World's best driver!


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Aug 8, 2003
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Deaf people make better drivers than people with normal hearing - and they could be the world's safest motorists, a fascinating new study shows.

That's because they compensate for their disability, said a spokeman for the National Association of Drivers Educators for the Disabled.

"They've always taken in everything with their eyes and as a results, they tend to see everything when they're at the wheel".

And not being able to hear ambulance and other emergency sirens doesn't make deaf drivers unsafe at all. The study found that deaf drivers check their rear view mirrors frequently and can tell immediately if they should pull to the side of the road.

copyright - Weekly World News, Lantana Fl.
Yeah, its funny to see people driving and look at me puzzled when i pulled over cuz i saw ambulance or police or fire truck with flashing lights way behind me.. they got all confused why i pulled over and then saw them coming and they pulled over.. its kind of mess.. I just.. enjoy the view..
Yeah, whatever police try to pull me over.. I pulled over fast, makes police unprepare stop almost bumped in my back bumper, he said how do you know that fast? i said, its rules, if see Flashing lights.. PULL OVER fast.. for emergency so what are you stopping me for, got him lost words and release me.. (rofl) (snicekrs) :)
I figured this would happen. Us deafies use our eyes more! :eek:
RedRum said:
Deaf people make better drivers than people with normal hearing - and they could be the world's safest motorists, a fascinating new study shows.

That's because they compensate for their disability, said a spokeman for the National Association of Drivers Educators for the Disabled.

"They've always taken in everything with their eyes and as a results, they tend to see everything when they're at the wheel".

And not being able to hear ambulance and other emergency sirens doesn't make deaf drivers unsafe at all. The study found that deaf drivers check their rear view mirrors frequently and can tell immediately if they should pull to the side of the road.

copyright - Weekly World News, Lantana Fl.

You have the link to this so I can prove my mom wrong *poof*
:lol:@AquaMaiden... U know some hearing people asked me the same thing "Do you Drive" Duh yes!!!.. They dont think its safe for deaf people to drive.. why is that? just because we cant hear .. but we can see.. right? as it said.. we are the safer driver or the best driver.. that proofs it all...heh.. go deafiness go go go!!!
AquaMaiden said:
You have the link to this so I can prove my mom wrong *poof*

You might be able to do one better. Harlan Lane discusses this subject at considerable length in one of his books, but I can’t remember if it’s Mask… or Journey… According to Lane, the fact that deaf people make better drivers than hearing people has been repeatedly demonstrated in numerous studies over the course of the past 30 or 40 years, and that it is so well established that most insurance companies give preferential pricing to deaf people. If I can find the passage again, I’ll type it up and post it in this thread.
That's a high compliment and I generally agree with it. Hearing nor the lack of it is not a basis for safe driving. I remember a judge in Colorado years ago, Judge Sherman Finesilver uttered/proclaimed something like this.
:applause: ive known that for years that Deafies are better drivers than the hearies :laugh2:

at least finally there is some documented evidence of study has been done ref to this LOL
Tousi said:
That's a high compliment and I generally agree with it. Hearing nor the lack of it is not a basis for safe driving. I remember a judge in Colorado years ago, Judge Sherman Finesilver uttered/proclaimed something like this.

Obtaining automobile insurance for deaf drivers at standard rates was a critical issue in the early forties. In this area, because it involved insurance, the NFSD was able to prevail upon one insurer to accept deaf drivers at standard rates and keep a record on claims paid out. Of course, not all deaf drivers were enrolled in this program, but the fact that the insurer continues to accept qualified applicants testifies to the good record that had been established by deaf drivers over the years. In later years, when legislation detrimental to the interest of deaf drivers was introduced in some states, letters from the agency handling the placement of insurance were most helpful in defeating the legislation.

The problems of the deaf driver received the attention of Federal Judge Sherman Finesilver of Denver. Beginning with a symposium on the deaf driver in 1962, Judge Finesilver continuously presented the deaf driver favorable. The NFSD cooperated with him in setting up driver improvement classes in various parts of the country. Later public statements by Judge Finesilver convinced insurers that deaf drivers could be insured at standard rates. At the present time, the deaf driver with a good driving record experiences no problem obtaining auto insurance coverage.

It is somewhat ironic that upon attaining one of its goals—that of proving that deaf persons were good risks for insurance—the NFSD now finds itself in competition with other life insurers who had previously avoided insuring deaf persons, except at increased rates. However, after having come a long way and in the process of building up a successful business, the NFSD is meeting this competition and at the same time continuing its service to the deaf community.
There ya go, folks! Thanks, Levonian, for the leg up on finding this.....
hey everyone ! Dont say about deaf peoples are best driving than hearing people driving but i feel that the both of the deaf peoples and hearing peoples are the sames !
they are not perfect driving ..... if it one small accident and make a big mess lifes.....
some old people are lousy driving and some old peoples are good driving and same as young peoples and deaf or hearing peoples are lousy or good driving

I heard lots of deaf peoples said " i am good driving without a no tickets " and make me piss off and you never know it is happens to you when you got a accident .... examples.... when you drive on the road and someone who hits you and got hurt and kill or alive and bad shapes (body)..... some people drink and driving hit you and you never know and you cant see what the future is......
I disagree what deaf people said " the deaf people are good driver than hearing people driver"
think about twice what i told you this !
kristy said:
hey everyone ! Dont say about deaf peoples are best driving than hearing people driving but i feel that the both of the deaf peoples and hearing peoples are the sames !
they are not perfect driving ..... if it one small accident and make a big mess lifes.....
some old people are lousy driving and some old peoples are good driving and same as young peoples and deaf or hearing peoples are lousy or good driving

I heard lots of deaf peoples said " i am good driving without a no tickets " and make me piss off and you never know it is happens to you when you got a accident .... examples.... when you drive on the road and someone who hits you and got hurt and kill or alive and bad shapes (body)..... some people drink and driving hit you and you never know and you cant see what the future is......
I disagree what deaf people said " the deaf people are good driver than hearing people driver"
think about twice what i told you this !
You have to be piss off all the time when the person say lucky about they didn't get ticket?
kristy said:
hey everyone ! Dont say about deaf peoples are best driving than hearing people driving but i feel that the both of the deaf peoples and hearing peoples are the sames !
they are not perfect driving ..... if it one small accident and make a big mess lifes.....
some old people are lousy driving and some old peoples are good driving and same as young peoples and deaf or hearing peoples are lousy or good driving

I heard lots of deaf peoples said " i am good driving without a no tickets " and make me piss off and you never know it is happens to you when you got a accident .... examples.... when you drive on the road and someone who hits you and got hurt and kill or alive and bad shapes (body)..... some people drink and driving hit you and you never know and you cant see what the future is......
I disagree what deaf people said " the deaf people are good driver than hearing people driver"
think about twice what i told you this !
umm... in fact.. researchers find out that old people are in high risk of accidents...

and this is sad but true... insurance companys do increase their preniums when they're over 60 yrs old because of high risk in accidents....
Oh tell that to me.......

I consider myself more an average driver than a good driver.

But since then in the last 8 years I hadn't had a ticket. I managed to get thru 12 years up to now without a wreck.

Your mileage may vary on Deafie drivers and hearie drivers. It is just that there is "the law of chances" but the odds are much in our favor when it comes to being more safe drivers because we use our eyes a lot and concentrate on what is out there on the road.

But what pisses me off is drivers using cell phones and not keeping their eyes on the road! I was almost hit by an idiot using a cell phone some time ago. But good thing I was able to use defensive driving to avoid being t-boned. Chalk it up to heavy use of the video games "Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec" and "Project Gotham Racing 2" since it helped me develop much hand-foot-eye coordination that is really necessary for real-life situations on the road.

Also don't forget ROAD RAGE! I had more than my share of the middle finger at other drivers when they pull idiotic stunts in traffic and almost wrecks me!
sablescort said:
Oh tell that to me.......

I consider myself more an average driver than a good driver.

But since then in the last 8 years I hadn't had a ticket. I managed to get thru 12 years up to now without a wreck.

Your mileage may vary on Deafie drivers and hearie drivers. It is just that there is "the law of chances" but the odds are much in our favor when it comes to being more safe drivers because we use our eyes a lot and concentrate on what is out there on the road.

But what pisses me off is drivers using cell phones and not keeping their eyes on the road! I was almost hit by an idiot using a cell phone some time ago. But good thing I was able to use defensive driving to avoid being t-boned. Chalk it up to heavy use of the video games "Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec" and "Project Gotham Racing 2" since it helped me develop much hand-foot-eye coordination that is really necessary for real-life situations on the road.

Also don't forget ROAD RAGE! I had more than my share of the middle finger at other drivers when they pull idiotic stunts in traffic and almost wrecks me!

What about deafs are use sidekick and/or pager? I saw them use it while driving. :roll: Maybe it cause the hearing being painc and cause into wreck themselves. :rofl:
I used to get a bunch of tickets while growing up. I got my first speeding ticket a month after my birthday. I couldn't take defensive driving for it cuz I was going too fast. I got in my first accident six months after that. After my 17th birthday, I got my second speeding ticket. Luckily, I was able to take defensive driving to cover that. By the time I was 18 and beyond, I got 3 to 5 tickets a year. I even got into 2 accidents each year. I know it's not something to brag about, but after becoming the kind of driver I am now... I do look back and give a nice chuckle at it since it doesn't happen any more. I haven't gotten a speeding ticket since 1998. I did get 3 tickets here in Rochester for not wearing seat belts: one in 2000, one in 2001, and one in 2002. Good thing I didn't get anything in 2003! Hehehe!
illustrator said:
What about deafs are use sidekick and/or pager? I saw them use it while driving. :roll: Maybe it cause the hearing being painc and cause into wreck themselves. :rofl:

Then sidekicks and pagrs make it equal a hazard as cell phones! One look at the sidekick and *BAM* There goes your car straight to the Junkyard!

<---Doesnt use sidekick and pagers in the car.

And I forgot .....blah blah blah with other Deafies in the car that a heavy more distraction signing and driving at the same time. Hey I'm guilty of that thing but made 3x worse because I have to steer car, sign, and shift my car's gears (it's a 5-speed stickshift)
:( when I'm driving on the road, I tend to act like dumb hearing person and own the road... ie: I see a hearing driver driving and talking on cell phone, so I use my pager as cell phone and stare at them until they saw me *I can see them whisper saying I gtg bye or zoom and drive off* :lol: for the past 3 weeks I turn my music with CD kinda loud u can feel the badass beats, other ppl in their car look at me and think I'm crazzzzzy!
MsGiglz said:
Yeah, its funny to see people driving and look at me puzzled when i pulled over cuz i saw ambulance or police or fire truck with flashing lights way behind me.. they got all confused why i pulled over and then saw them coming and they pulled over.. its kind of mess.. I just.. enjoy the view..
Yeah, whatever police try to pull me over.. I pulled over fast, makes police unprepare stop almost bumped in my back bumper, he said how do you know that fast? i said, its rules, if see Flashing lights.. PULL OVER fast.. for emergency so what are you stopping me for, got him lost words and release me.. (rofl) (snicekrs) :)

:laugh2: @ MsGiglz's comments!

It's true that research have shown that deafies are a safer driving group rather than hearing due to their alertness level and using our eyes to take in what's happening around us 100% of the time. Our eyes compensate for our hearing losses.