Where did God come from originally? Its existence?

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Where's LUNZ? :dunno:
deaflibrarian said:
For those that refute the evolution fact, explain why humans and pigs are so related genetically? Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has a pig valve in his heart. Humans just lucked out and evolved the right way otherwise we'd all be oinking and snuffling. :P
"Humans just lucked out"? I don't believe in "luck". I think it requires more faith to depend on "luck" than to depend on God. I believe that God planned for certain animals to have "usable parts" for humans. It wasn't an accident or luck.
God always exist.

He didn't have a mom or dad.

He wasn't created.

So therefore, he didn't come from anywhere,

his home is here.

Ok.....where is the heaven? Is Heaven right here as where we are here right now? Or is Heaven in the sky?

I think that Heaven is a higher dimension of existence. The two do interact, I think, but I can't say where it is in terms of physical locations in this universe, because I'm not sure you can correspond locations in a higher realm to those in ours.
I have no interest of going to heaven. When I dies, I go back to where I came from. God.
Reba said:
No one can "prove" God exists thru the scientific method. A scientific proof requires that by replicating an experiment you can get predictable, repeatable results. Well, there is only one God, so His existance can never be repeated. He is eternal, which means He has no origin that can be observed. God's existance is beyond scientific measure. How do you measure or quantify an eternal spirit?

Some sciences are more observational than experimental like astronomy. The stuff that is observed is explained by applying other stuff from experimental sciences like physics and chemistry. Maybe we could do the same with gods. If anyone can observate gods, we could try explaining how god stuff works. If the gods are beyond measure, then how could we explain it? Also, if the gods can't be detected through physical means, which is how measuring devices work, then how come people claim that they felt god? People are made of physical stuff like atoms.

They could claim that they're feeling gods though their soul or spirit, but that's just more of the same, unmeasureable stuff. If there was a link between the soul and the person's mind, we'd should be able to see some sort of link between the soul and the physical material in the head. I haven't seen that because nobody showed me evidence for that yet. If we see people's behaviors impacted by religion and they claim that it was a god acting on their souls as a bridge to impact the physical world so we could see the behaviors, we should see evidence for that bridge.

If there is no evidence for something, it is meaningless to use it in scientific theories unless someone comes up the evidence for it by observating it or come with a hypothesis about it and doing an experiment that gives evidence.
DreamSlayer said:
Original question: Where did God come from?
This is easily answered. We live in a universe of cause and effect. Ignore evolution and creationism for a second and understand that both rely on one thing:
Something must exist infinitely, for anything to exist at all.
Either matter has always existed, and thus through "chance" led us here, or God has always existed, and willed us here.
Your third option is, Something came from Nothing.
It's cause and effect. You must have a first cause in your chain. God is the first cause, or the big bang is the first cause. Once again, for either to to have happened, God or Matter must have always just existed.
Picture a line of dominoes. You can see they have fallen down. If you trace this line without end or beginning where is the first domino that fell? the line must have an original domino that fell over, or the rest would never have fallen.
(maybe that wasn't as easy as I thought)

Who said that a god had to be the first domino? We could use Occam's razor to remove that and have the first domino being the existence of the universe or whatever realm the universe may be in that they are now working on in hypotheses.

Second: Evolution.
Your quote ended with "[it is] sure to happen if opportunity is unlimited."

Lets roll dice for a second. Lets pretend that sponteneous life is a 6. I need a 6 for life to occur. What are my chances of rolling a 6? one in six 1:6. I don't get a 6 my first roll, darn. I roll again. What are my chances of rolling a 6? the same.
If I roll infinitely what are the odds of never rolling a 6? greater than zero?
So, I guess I'm just confused by his argument.

For sponteneous life to happen, only one 6 would be enough. Rolling the die many times would have the amount of 6's approach 1/6 of the number of rolls. If there are many many rolls, there could still be many 6's.

And there are limitations. Specific tempuratures, specific chemicals, specific amino acids, protien molecules, specific order these have to go in etc. Those are only the limitations for life to exist. The problem isn't with one event occuring. It's the combination of all the events occuring in sequence. Opportunity is not unlimited.

Opportunity seems to be large because of the vastness of space, giving enough rooms for many stars and planets.
I'd say that some of the chances of those things happening somewhere on Earth wasn't too small because Earth is big place with plenty of room for many molecules. If there was a n chance of something happening, there would be about n/m instances of it happening where m is the number of all of the events considered. If m is very large, as allowed by Earth having lots of room for many such events, n, the number of of the events that helped to lead to life, would still be large.

Many of those events from the squence happens many times, so the above applies too. The universe is big enough for many planets. The Earth is big enough for many molecules and living things. So enough things, m, happen, for each consideration in the squence, from planets to living things, for n, the number of "successes" to be large. It's like tossing a die a million times. About 160 to 170 thousand of them should be 6's.

If physics was different, maybe our type of life might not exist, but the different physics could allow for other types of life. Here is a page on other possible biochemistries that might be possible in our universe. The ones that look interesting to me are the P-N and ammonia-water chemistries. If physics was tweaked to allow P and N to be created by stars in suitable ratios, maybe it could be more workable. In our Universe, ammonia-water based life could be possible on Titan in the Saturn system.

I'll add a quote from here.

Replication Rules are not random in the sense that, say, Heisenberg's Principle of Uncertainty or quantum mechanics is sometimes supposed to show the fundamental randomness of reality. They are merely random with respect to natural selection. Natural selection is not random: it is the determinate result of sorting processes according to relative fitness. It is stochastic, in the sense that better engineered features can fail for reasons of probability (they may meet accidents unrelated to their fitness), but that poses no greater threat to the scientific nature of evolution than it does for, say, subatomic physics or information theory.

What this means is that the environment, chemistry and physics restrict what different things are possible. The randomness is within that set, not scary and bad chaos with no restrictions.

Oh well, that doesn't matter. It was evolution I wanted to comment on. It's late, I will make this quick. MUTATION. Happens all the time. Name one beneficial mutation. Just one. The kind of evolution you are supporting requires beneficial mutations. Name one.

[Hint - Sickle Cell Anemia is not a beneficial mutation.]

The sickle cell anemia mutation does have some benefits. Here, it says:
Since the gene is incompletely recessive, carriers have a few sickle red blood cells at all times, not enough to cause symptoms, but enough to give resistance to malaria. Because of this, heterozygotes have a higher fitness than either of the homozygotes. This is known as heterozygote advantage.

Beneficial mutations would include mutations that happen to undo harmful mutations. Some mutations are also neutral. Multiple codons are used for the same amino acids, like AAA and AAG both coding for lysine. Changing AAA into AAG won't matter.
One beneficial mutation would be the insertion of the genetic information used to splice genes for use in B and T cells in the immune system to make antibodies.
Another one would be the mutation that copied and changed the gene for either the red or green cones' photopigment into the other one on the X chromosome, giving us 3 types of cones, instead of 2 like dogs have.
Beowulf said:
Albert Einstein once said that God does not roll dice.

He said that because he didn't like quantum mechanics even if he helped to develop it.
RedFox said:
Some sciences are more observational than experimental like astronomy... If we see people's behaviors impacted by religion...

Evolution, huh?
Reba said:
"Humans just lucked out"? I don't believe in "luck". I think it requires more faith to depend on "luck" than to depend on God. I believe that God planned for certain animals to have "usable parts" for humans. It wasn't an accident or luck.

It takes faith to believe in a god. It doesn't take faith to have no belief and to consider processes by which life would arise in the universe. We already know the universe is there. Not everybody says the same about gods. It is not necessary to consider "luck" to be a magic thing out there to consider what processes can operate in this universe that could result in life.
Beowulf said:
RedFox said:
Some sciences are more observational than experimental like astronomy... If we see people's behaviors impacted by religion...

Evolution, huh?


Yeah, we see the leftovers from the past, like the fossils. It's like studying isotope ratios of elements in material from space to figure out what the early solar system was like. The guide is the physics and chemistry we already know from experiments in our labs.

What experiments could we do for biology? We could think of people as selectors for what dogs and horses to breed and see what resulted. That would be a model with us acting as the selector to make things operate faster than selection by just the environoment, so we could get results faster.

We could also notice things like that bacteria species that depends on a manmade material for food. Then we can see how that makes sense because bacterica have shorter reproduction cycles, so they'd evolute faster. A guide for evolution research would be things that reproduce fast enough to have plenty of generations within the lifetimes of the researchers. These things, like bacteria, have the same basic things like DNA. So we can apply basic ideas we learn from them to things with longer reproduction cycles.

It is also encouraging that results from different fields like geology, paleontology and genetics all work together to support the theory.
jazzy said:
I have no interest of going to heaven. When I dies, I go back to where I came from. God.

When you die, your flesh will return to the dust. Your soul will live afterlife. There's only 2 places your soul will go to. Heaven or Hell. God will decide that.
CyberRed said:
When you die, your flesh will return to the dust. Your soul will live afterlife. There's only 2 places your soul will go to. Heaven or Hell. God will decide that.

but maggots will eat our flesh too. Cycle of life...
Maggots will turn into flies, birds will eat flies,
cats will eat birds, cats will die, their flesh will
be like fertilizer for grass, cows will eat grass,
then we humans will eat beef.

So I am wondering who the person's flesh I have eaten? :shock:
CyberRed said:
When you die, your flesh will return to the dust. Your soul will live afterlife. There's only 2 places your soul will go to. Heaven or Hell. God will decide that.
Pardon me! How would God decide?
Askjo said:
Please explain your reason to believe "God decides" for heaven or hell.

If, one's name is not written in the book of life - send to hell.
If, one's name is written in the book of life - send to heaven.
It is God's Judgement for both.
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