Recent content by Sammy

  1. Sammy

    Kobe Bryant Charge Dismissed

    To be the :twisted: 's advocate... Kobe says this in statement: "Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did." That is what he said. Okay, so if the girl 'didn't think it...
  2. Sammy

    Deaf Means Disabled?

    Man, reading that link really depressed me. What a deficit perspective of Deaf and sign language. Closed minds :tears:
  3. Sammy

    Facts or Myth?!?!

    "Well, have you ever seen a rabbit with glasses?" (an old proverb my mother used to tell me to eat my carrots, heh)
  4. Sammy

    Emergency- Can Someone Help????????

    This is abusive behavior. You have the right to not talk to him if you don't want to. You're not responsible to his actions. Ever. Don't bite. Good luck!
  5. Sammy

    How you draw the heart and i love you?

    Oh that's nice :)
  6. Sammy

    10 Facts about the Deaf

    I learned this a while back in a workshop. It was really cool.
  7. Sammy

    Are the Muslims really Terrorists?

    Yes! And in the year 1955, "all Soviets were spies" In the year 1966, "all Americans in Canada were draft-dodgers". Come on. Let's use a little perspective here.
  8. Sammy

    Video Released Showing KFC Chickens Being Stomped, Abused

    Uck, OMG. Well I'm glad I'm a vegetarian. Notice it's called "KFC", they don't even call it chicken" anymore...
  9. Sammy

    Did Toronto Police Assault Deaf Man?

    My work is located in 53 Division area Hmmmm :thumbd:
  10. Sammy

    How do you write from ASL to english grammer?

    Read A LOT! More I read, the more I write and think 'gramatically-correct'.
  11. Sammy

    Support marriage amendment

    Hi Reba! I see your opinion in the minority. Welcome to 33%!
  12. Sammy

    Support marriage amendment

    OMG I love you guys, heh heh :cheers:
  13. Sammy


    Writing. Sleep. ...and when I'm lonely... :naughty: heh
  14. Sammy

    Australia Cigarette Packs to Show Graphic Photos

    Smokín Canadian sez: some worse than others. The lung one is gross, the guy on the repirator kinda creepy. The rotten teeth pack is embarassing to put down beside you on the bar (like a creepy.. I don't know... skeleton grin :-o ) The one with the 'limp' cigarette is at least a little...
  15. Sammy

    Going to watch Fahrenheit 9/11 in theater or wait DVD?

    Yeah and "If voters base their decisions on propaganda, God help us" :naughty: heh I hear Michael Moore's had a lot of trouble getting his show into the theatres, actually. Democracy, huh !!