AllDeaf Upgrade - 12/06/2003


just kidding...

it's neat. :cool:
VamPyroX said:
Never mind... I got it. :thumb: Anyone like my new avatar? Heh!

check this out:

Boult said:
check this out:

Yep! You got that right! Just before I read about the upgrade, I read that comic strip. That's when I decided to fiddle around with that picture and see what I could make from that. Heh!
VamPyroX said:
Yep! You got that right! Just before I read about the upgrade, I read that comic strip. That's when I decided to fiddle around with that picture and see what I could make from that. Heh!

Kewl.. Brilliant idea... put in your avatar.. ((chuckles))

In my brainstormed... Wha.. about the...
" v3 > Support Forums
How to use the AllDeaf Forum " U see the top of left corner "

Why don't use scroll down little bottom not toooooo bottom..
when you scroll down while reading the fourms.. then finished click at the once or Main forums or general discussions Instead scroll up back to top and click it to jump the forums where back it was. Too much hassle..
hey alex GREAT job IM still getting used to it was out of town yesterday and lo and behold i come home to this! it's a great thing yes but i must say the coloring of the layout is not all that great no offense, i jusr think it would be best suitable if it was darker cuz its easy on the eyes, So we can read the thread without the *brightness* surrounding it,
as for the options its PERFECT and i like the way the AD set the list up on the left side and check what we did on the right perfect comparison! NOW BRB im in the midst of scanning the X mas photo for the AD to see :)
Mele Kalkaimaka ( MERRY X MAS)
its abt how u liked the posting or not like the posting i have 18 repuation posting meaning it was good! someone gave me ONE bad posting well actually i was defending someone in here and that person didn't like it and u know what i don't care the important thing is no one needs to know certain issues, anyhow as far as im concerned. AD is the best..... and they have done such a great job in this, just need to work on the coloring thats pretty much it, too light for my taste, NOW all i would to see is a bit of an increase on the avtar just a tad bit cuz i have a bit of a hard time trying to make this avatar right growl! gonna ask someone to fix my avtar so i can put the new one in here for this month's x mas :)
:thumb: I love "New Posts" at the top menus. It's very useful and less post n' shortcut where I would look for.
After the update this layout is now to wide for my screen. would sombody pm me and tell me how to fix this?
illustrator said:
umm... decrease text size?

doesn't work for what I need i still have to use a slider bar down at the botom to see the whole page from side to side
bbnt said:
After the update this layout is now to wide for my screen. would sombody pm me and tell me how to fix this?
What's the display settings for your computer? AllDeaf seems to be designed with a minimum width of 875 pixels. If that's a problem, then... maybe Alex should change the width to 800 instead. I notice that the member column is a bit too wide. Perhaps, it should be made a bit narrower?
I must say, I have a few complaints. One, the text used is a bit large. I'm also finding it much slower to load than the previous version. And the colours used are a bit bright, I preferred the old blue colour.