
Just this past January -- Melbourne had one of the most spectacular thunder/lightning storms in 100 years! It actually kept ME awake for half the night due to the intensity of the lightning and thunder. It just kept on going, going AND GOING! Flashing here and there -- lit up the entire home with the lightning and shook the house with its booming thunders! :lol:
DeafSCUBA98 said:
boy.. comming to minnesota.. gotta visit me for a while :D.. there will be times i'll be in cities once a while.. cuz i'm dating a gal in anoka :D

Why not!?!?! I know my friend Amanda owes me a bar hopping night since I turned 21 last year. I'm going to be in Minnesota, one for friends' wedding up in Brainerd and then return to IL then come back to work at camp again. I'll make sure to let you know when, etc! OOOOOoooooooOOOOOO you're dating a gal *gimmie details!*
WaterRats13 said:
Just this past January -- Melbourne had one of the most spectacular thunder/lightning storms in 100 years! It actually kept ME awake for half the night due to the intensity of the lightning and thunder. It just kept on going, going AND GOING! Flashing here and there -- lit up the entire home with the lightning and shook the house with its booming thunders! :lol:
The same thing happened to me last night. The lightning was BRIGHT! If you were to turn off all the lights in the apartment, the flash was bright enough to light up the whole room! :eek:
Cheri said:
Yes, Friday Late Afternoon the Sky became Dark and then Hail and bad Wind and then My power went off from 4 pm to 1145 pm...It was scary I thought we were going to have a tornado. But, then after my Power went back on There were more Thunder Storms and I can hear it and it is so loud, sounds like heaven is Bowling up there! Heh.

:::perk::: Bowling? Someone say bowling? Wait, lemme get my ball!
Malfoyish said:
:::perk::: Bowling? Someone say bowling? Wait, lemme get my ball!

LOL, I am Serious that the same kind of Noise u would hear at the Bowling Ally as the same as u hear in a bad thunderstorm.. heh. :P
Oh. Thunderstorms are one of my favorite God's creation!! I love to watch lightnings flashing all over the sky. I often have these kind of thunderstorms here in the West. Sorry, Knightwolf58, I ain't sending it down there to High Miles City! :lol:

My boys always get scared when they hear the thunders crashing. I kept telling them that they are safe in this house with Mommy. LOL I love to "protect" them when I watch the lightnings out there. :thumb:
tekkmortal said:
Boy you guys are chicken. I have been suffering with lightnings since February! :nana:
well whats worse.. i've been suffered since i'm, a baby boy :nana:
I drove home from work last night. Oh my gosh, the thunderstorm lights were so bright and very loud. I was parnaoid that lights may hit my car because the lights were very closer to me. I was so nervous to drive my car with pour rain as difficult to see while I drove.

I ran in the apartment from parking alot. My clothes and hair were all soaking !! My two sons were glad to see me to be home safetly. I took a shower and change pj to relax most of the evening. It was so nice to be home with my sons. We caught up to chat for a hour before I went to bed. Of course, my cat pumpkin jumped and hide under my sheet. She wants to be with Mommy as spoil brat ! =^..^= meow !! :ugh: Scare the thunderstorm lights loud !! She was hided under my bed when I got home. awwwww
we had a T'storm last nite and the lightening was pretty bright -- lit up the whole place here and now today its all blue skies and sunny and the weather says we are supposed to have rain for the rest of the week :dunno: and the meteorologists are hard to believe now a days anyway :roll:
tekkmortal said:
Boy you guys are chicken. I have been suffering with lightnings since February! :nana:
:confused: You are saying that I'm chicken of lightnings? If not, please clarify. Thanks.

BTW, I am not afraid of thunderstorms. :thumb:
Im not afraid of thunderstorms, l love to watch it from the safety of our porch! the only thing im afraid of is ..tornadoes!! Ive been thru like 3 of them and it was horrendous!...*shudders*....
It hasn't rained here in this part of Georgia since last week. We are in serious in needing rain or we will be in high-level drought status. I don't like the fact that the government is telling us when to and not to use our water for anything! I just called my grandmother in Tennessee and she said it is raining there!
Looks like a storm is brewing at this moment! The sky is getting darker by the minute! Eek!
VamPyroX said:
Looks like a storm is brewing at this moment! The sky is getting darker by the minute! Eek!

Yea - I m like 10 miles away from you and we're looking at the same thing. You're right - EEEK!
The most recently last long wknd from May 21 to 24th.. Three days row heavy thunderstorms and lighting.. Guess what, My hubby and I couldn't sleep because can see through sleeping on the tent.. Can see the plastic on the tentroof top (mumbling).
Roaarrr Rumbling hell loud, We woke up in the middle night in our Tent and see on the tentroof top hell bright thunderstorm lighting.. Vibrates really loud. How's so lucky my kids are sleeping through til in the morning not even woke up in the middle night. My hubby and I were not good sleep through the overnight. I was asked all Deafies of my peepz, have you gone good sleep thru all the night? They told me, HELL NO!, cannot sleep because of hell loud thunderstorm lighting and bright lighting.. They were not patience as well.. Take their turns to sleep taking a nap each 1 hour. *sigh*
We are first our experience sleep through our tent during thunderstorms. Lucky Nobody crushed the tent down... Made it through Long weekend at Grand Bend, Ontario. ((chuckles))
I love thunderstorms even thou I can't hear the thunder unless it's directly overhead! I remember flying home from Texas the plane flew through a thunderstorm and it was so cool seeing the lightening bolts. We had a thunderstorm last night too...and my little baby kitty Trilly was so afraid.. (she doesn't like loud noises to put it mildly!)
Brian said:
It hasn't rained here in this part of Georgia since last week. We are in serious in needing rain or we will be in high-level drought status. I don't like the fact that the government is telling us when to and not to use our water for anything! I just called my grandmother in Tennessee and she said it is raining there!

*sends the rains to u*

we are having MORE rain tonite!!!! i can imagine the rivers by now should be flooding more *smh*

*tells mother nature -- send the rain over to Brian!* :lol:
AquaMaiden said:
Yea - I m like 10 miles away from you and we're looking at the same thing. You're right - EEEK!
I ended up walking over a mile in the rain after I posted that message! :(