We broke the monthly traffic record once again!


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
Last month (September) 140,092 unique visitors have visited AllDeaf.com That's the highest number of unique visitors in a single month so far!


In addition, AD is the second most popular deaf site on the web behind deafness.About.com according to Alexa.com. See Alexa - Browse: Deafness

Thank you all for your continued support of AD! :thumb:
Congrats Alex for setting Alldeaf's visitor records! :lol: You're welcome, too!

just kidding! You're
, and Congrats. too because without you and this forum we wouldn't have no where else to go to.
Wha... a... bravo Alex performing this site contuine goal broke the record more every monthly!

AllDeaf is very addictive this site.. and cannot live without here!
I'm thinking about become annoymous addiction alldeaf.com LOL

Way to go!
Alex, Congrats on the new record. Its getting harder and harder to get high traffic sites these days...especially when it comes to unique visitors. You guys have done an excellent job of building a great website

On a side note, I'd be curious to know the hardware you use to host it. I have a web hosting customer who is a world known bodybuilder and he is running off of 3 servers and its still hard to keep up LOL.
AD :)


Let's party!!! hehe..

Congratulation, Alex! I bet u are thrilled about it! :hug:
On a side note, I'd be curious to know the hardware you use to host it. I have a web hosting customer who is a world known bodybuilder and he is running off of 3 servers and its still hard to keep up LOL.
Thanks, man! The server hardware is basically a Dual AMD Opteron 248 w/ 2 GB ECC RAM and (2) 73 SCSI hard drives (10k RPM). These days I'm finding my server to ridiculously slow at peak times and I'm thinking about getting a second dedicated.

Hey, does this bodybuilder/customer of yours happen to run bodybuilding.com???? lol I'm a regular visitor of that site. :) Oh, and did you hear about Jay Culter winning this year's Mr. Olympia? He just beat the 8-time Mr. Olympia holder, Ronnie Coleman. Wow!
Wow!!! Time for parrttyyy having drunk! Hah jkjk btw I'm proud of u alex and keep it up and don't lose smile
wow, Congratulation, Alex!!!

Your forum become well-known and popular!!! No wonder why the people become addict on your forum... :thumb:

Now, it´s time to :cheers: adn then have :party: :dance: :party: :dance: :party: :dance: :party:
Congrats :fingersx:

and I thank Alex for dedicating himself to support deaf/hoh people :ty:

That would be me!!

Cuz I have been visting here and read mostly during the week and did not have time (sometimes I do, depend my mood) to post so mostly reading that I have had came here often everyday lol... LOVE TO READ.... So maybe that was me that keep coming here so much last month? hehe :giggle:

:lol: J/K

Anyway, CONGRATS, Alex!! Keep up that... that was awesome u have had keep on going longer! :bowdown:
Awesome and congrats. Ever since I was here in late 2002, I will still continue to support AD.
:jaw: wow! Alex, that's awesome! Congrat! :beer: to Alex!