

New Member
Mar 6, 2003
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I always hear about this and was wondering what we would do in this situation. lets say you met a person and you end up clicking with that person. You date and meet each others friends, and after a while, you have sex with the person. you call the person and you find out the person has a partner or is married. what would you do? would you tell the person that they are being cheated on, fake it as a wrong number or say you are just a friend or just never talk to the person again?

I would never talk to the person again. I probably wouldnt tell the partner/spouse cuz I wouldnt want to be the reason to break up the marriage or relationship. but for sure, I would kick the person's balls. LOL
I'll just walk out on this person. I'll know in my head that this person might do it again with someone else.
now I wonder if that person who is already married may not have enuff sex life so there is a reason for him or her to cheat on their dumb spouse :roll:
If it happens to me.. I'd dont want to speak to that person ever again and wouldnt wanna to end up their marriage or relationship at all since I'm not kind of person to destory anyone's love life if happens that I didnt know she have someone else and cheat on him/her w/ me.
I would want out of the relationship. I want a 1 to 1 relationship. I have no other relations with any other women, and she has no other relations with anyone else. Monogomous (sp??) relationship only. Also, the fact that this person lied would want me to get out of the relationship.
would you tell the spouse or partner? what would you say? everyone missed that part
Originally posted by BabyPhat21
would you tell the spouse or partner? what would you say? everyone missed that part
Not unless she really pissed me off. I don't believe in getting back at people and making their life more miserable. I just take my losses and move on.
I am into 1 to 1 relationship.. unless he betrays.. then relationship will be gone..

::Knocks on wood:: hope not it doesnt happen to mine.. :D
i would want out, and i'd tell the spouse since if hes dating me, more likely hes dating others as well, and it needs to be stopped.
Well it's true, if a guy cheated on me, I am out of it. What happene to trust if i was cheated on?
being cheat is very excite for relationship.

What? Some fellows do think it is good. :dunno:
Originally posted by illustrator
being cheat is very excite for relationship.

What? Some fellows do think it is good. :dunno:
I understand why it's exciting. Guys like to do tempting things.
If it does happened to me, I would break it off with her immediately. No excuse for her to cheating on me like that.
Yeah people do find it tempting but if you want to keep the relationship good, don't cheat.. if cheat, break it off first..
off topic hehe.. babyphat was asking WOULD you tell the other person that his or her bf/gf or spouse was cheating with you?

I dont know if i would want the responsibility of breaking up a relationship like that. What about the kids involved? Maybe the spouse already knew about it.... etc etc...
Happen to me before. yes, i was feel very very heartbroken. she and I been together for long time. i was told by my ex that she's lesbian. but end up she changed her ways so suddenly. make me puzzled why. found out she have boyfriend. make me feel like i am her PAWN while she has him same time. i fed up with her. best for me to move ON. so what about her boyfriend?? I am not going to tell him about her. let him become her DOG! he will find out more more after spend time with her who is not honestly with me and him at all. remmy "Set us free from TRUTH." let him find out about her ways someday. IF IF i tell him that mean i want her back after she done to me very wrongfully. forgot it! Rather move on and find next relationship (prefer monogamous). i dont care if she read this post already. she should be grateful that i don't use her name and identify.
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if my gf cheat on me, I will wheel off her house or whatever , fuck her then, go to hell :naughty:
i been cheated on many times.... and i knew she wasn t the one for me, but this gal i like *classifed* and i agree that we have much more in common and respect for one another and agree cheating is just a lame thing to do!!
Originally posted by Lasza
Happen to me before. yes, i was feel very very heartbroken. i was told by my ex that she's lesbian. but end up she changed her ways so suddenly. make me puzzled why. found out she has a boyfriend. make me feel like i am her PAWN while she has him same time. i fed up with her. best for me to move ON. so what about her boyfriend?? I am not going to tell him about her. let him be dumb for spend time with her who is not honestly with me and him at all. remmy "Set us free from TRUTH." let him find out about her ways someday. IF IF i tell him that mean i want her back after she done to me very wrongfully. forgot it! Rather move on and find next relationship (prefer monogamous).

:werd: but what if its an OPEN relationship that wouldve been a different story wouldnt it Lasza q