What are you thinking about? Part VI

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i thinking seagull nested on my roof i no complain as i live by sea but it craping on everyones head who come to house,it craping on me windows then it raking me garden up new turf for worms they tell me it makes horrendus noise it got chicks very protective mum dad seagull make much sh1t three baby seagull make even more sh1t

ouch :lol: hahaha! he fear to thinking on the apple lol!
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Thinking of many options
Thinking about the lone survivor of that crew who was lost. He must be suffering from survival `s guilt but I am sure his loved ones are glad he wasn't one of the victims. A sad day for my hometown.
Thinking about the lone survivor of that crew who was lost. He must be suffering from survival `s guilt but I am sure his loved ones are glad he wasn't one of the victims. A sad day for my hometown.

another crew has already been sent in
I think Jess is in the bottle tonight lol :laugh2:
Seems he hit the ball with the iron, not the club...??

What is it? Seems like whatever it was should have broke when he hit it.

Marketing for some golf store "2nd Swing" in Minneapolis. Pretty positive it's been edited in some way to make the apple explosion look real. Here's the commercial.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEKGbaOT464"]2nd Swing Golf Fitting Commercial - YouTube[/ame]

I'd say they got the advertising part DOWN!
Thinking I'm going to need an adjustment period to getting to bed early so I can go to the gym before work. Starting my need work out regime today....oh I'm sleepy. Zzzzzzzzzz
Thinking that the job search sucks.
Wirelessly posted

I am feeling exhausted with other things .
Thinking of my "weedy" flower garden....Friend asked me if I was gonna plant any more flowers and I said..."Why?...look at all those weeds growing"....So rain or shine...it's up in the early morning time...Weeds begone!
Thinking about the two baby skunks that ran under my deck this morning when I let Marley out. Keeping Marley on a leash and watching very carefully every time she needs to go out.
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