AllDeaf Upgrade - 12/06/2003


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
As you can see, AllDeaf's forum software has been upgraded to a new look as well as its features. The images, such as the smilies, still have to be worked on. Don't worry about those, but feel free to play around and report any errors, if any.

Also, I'm open to suggestions and feedback regarding the new look and features. I'll make sure to come back to this thread and answer some questions.

Until then, enjoy the new version 3.0 :)
The smilies are now fixed. Thanks for the reminder. Heh. :)
Looks very nice. Avatars still don't work for me. :( It'll take a bit of time getting used to the new layout, heh!
Oh, I forgot something. This was a problem in the previous version of AllDeaf and still a problem now. I still forgot to remind you. It's about the ICQ, AIM, and YIM icons. They don't work. I remember in AllDeaf v1.0, we could click on one of them and it would automatically connect and send an IM to that member if that member was online.
Nice! I like the new outlay of the site! :thumb: Keep up with the great work, Alex and E! ;)
It looks similar to a configuration set up I have for another deaf site I'm registered with -- -- I won't have a problem adapting to the new changes! :lol: WTG!
Oh my god.. there has been so many changes in this past week! LOL... I returned from a week of work in San Diego... just got a new SideKick (whoo hoo!), and Hotmail changed their layout! And now this! Oh bare w/ me... it'll take me time to relearn new stuff..

It looks cool... but kinda hate skipping over everyone's name
Everything looks good except the names and avatars. It would be easier to scroll if the names and avatars were moved back to the left than be on top of each post.
Deaf258 said:
Everything looks good except the names and avatars. It would be easier to scroll if the names and avatars were moved back to the left than be on top of each post.

was thinking the same too...
Alex, Is there a way that the AllDeaf can use a theme layout changes? I mean some forums has options of having different layouts etc so why not do the same with here ?



P.S. I had to take baked potatoes out of oven and came back realized I didn't finish typing LOL oops anyway.. The layout is great too. except I have feeling it would be cool/fun to have few different theme. some people have perference on one simple layout, or other may want creative different types themes I myself, tend changing skin or them or desktop every few weeks LOL giggle.. so I really don't know other people's personality with their computers :nana:
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I liked it before better, with names and avtars on the left side like orginally, and also whats up with the forum being much much more narrower? theres alot of space went to waste on the left and right of the forum.. maybe its cause im running 1280X1024 resolution and the forum is set for 800x640 resolution..

I'd like it to be back to where it used to be but the desgins and colors, smileys, etc be changed too.

use this forum's posts and threads etc for example, like the names and avatars on the side,
Coool, that's nice this is new forum. ADv3.0! :D
You asked for it, you got it. The thread display is back to its vertical style. The table's overall width is back to 100% and not fixed to 760 pixels.

I'll work on the avatars soon. New optional themes will be added in the near future.

Thanks for the suggestions so far, guys.
Everything looks good but it's too wide. I have to move a space bar at the bottom so I can see everything
*thud* MASSIVELY!!!!!! hehehe

:thumb: WTG Alex!!!!! this forum looks GREAT altho was a SHOCK to see how it looked when i logged in LOL and MizzDeaf had told me AD looked different just DID NOT tell me HOW it looked different LOL
another thing i just realized after talking to MizzDeaf -- when i logged on here i was taken directly to profile and i was wondering why it does that Alex as opposed to being taken to the "front page" of the forum where we can click on the new posts