What are you thinking about? Part VI

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Thinking that nobody needs to be posting recipes for cooking cats and dogs. That was thoroughly disgusting. (And promptly deleted, thank you, mods.)
Thinking that nobody needs to be posting recipes for cooking cats and dogs. That was thoroughly disgusting. (And promptly deleted, thank you, mods.)


Well. I WAS thinking about how I need to repimp my hearing aids. I just it out (okay I have 2 plural, but I usually just wear one) and one of the nail stickers stuck to my finger, one of the other stickers slid off the other day as well. Guess they're losing their sticky.

But NOW I'm thinking of throwing up. Which would be a damn shame. I just got home from being out with my girlfriend and I had half a pound of shrimp and a coco-Rita, coconut rum with pineapple juice and a splash of sour....yum. I want to keep that all in my tummy thanks :D
I hope you are able to keep the yummy in your tummy.

Frankly, that was sick. I'm calling him out - that was Chris87 who posted that. And not even in a thread that had anything to do with anything -- it was the "ATTN: Anybody wanting to do questionnaires ... etal" thread that he posted that in. So anybody can see that. Yuck. "Braising Cats" was not my food thought for the day, thank you very much. He needs to be banned for posting sick stuff like that. I understand that in certain cultures that is actually accepted, but for the majority of us who post here, NO.

I think I just lost my appetite :|
okay so the guy I having been talking to.......I've known him for like 16 years, but I last saw him maybe 4 years ago, before the last drop in my hearing.

Anyway, this week I've started getting up really early to go to the gym before work, and I was telling him I need to stop abusing the snooze button on my bed shaker alarm clock because it's probably really annoying my new downstairs neighbor. He says he had no idea my hearing had gotten that bad. So I kind of explained how bad it is now, and said I'm legit deaf lol.

I'm kind of dreading his response. Am I going to get the "sorry"? Is it going to freak him out? scare him off? ugh

I think I'm going to think about something else :D
Wirelessly posted

I am thinking how its been ages since I've been on AD. Moved to new house and everything changes. I've been missing my Deaf friends lately. Having to depend on others to drive me places now, am limited to where I can go. Glad I can come back to AD. Doesn't look like I've been missed though, no matter, am sure glad to be back. :)
Wirelessly posted

I am thinking how its been ages since I've been on AD. Moved to new house and everything changes. I've been missing my Deaf friends lately. Having to depend on others to drive me places now, am limited to where I can go. Glad I can come back to AD. Doesn't look like I've been missed though, no matter, am sure glad to be back. :)

I hope you are back for good! Why do you need people to drive you?
Wirelessly posted

shel90 said:
BecLak said:
I am thinking how its been ages since I've been on AD. Moved to new house and everything changes. I've been missing my Deaf friends lately. Having to depend on others to drive me places now, am limited to where I can go. Glad I can come back to AD. Doesn't look like I've been missed though, no matter, am sure glad to be back. :)

I hope you are back for good! Why do you need people to drive you?

Hi Shel! :wave: I have M.S. Field vision affected in both eyes, sight hazy. Surrendered Drivers License and no longer drive. Left leg affected too, can't hold clutch any more. Glad I have AD to come back to. Have really missed you all.

My family still not hot on signing, so that thread on finding lip-reading and speech tiring, hits particularly close to home for me literally, as I am not seeing many people outside my immediate family at the moment. My Deaf friends live a 45 minute drive away now.
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Wirelessly posted

Time for me to go to bed - it's 2:30 am! See you tomorrow everyone.
Wirelessly posted

I am thinking how its been ages since I've been on AD. Moved to new house and everything changes. I've been missing my Deaf friends lately. Having to depend on others to drive me places now, am limited to where I can go. Glad I can come back to AD. Doesn't look like I've been missed though, no matter, am sure glad to be back. :)

Welcome back! :wave:
AHHHHHH I am freaking out. 'Running' around the house trying to pack and clean the car so we can get on the road to pittsburgh tomorrow. The closer to that time we get.. the more I get worried.
okay so the guy I having been talking to.......I've known him for like 16 years, but I last saw him maybe 4 years ago, before the last drop in my hearing.

Anyway, this week I've started getting up really early to go to the gym before work, and I was telling him I need to stop abusing the snooze button on my bed shaker alarm clock because it's probably really annoying my new downstairs neighbor. He says he had no idea my hearing had gotten that bad. So I kind of explained how bad it is now, and said I'm legit deaf lol.

I'm kind of dreading his response. Am I going to get the "sorry"? Is it going to freak him out? scare him off? ugh

I think I'm going to think about something else :D

Hope you haven't set yourself up for another let down ... would hate to see you get hurt again :(
Wirelessly posted

LoveBlue said:
Wirelessly posted

I am thinking how its been ages since I've been on AD. Moved to new house and everything changes. I've been missing my Deaf friends lately. Having to depend on others to drive me places now, am limited to where I can go. Glad I can come back to AD. Doesn't look like I've been missed though, no matter, am sure glad to be back. :)

Welcome back! :wave:

Hi LoveBlue :wave: :ty:
Wirelessly posted

I am thinking how its been ages since I've been on AD. Moved to new house and everything changes. I've been missing my Deaf friends lately. Having to depend on others to drive me places now, am limited to where I can go. Glad I can come back to AD. Doesn't look like I've been missed though, no matter, am sure glad to be back. :)

welcome to AD :) I glad of you miss friends!
Wirelessly posted

Thanks, dogmom and smithtr - it feels good to be back.
Hope you haven't set yourself up for another let down ... would hate to see you get hurt again :(


Yep, his next text to me was "I'm sorry". That's okay though I actually don't mind sorries, I'm just like it is what it is. He then gave me an pep talk and told me to stay positive. :) had to tell him I'm okay now :)

It's still early days and I don't really expect it to go anywhere. But it's fun chatting and reminiscing, learned some interesting things, we have um, a bit if history :naughty: lol. But he's a NH boy and I still haven't figured out if I want to stay in myrtle beach, follow my parents to Texas or move back to NH where my siblings are.
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