Where did God come from originally? Its existence?

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I might be wrong because I'm not the smartest of people, but uh. God was origanally a mortal on another planet that was not earth, but it was very similar, because we are made in christ's image and are creator. And on that earth he was a good person who'd repent for his sins, and when he died he left behind his mortal body and achieved celestial glory and by achieving that he became a god just like his god that he belived to be his spiritual father and creator.

So know he wins the prize of becoming a god and creating our world in 6 days (which could be as long as 1 million earth years). Then he has kids then they are sent (we) are sent to earth as mortal human beings, then we die, and the same thing happens to us. (we can become gods)
The most obvious logical problem with this theory is, who created the mortals on the original planet?

Next, a theological problem is that Jesus was not "a good person who'd repent for his sins". Jesus did not have a sin nature, and he never committed any sins. He was the only perfect sinless person that ever existed.

Another problem. Jesus did not leave behind his body when he ascended to Heaven. His body resurrected with his spirit, and both went to Heaven together. His tomb was empty.

Another problem. Jesus did not "become" a god. Jesus was always God since eternity. He was still God when he was born on earth as a baby. As God, he added a human body to his being.

Another problem. Jesus did not father any "kids". He did not have intercourse with any woman.

Your Finnish friend's theory sounds very much like Mormon belief.
Albert Einstein once said that God does not roll dice.
That might not make any sense to you, and certainly for myself, it didn't, for a long time.
But let me tell you what happened to make me think that there might be a Power greater than ourselves...
I recall a few years ago I had to make a drive in a car that was really held together by rust, it was that bad. It was a drive that would take a few hours, and since I had no choice in the matter, I undertook the drive with a great feeling of dread and trepidation.
About halfway to my point of destination, I felt a tire blow out in the front. I drove rather slowly to the next service station, and when I rolled to a stop, the tire went completely flat---it was a stell-belted radail tire and made it just long enough for me to get to that station, wonder of wonders.
Now, I was in a fix, because I did not have a spare tire, and here I was, stuck in the middle of nowhere, with little funds.
Another car pulled up next to me, and the driver asked me what the problem was, as I was standing there scratching my head. I told him the situation, and he remarked that he had a spare tire that he did not need, and it met the specifications of my car. He helped me change the tire, and I went on my way.
Disaster struck again soon. The front end of the car started acting up, shimmying. I knew the ball bearings gave up the ghost as I stood by the side of the highway. A pickup truck pulled up in front of me, and the driver, a wizened old man, asked me what the problem was. I showed him. He grinned and said No problem. It turned out he had extra ball bearings in his truck to fit me car...but the thing was, the bearings were melted in the wheel, it needed welding. No problem...that old man just HAPPENED to have welding equipment as well. He fixed my car, and I again went on my way.
I made it to my destination.
Sometime during that night, I told my friends what happened to me, and I laughing remarked how lucky I was.
They stared at me speechlessly.
"You fool," they said. "God was looking after you and you didn't even know it."
Was it just chance that all those occurances happened at those precise times, with solutions to the problems just happening to be there as well? Was it just rolls of the dice?
My heart tell me otherwise.
Merry Christmas, and God bless you all.
Magatsu said:
Yeah, I had that discussion with some friends as well. I want to quote one statement from Finnish guy (I think..) here it is:

That is quite interesting. Like what you said, it is another possibility or rather, theory.
Ever watch Stargate? That's a good television show and movie. There's one episode where people die and reach enlightment (aka actual gods).

Anyway, what you just said... I had a similar converstation with my friends on that part. It was something like this:
Years ago, scientists decided to try to colonize another planet and found one that fit their liking... Earth. They cloned two perfect human beings... a man and a woman. Since they were genetically cloned, they had no belly buttons. (They were never actually born via umbilical cord.) Since they were genetically cloned at adult age, they came to Earth without full knowledge of everything except the language they were taught through computers. The scientists felt that they should try a different approach to get these people started. These scientists wore white outfits, gold-like communication devices on their heads, and hovered on Earth from time to time... making sure things went well. Adam and Eve caught a glimpse of these scientists. Since they were not completely aware of where they were actually from, they couldn't understand what was really going on.
Primitive people look at advanced things as "magic" or "actions by a superior/supreme beings".
Since the scientists were hovering, Adam and Eve compared them with the only other flying living thing... birds. Of course, all other flying living things had wings... so they visualized these scientists as angels with wings. These scientists also had gold-like communication devices on their head. Adam and Eve probably didn't know what they really were and assumed they were halos. The scientists also wore white. Overall, we've got the story of angels being passed along to us... wearing white outfits, sporting wings, and having a halo on their heads.

Now, these scientists had rivals... people that were going to attempt to screw up their way of life. Seeing how Adam and Eve were newbies, they had to find some way of getting them to believe that these rivals were bad or evil. Of course, the supreme government council rejected a traitor in their previous government for running illegal torture experiments. That man was Satan. That's what these scientists warned Adam and Eve about.

Finally, the Bible. You'll notice that the Old Testament has stories of miracles, angels, voices in the sky, and sightings. These scientists kept their eyes on Earth for years and years... making sure that everything worked out alright. They would help out a little by doing "miracles" throughout the years. When they realized that people started believing in the Messiah, they felt it was time for them to go and let these people move on their own. That's when the New Testament began. That's why there aren't really any sightings, miracles, voices, etc... in the New Testament.

Gee... isn't this all kinda odd? ;)
Of course, the idea for Stargate is that they were advanced aliens. These aliens were thought to be gods because of their strengths and immortality. Ever notice in Egyptian stories and pictures that the rulers seemed to look the same for many years? How could a small Egyptian family take control of millions of slaves? How could those big pyramids be built so well and accurate... that we can't duplicate them? There are a lot of unsolved questions... but they do seem to be theoretically answered on Stargate! :thumb:[/quote]
Well, it seems like a lot of folk here think God is an old white-bearded guy sitting on some throne somewhere up there, constantly getting pissed at us.
And oh yeah, Jeus is a white guy, about six feet tall, with blue eyes, and permanently bleached clothes.
Beowulf said:
Well, it seems like a lot of folk here think God is an old white-bearded guy sitting on some throne somewhere up there, constantly getting pissed at us.
I don't know what God looks like, but I sure wouldn't blame Him if He was "pissed" at us; we sure deserve it!

And oh yeah, Jeus is a white guy, about six feet tall, with blue eyes, and permanently bleached clothes.
I always visualized Jesus as short, tan, dark-haired, brown-eyes, and muscular (He was a carpenter with no Craftsman power tools).
Beowulf said:
Well, it seems like a lot of folk here think God is an old white-bearded guy sitting on some throne somewhere up there, constantly getting pissed at us

And oh yeah, Jeus is a white guy, about six feet tall, with blue eyes, and permanently bleached clothes.

I see God come in as a shape of any kind.

Or he was a dark skinned guy with dark brown eye. My friend was shock when she saw a pix of Jesus at the mall other day. He was an Africa man with African people. I told her , in Africa they see him this way.
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Reba said:
I don't know what God looks like, but I sure wouldn't blame Him if He was "pissed" at us; we sure deserve it!

Huh??? If God is All Powerful and Perfect, then nothing would bother Him.
Beowulf said:
Reba said:
I don't know what God looks like, but I sure wouldn't blame Him if He was "pissed" at us; we sure deserve it!

Huh??? If God is All Powerful and Perfect, then nothing would bother Him.
He has righteous anger over sin.

Remember Jesus in the Temple overturning the tables of the money changers? That is an example of righteous anger.
That still makes no sense whatsoever.
If God is Perfection, then where does the anger come from?
You are saying that God does not have everything under control?
That is a rather weak God then.
Beowulf said:
That still makes no sense whatsoever.
If God is Perfection, then where does the anger come from?
You are saying that God does not have everything under control?
That is a rather weak God then.
Anger is not wrong if it is for the right reason. God's anger is against sin.

Really, did you expect God to have an "I-don't-care" attitude about sin?

God hates sin.
If God is Perfect Love, where is there any room for hate???
Are you thinking from heart-logic or just parroting what you were told?
Beowulf said:
If God is Perfect Love, where is there any room for hate???
Are you thinking from heart-logic or just parroting what you were told?
I'm using God's own words from the Bible.

Do you want the verses? I can give them.

God is perfect love. He loved us so much that He sacrificed His own innocent Son to save our rotten sinful selves.

Doctors hate disease and love people. No contradiction.
If I may, I will comment.

1. Jesus was a Jew. Most likely had short hair, dark skin, if you consider the region in which he lived.

2. God is spirit. Probably not male or female, although "Father" would be the best description for God's attitude towards us.

3. Einstien said "God does not play dice with the universe"
The response to this was "Who are we to tell God how to rule the universe"
meaning, if God wants to roll dice, he will. Truth is, you may never know.

4. God is Perfect Love?
Is it safe to say God is perfect justice too?
If God has created us in perfect love; out of love; to love us, then he has created a creature that is capable of choosing. For if he had not, then he would be a tyrant, forcing us to love him.
If we are capable of choosing, then there must be more then one option, or again, God would be forcing us to love him.
God loves us, and wants us to love others and him. So loving others would be a choice that shows we love God.
Option A) shows we love God, and love others.
Option B) shows we do not love God, possibly harmful to others or ourselves.
If God loves us then it is logical that he does not want us harmed. God could not love any action that harms those he loves.
An individual is seperate from an action. God can logically love an individual but not the choices they have made.
Love would seek to prevent an individual from continually harming themselves or others. Thus Love would bring about consequences for certain actions to prevent harmful choices from reoccuring. Allowing an individual to continually harm themselves is not love, but forcing them to stop is tyrany, consequences allow an individual to choose to stop.
DreamSlayer made good postings here
very soothing and comforting as well as
others, too. Thanks for sharing.

I tend to think with a simple term:
"God come from God Himself" (The Originator)
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we are humans and we are builders. we build things from scratch and have for so many centuries. it is natural that we are inclined to think that someone or something 'built' us. we humans also have a knack for making something simple into a complicated mess.

i m agnostic, and am open to the concept of god, though i am not sure if the concept of an almighty ruler with absolute power (that smacks of a regime) appeals to me. if you want to know where god is right now, he lives on in the church. god is a sheaf of paper that have lasted for millenia, and people worship that sheaf of paper. it is called the bible. men created god from their views of an ideal world and the ideal behaviors that men should undertake. you can notice that views change from the old testament to the new testament, and that the views change with the times. in the old testament, israel was just trying to carve a niche in the world for itself, and there were a lot of wars. so a lot of the laws in the old testament may sound cruel, but they were suited for the times. during the new testament, jews had already settled down in israel, and there was commerce and trade with neighboring countries. there was more time for discussion and aesethics. ideas were readily exchanged. people werent as bloodthirsty, because they were not fighting for land or their lives. the conquest of romans had tamed the jewish population. the jews were waiting for their messiah, and it was prime time for jesus to appear and further the doctrine of the bible.

basically waht i m trying to say is god lives on in the bible, and the people who believe in him. it doesnt make it any less holy because it is a concept people can grasp and use to improve themselves for the good.
DreamSlayer said:
Name one beneficial mutation. Just one. The kind of evolution you are supporting requires beneficial mutations. Name one.

Any mutation that has survival value is a beneficial mutation. We are the product of a long process of mutations that made us better able to deal with our environment.
Reba said:
God is perfect love. He loved us so much that He sacrificed His own innocent Son to save our rotten sinful selves.

Doctors hate disease and love people. No contradiction.

An incorrect analogy, since doctors do not create diseases, or permit natural processes that give rise to diseases.

Disease is not among the penalties God places on Adam and Eve, it was introduced at some later point, without explanation. And, one way or another, if God is in fact omnipotent, he is responsible for it.
Perhaps, he's like us... but 1,000,000 years advanced
I have a book somewhere that hypothesisizes that God was aliens! (Chariots of the Gods)
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