm not a human being with several of them as its a huge freaking inconvience to whip out the VRI. Ive grown to dislike all of them.
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    What are you thinking about? Part VIII

    Self doubts about the choice I am making for tonights dinner lol
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    Do you have a gun or shooting question?

    know of one? Around N. Illinois area?
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    March Madness !

    Enuff said! Bracket tournaments you guys are participating in this year? Its soon March 13 for announcement and 17 for tip off! So far I am going to join yahoo and espn Cheers!
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    Do you have a gun or shooting question?

    that's the turnoff.. I rely heavily on entire class feesback/questions and teachers intereactions so a terp is totally A must.
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    How are you feeling today? Part II

    which one is worse...caffine addiction or sugar addiction?
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    Supplements? Vitamins Or Etc

    Interesting. I cannot stomach vinegar drinking in any form. I have tried diluting it blech
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    Do you have a gun or shooting question?

    Do they pay for sign language interpreter if I asked?
  20. F

    Ny Woman Arrested After Driving With Homemade License Plate On Car

    Lol. How long was she driving around with it before she got busted