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    Blackberry Storm!

    my bro works at a design agency that was working on ads for blackberry storm. He said that it takes a while for it load whenever you touch the screen. Like if you touch the icon to access texting, google, gps or whatever, it doesnt instantaneously take you there.
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    Real Effects of smoking pot

    i dont think its bad. unless you do it all the time- then you'll get stupid. You should check out the movie "Super High Me". Its hilarious and somewhat informative. Pot has different effects on different people. there are some people shouldnt smoke it because it makes them really paranoid...
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    Deaf Education Program at Teacher's College

    I haven't really solidified my philosophy yet. i think it really depends on the child's preference, the degree of their hearing loss, and their environment. I'm more about the total communications approach. I believe in teaching the English language, mostly reading and writing, before Sign...
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    Deaf Education Program at Teacher's College

    Is there anyone who has gone or is going to Columbia University's Teachers College to get an EdD in Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing? To preface, I have bilateral cochlear implants. I was hearing impaired for 17 years with hearing aids. I lost all of my hearing at 17 and was...
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    Popping, bubbly sounds (post CI)

    I've had the same problem with both of my implants. It sounds like it is just tinnitus. Give it a few weeks and if it doesn't subside or go away you might want to talk to the doc.
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    When does/did your sense of taste come back?

    when I had my CI done in my left ear, my sense of taste came back in like a month. In my right ear it came back in a week. Everything I ate tasted like I'm licking the bottom of my change purse.
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    problem with teacher

    you need to report this guy. no matter what his reason is for acting that way, he still shouldnt act that way. He's a teacher- he should teach you, help you- not belittle you and tell you to go home. If you have classmates who has noticed his behavior, talk to them. So, you can have...
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    An Hearing Person Comes Up To You And Say "What's that?" OR "Is that a hearing aid?"

    I say "I am a cyborg" and stare at them intensely until they get weirded out and walk away. just kidding. I never really tire of trying to explain to people what a cochlear implant is (and the same with when I had hearing aids). I think it needs to become a sort of common knowledge, because...
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    Just went bilateral this past Tuesday. Currently recovering....

    The surgery went well. It hurt more this time around. Which I consider to be a good thing because when i got my left implant in 2004, I didnt have feeling in the left side of my head for like 4-6 months (I was warned of that possibility). I'm now off the painkillers because they make me too...
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    Cover Girl in Hearing Loss Magazine!!

    congrats!!! you look beautiful!
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    How many of you have two cochlear implants?

    My left ear was implanted in Sept. of 04. I just got my right ear implanted this past Tuesday. I don't have headaches so far. just a lot of ringing in my ears. both of them. Anyone have that problem?? It happened with my first. Hopefully it will pass.
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    Getting 2nd Cochlear Implant!

    Yay! Good luck. I'm hopefully getting my bilateral implants on June 10th. I can't wait!!! :)
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    CI Moments

    Gosh, I have many. The other day I was able to communicate with my roommate in the next room. And hearing the the dee-jays talking on the radio. And today, I walked back to my car with my classmate, and we were able to carry on a conversation. I always had trouble walking and hearing...
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    I cancelled my account. And whenever someone does that- they list you as a banned deviant. AmyKeuter on deviantART (look at the status in the upper left corner) One of my friends googled me and that popped up. He was like "What the hell did you do that was so bad!?!?" I wish it was...
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    Flickr: Photos from AMEEK anybody got a flickr? add me! :)
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    what you got somethings from valentine's day?

    I got a heart necklace from my parents. And my friend who lives four hours away sent me a little heart sculpture he made, a few mix cd's, curried chocolate, a nice ink brush pen (we're art nerds), some really amazing sketches he did. I'm starting to think he's got a thing for me.
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    I did have a Deviant Art site for a while- i left it and now I am considered a "banned deviant"- which is pretty funny. I have a flickr account now ( And my works are sometimes shown around at school (i go to an art school), I just thought I share a few here on AllDeaf.
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    How do cochlear implants and effect acceptance into the Deaf culture?

    The Sound and the Fury You should rent "The Sound and the Fury" to kind of gain an understanding for deaf culture's reluctance about cochlear implants. However, the documentary focused on only certain deaf communities- so it doesnt mean all deaf people don't like others with CI. Really, its...
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    Bilateral Cochlear Implants?

    Hey guys, thanks for the input. I have been practicing with the phone for a long time now, and I have a t-mic. I've tried the telecoil, I didn't like it. I hear well on it, depending on the person's voice. but its frustrating that I cant hear certain people. they take it personally...
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    Bilateral Cochlear Implants?

    oh and I have a blogger too. I seldom post on it. But I shall add you, if that's okay.