What are you thinking about? Part VI

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Wirelessly posted

Uugh! Can't sleep. My thoughts and worrying are keeping me awake. My son's surgery is this morning.
The Shepherd mix will not work for me and trainer is looking to adopt her out along with her sister. We will see what is next. Have a prospect, but I am keeping moods and hopes at bay in case it does not work out again.
I should have waited to buy my Halloween candy.....it keeps calling me and I can't resist. Hahaha
meatloaf???? :roll:

I did eat meatloaf! :( Stupid low carb diet.... :mad: Actually, it was hurting before the meatloaf. I think maybe it was the bacon..... How could bacon betray me!?! I honestly bet it was the fact I jumped off my diet all weekend. I went drinking and then I just said F**k it and continued to eat poorly all weekend. I continued my diet today so my body is probably like WTF?!? :P
well there you go .. ive heard of the beer s**ts maybe alcohol of any kind can do the same idk for sure ...
well there you go .. ive heard of the beer s**ts maybe alcohol of any kind can do the same idk for sure ...

:ugh: I'd never.... ever.... admit to having..... bathroom issues...... ever..... :ugh: That's just one of those things..... That is never to come up..... Everything I eat..... turns into pee. That's it. End of story. Case closed. I drank quite a bit this weekend and it was vodka too.... :( It was some new brand and it was buy 1 get 1. So I bought it and it's called "candy bar." It tastes just like caramel or something like that..... After spending all day Saturday puking, I never want to see it again..... ever. So delicious going down though..... Sad I ruined it for myself.... :laugh2:
:ugh: I'd never.... ever.... admit to having..... bathroom issues...... ever..... :ugh: That's just one of those things..... That is never to come up..... Everything I eat..... turns into pee. That's it. End of story. Case closed. I drank quite a bit this weekend and it was vodka too.... :( It was some new brand and it was buy 1 get 1. So I bought it and it's called "candy bar." It tastes just like caramel or something like that..... After spending all day Saturday puking, I never want to see it again..... ever. So delicious going down though..... Sad I ruined it for myself.... :laugh2:

Oh that vodker! (Long story, but not a fan of it except friends who like to announce 'vodka m**********r!', so I shortened it! :thumb: ) I get bad vibes from that, you'ze crazy ta get tanked on rubbing alcohol flavored shizz! :laugh2:
Oh that vodker! (Long story, but not a fan of it except friends who like to announce 'vodka m**********r!', so I shortened it! :thumb: ) I get bad vibes from that, you'ze crazy ta get tanked on rubbing alcohol flavored shizz! :laugh2:

:laugh2: I rarely get hang overs...... but this stuff was so flavored that you didn't need a mixer OR a chaser! You could literally just drink it like soda..... It was 17% so I didn't think much of it.... Until I downed a bottle.... UGH! Hang over the whole next day and I was sick throwing up about 15 times. ( Felt much better after though! :D ) Still, just thinking about drinking it makes me want to puke! :( Publix sells it.... jerks..... :lol:
meatloaf???? :roll:

you ate something real bad:hmm:you learn lesson check out date and cook it better hope you feel better soon.

i not thinking much come back from russia and still operating four hours out of whack
Angel1989's Halloween candy? :hmm:

I don't think Angel would share the Halloween candy being how they're already excited about it! :laugh2: Pretty sure it was dairy or something like that..... Dairy hates me..... :roll:
I'm very thankful for the joys that AllDeaf offers. If it wasn't for AllDeaf, then I would have no idea that cats would do high fives. Keep this going. I love it!!!
Thinking how great that halloween trick n treating door is OVER! :fruit: I can relax and sit without stand up or down. lol My kids had FUN, and so are every kids i saw at my door. CUTE!!!
Thinking about another train trip. Just a day trip tomorrow. It's a Fall Foliage excursion that will run along the Susquehanna River.
Thinking about another train trip. Just a day trip tomorrow. It's a Fall Foliage excursion that will run along the Susquehanna River.

Where does it start and end? I am curious so I can take my son on something like that.
Thinking...27 more days to go.


Bring it!
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