Are the Muslims really Terrorists?

Are the Muslims really Terrorists?

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Premium Member
Mar 12, 2003
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I don't think of them as terrorists, it is a very bad stereotype.

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I´m so afraid, yes!

They are doing for THEIR country...
I second that(muslims not all terrorists) because if it were true -- if Muslims were all evil and had all the nuclear bombs...we probably wouldn't be here -- not even any civilisation on earth at all should that be the case.
I've met quite a few Muslims -- and found them very nice people. It's not really appropriate to sterotype all Muslims to be all terrorists. It's not true for the lot.

Same goes for other minority groups as well. There are heaps of sterotypical problems when it comes to minority groups. Too many to list, actually.

I do not agree that Muslims are to be labelled as terrorists.
We will always have different groups in different countries who can be considered as terrorist groups.
For example, in the US, we have KKK, Aryan Nation, etc... In Germany, they have Neo-Nazists. In France and Spain they have the Basque Separatists who bombs some sites. In Italy, you have the Mafia who terrorize the lives of people there. Also in Russia, they have their own Mafia, and problems with the Chencya Separatists. Remember, in Russia, they had several bombs in Moscow within the past year. I think it is unfair and unjustifiable to single a group out as terrorists.
I voted no...

My mother is a secular Muslium and her mother's family are secular Musliums as well.

I have some Muslium friends and they are very nice, tho I find them quite bizarre.

Adolf Hitler was a Nazi terrorist for fuck's sake.
Yeah, I believe anyone can be considered a terrorist if they make a violent threat against someone/several people/a country. The reason they are named terrorists is because their object is to spread terror. Therefore, if it is their aim to do so, they are terrorists.
just not only muslim, every country is terrorrists...

I am curious... are you a Muslim ? lol
Ziusudra said:
Yeah, I believe anyone can be considered a terrorist if they make a violent threat against someone/several people/a country. The reason they are named terrorists is because their object is to spread terror. Therefore, if it is their aim to do so, they are terrorists.

Does this mean you think all Muslims are terrorists, Z?
kuifje75 said:
I do not agree that Muslims are to be labelled as terrorists.
We will always have different groups in different countries who can be considered as terrorist groups.
For example, in the US, we have KKK, Aryan Nation, etc... In Germany, they have Neo-Nazists. In France and Spain they have the Basque Separatists who bombs some sites. In Italy, you have the Mafia who terrorize the lives of people there. Also in Russia, they have their own Mafia, and problems with the Chencya Separatists. Remember, in Russia, they had several bombs in Moscow within the past year. I think it is unfair and unjustifiable to single a group out as terrorists.

I totally agree! Just lumping one group like Muslims as terrorists is a mistake to make. Big one. I have a wonderful friend who is Muslim... he totally is pissed off at the ones twisting what Islam really stands for... kinda like ... *gasp* certain Christians twisting what Jesus had to tell us long ago, assuming he was a real live person set on spreading a powerful message of love. Yet I don't lump all Christians like those rotten apples... I have some good friends who are Christians, and I really enjoy discussing theology with them. My mom is fun to talk with, too. :)
I vote no, my family is Shi'ite muslim and all my roomates were muslim......
also I should remind you of the KKK, who killed for "Christianity" and many other missionaries (in the old times) also and yet we dont blame ALL Christians for that.......I couldnt believe that KKK burn the Cross but claims to love Jesus and his message......
BabyPhat21 said:
I vote no, my family is Shi'ite muslim and all my roomates were muslim......
also I should remind you of the KKK, who killed for "Christianity" and many other missionaries (in the old times) also and yet we dont blame ALL Christians for that.......I couldnt believe that KKK burn the Cross but claims to love Jesus and his message......

Remember David Koresh and his cult in Waco? Christians, too. Heaven's gate cult? Christians ( But it sure didn't make us think badly of all Christians... I'd think the same would be applied to Muslims. :)
I voted maybe...

Because Bin Laden himself is muslims.. however i can't vote yes.. or no.. because its both :P

majority of terriosts are Muslims.. because they follow what Osman Bin Laden says them to do.

the reason i also think the answer is No.. because many muslims here in U.S. aren't a terriosts. *hope so*
BabyPhat21 said:
I vote no, my family is Shi'ite muslim and all my roomates were muslim......
also I should remind you of the KKK, who killed for "Christianity" and many other missionaries (in the old times) also and yet we dont blame ALL Christians for that.......I couldnt believe that KKK burn the Cross but claims to love Jesus and his message......
Did you know that out of all hate crimes committed in the United States... a very small percentage is committed by the KKK? Yes, the KKK isn't really as bad as we say they are.
I know some of Muslims here. Yes, they are also nice people & friendly. It doesn´t mean that I´m against Muslims. There´re alot of Muslims who live in Europe are nice & friendly. I´m befriend with them, too. They admitted that what their country did total WRONG.

I´m afraid yes, because most of Muslims did for their country only if they live there.

Remember Bin Laden is also Muslims who send their people (they are also Muslims, too) to kill the innocent people.. But it´s not only twin center in NY, but more countries they hurt...
I work for US Army/Military caserne here. I got many informations from those situations... I wish to add websites an earlier but I deleted it at long time ago... I will add it when I find it.

Sorry to upset you all but I only tell you the truth opinion, that´s all.

Look at terrorist in the world... Yes, I´m agree that it´s not only Muslims but Nazi, mafia etc.

I only respond the honest answer because you ask the question about those situation

Add one more...

My husband remind me during conversation over those situation what you brought to this thread.

True, I also remember myself, too.

Alot of Musliums killed themselves for their countries. They were raised up to respect their countries... like what they did at 11.09 in NY.

Some Musliums who kidnapped at flights were stated at court: "I´m die for my country". They doing their risk life for their countries. The terriorist they arrest are most musliums...
I Vote No. Not all Muslims are Directly Bad...

But, After the whole incident, the bombings in the World Trade Center and Pentagon, the initial reaction for most people was to hate all the Muslims..Muslims follow a religion of peace, mercy, and forgiveness, and the vast majority have nothing to do with the violent events some have associated with Muslims.If an individual Muslim were to commit an act of terrorism, this person would be guilty of violating...

After the Incident of the Bombings in the World Trade Center, Some of American People would including shootings, beatings, stone throwing, robberies, vandalism, death threats and hate language has occurred against innocent Muslims resident in the United States.. I thought that was so Uncall for because they are not the blame on what happened to the World Trade Center Just Because they are Muslims that does not mean they are Involved or agreed what happened to us...
Liebling:-))) said:
Some Musliums who kidnapped at flights were stated at court: "I´m die for my country". They doing their risk life for their countries. The terriorist they arrest are most musliums...

And the Americans are also willing to die for their country when they are in the Army and go to war, no?
kuifje75 said:
And the Americans are also willing to die for their country when they are in the Army and go to war, no?

Sure, but Americans Armies are not terrorist but they are fight for their country to help poor victims at other countries.

Please remember that I´m not against Muslims because they are friendly people. They are also my friends, too. They admitted themselves (they born & raised in Germany) that what their country did unfair.

I respect their relgious BUT: I only answer yes because it´s them who hurt the people at twin center, kidnapping, etc.

I´m not saying 100% Muslims but I only said "most".