What are you thinking about? Part VI

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Nope do you have that on FB??? I need to pay attention more lol I got the pic off Google image search :laugh2:

well I posted it like a month ago, I post so much that it's probably gon now :D I was just kidding...I love that one though
i am thinking about how neat when we dropped off our kids at the mark 7. We saw many old faces from old school or college. It's amazing to see how time goes so quickly, when we saw the old faces. It is like i saw them yesterday but it was not. its been 17 yrs ago! :shock:
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My neice's doggie is adorable :)
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myjade_84 said:
I'm thinking of ways on how make my hair shiny and smooth.

Use sexy hair products
Thinking that I should get off the computer and get dressed for the long drive to the workshop. Then, I got a long drive back home and then another long drive to visit my best friend in PA. I don't know why I torture myself with all this driving sometimes.
Thinking I should not be on AD or my other forum but instead preparing for my job interview this afternoon. Ah, well. All work & no play...
got mild head ache and praying dont turn into migraine and as i keep thinking about it then it most proberly will and now i depressed myself
i am thinking, is it appropriate for someone to say to others that someones speaking is distorted? :hmm:
Thinking I should not be on AD or my other forum but instead preparing for my job interview this afternoon. Ah, well. All work & no play...

Good luck with your job interview! :fingersx:
Gosh. When we dropped off our kids at the camp mark 7. I bumped into my OLD roommate in '89. We used to be close and over the years we were fading out due to the different path with the different majors. We saw each other again last week. We tried to chat but it was so short. She told me that they will come back earlier the week so they can stay there in old forge for a few days before they get kids home. For us, two hours away from old forge and didnt make plans. so we went for it by making reservation on campsite, we ll surivie to sleep in tent while they stay in the cottage. LOL so i m looking forward to seeing her again and catch up with news.

Im so restless for 5 days without hearing from our two kids. They dont write back yet. lol. I am told and been warned that kids dont write. they are right about it. LOL I did write 4th letters so far..

So We look forward to seeing our old friends once again next week. :)
Thinking and feeling somewhat guilty about that fried chicken I picked up at the deli....my pets smelled it and all ran into the kitchen...even I am tempted...*guilty as sin*
How weird it is that I paid $5 for ten petunia seeds, for a mix called Blueberry-Lime Jam, and after the last few days of rain and heat, it has become clear that they did not germinate.

Instead I have a lovely giant basil plant that is apparently a volunteer seeded from the basil that was in the pot last year. I hadn't realized this was even possible.
Thinking and feeling somewhat guilty about that fried chicken I picked up at the deli....my pets smelled it and all ran into the kitchen...even I am tempted...*guilty as sin*

I'll take the chicken if you don't want it lol
Good luck with your job interview! :fingersx:

Thanks. I guess it went well. I can never tell. I won't hear anything till after next week as they have a few more to interview.

Did find out that I was one of 7 picked from 78 applicants. But only one of us will get offered the job.

I have other applications out there, so something will come up at the appropriate time.

Looks like I'll be applying for COBRA in July (deadline is 7/15) :(
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In FB picking on the Jets ( trash talk)
My 12yr old daughter just realized that me not hearing well not only means she has to speak louder, she can sneak out of the house easier. Guess it's time to get some home alarms and use them for containment.
my bunion operation,i dread the threatre staff lose my dental plate or i send back to ward without it,i had three teeth knocked out last year....i dont even look at myself without it all done by feel..i prepared go without anesthetic cos dread this will happen
my bunion operation,i dread the threatre staff lose my dental plate or i send back to ward without it,i had three teeth knocked out last year....i dont even look at myself without it all done by feel..i prepared go without anesthetic cos dread this will happen

Think the best thing to do Caz...is leave the dental plate at home...all your jewelry/valuables also...then after the surgery, ask family/friends to bring it to you when they come visit....
i intend to write across my chest dont lose me plate put it back after operation...i having two bones broken and pinned surgen reakons i need no pain relief..dont know what planet he living on,i got some mates who going give me decent pain relife and i apparently be able walk out of hospital that day...think doctor and me got different views on walking...having it done by something called BUPA in private medical care not nhs...contenous subject health care...i paying for it i want strongest pain killers hospital got i aint no maryter
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