Obama vs McCain: Race for Ultimate President!

I vote for...

  • Obama! First African-American ever!

    Votes: 21 33.3%
  • McCain! And hot wife.

    Votes: 26 41.3%
  • Green Party or something...

    Votes: 4 6.3%
  • Ain't vote them. They aren't quality.

    Votes: 12 19.0%

  • Total voters
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Reba, no wonder why McCain don't want everyone know that his sons are in Iraq because his frequent visit to Iraq to boost his votes... Really truth is their sons are the reasons why he made frequent visit to...

McCain tried to keep themselves quiet but we already found out more about them...
Didn't you read my post? It says that they don't want to use their sons' military experiences for votes, and that they don't want people to know where the son is serving for security reasons.

Where did you read that McCain frequently visits his son in Iraq?

snopes.com: Cindy McCain

Cindy was 24; John was 41 and still living with his wife Carol who had raised his three children while he was passing time in Vietnam. McCain divorced Carol in April, 1980 and married Cindy in May, 1980. This is okay in the Republican world because Cindy was rich.

No, it is not "OK" for Republicans, Democrats, independents, or the man on the moon.

Trust McCain? :hmm:
I don't trust any politicians any further than I can throw them.
I guess I better talk to my hubby about that cuz we are in that income bracket and we dont need more tax plans screwing us up even more. That's why we got screwed over with income tax returns cuz of the tax plan put in place by Bush.

Don't trust Heritage Foundation, they are really biased against Obama and talk about BS on tax plan that Obama create his idea.

It's hard to change the taxes, you have goes to congress to do it.
I am sorry. I am late to post here. I misunderstand what someone said about third Bush for presidents. It's George H Bush his son. It's triple times. Our country want be finish with Bush for president. He will be retired in Jan 2009.

I don't have a political view. Republican and Democratic are not my personal. I am feeling like mixed. I am support the less dictator for Government's control! I am scare of Obama's tax plan. Iran is bad country right now. I am not happy with gas price in here. I am feeling it's the worst.

Pinky...about Obama's tax plan...if you make less than $270,000 a year, you will be OK under his plan. He plans to cut taxes for the middle class and impose higher taxes for the very rich, which they can certainly afford to pay.

When McCain says he will cut taxes for the middle class...he means people that make more than $270,000 per year. This, to me, shows a clear example of the disconnect between some politicians, and the general public.
I guess I better talk to my hubby about that cuz we are in that income bracket and we dont need more tax plans screwing us up even more. That's why we got screwed over with income tax returns cuz of the tax plan put in place by Bush.

Obama made headlines June 13 when he called for a Social Security payroll tax on incomes above $250,000 a year. Currently, the tax is levied only on the first $102,000 of each worker's income. That covers the entire salary of most Americans.

Social Security needs revamping
Obama would not apply the Social Security tax to annual incomes between $102,000 and $250,000, a move meant to avoid alienating several million upper-income voters. His proposed change would apply only to those earning more than $250,000 a year, or about 3 percent of all taxpayers.

Didn't you read my post? It says that they don't want to use their sons' military experiences for votes, and that they don't want people to know where the son is serving for security reasons.

Yes, I have read... Should I buy McCain's story? :lol: :lol:

Where did you read that McCain frequently visits his son in Iraq?

I read your post from other thread that he visit Iraq many times yesterday... :D

I don't trust any politicians any further than I can throw them.

:lol: :lol:
Obama is care about black people in inner cities more than white people. I can't get 270,000 on tax income back because I am on SSDAC. It's limited! I got about 100 to 300 get tax back. You don't have to say feel sorry for me.

Pinky...about Obama's tax plan...if you make less than $270,000 a year, you will be OK under his plan. He plans to cut taxes for the middle class and impose higher taxes for the very rich, which they can certainly afford to pay.

When McCain says he will cut taxes for the middle class...he means people that make more than $270,000 per year. This, to me, shows a clear example of the disconnect between some politicians, and the general public.

Nobody read my message so I repost it here.

The tax plan would never work, because congress would not go for that. They are all rich and make a lot of money. I think it is just an act to put on for the voters who are at poverty level. Which is most black and minorites that live in inner cities.
Obama is care about black people in inner cities more than white people. I can't get 270,000 on tax income back because I am on SSDAC. It's limited! I got about 100 to 300 get tax back. You don't have to say feel sorry for me.

Nobody read my message so I repost it here.

Originally Posted by ~♥~Pinky~♥~
The tax plan would never work, because congress would not go for that. They are all rich and make a lot of money. I think it is just an act to put on for the voters who are at poverty level. Which is most black and minorites that live in inner cities.

Who says that Obama cares about his own race more than white people?

As what you said that your earn is under $250,000 (accord the link, I posted) which is good because they won't increase tax on your earn because your earn is too low than $250,000. Obama plan to increase the tax on wealthy people who earn more than $250,000. You need nothing to worry about. :P
Obama is care about black people in inner cities more than white people. I can't get 270,000 on tax income back because I am on SSDAC. It's limited! I got about 100 to 300 get tax back. You don't have to say feel sorry for me.

Nobody read my message so I repost it here.

Not true, he does care about low and middle class families, race aren't matters.

Most low and middle class families are suffered from economy crisis and recession since rich people is just nothing to affected.

I would love to see Bill Gates to pay VERY VERY VERY huge tax every year, that fair for us, stupid rich MS.
Really? :hmm: Just wait and see. I don't believe in full of BS. I am not RICH! I am middle class. So who cares?? I wish I am RICH! Everyone wish to be RICH and want to be fair to other Upper Class. I don't like the snobbish people! They are careless about Middle Class and Lower Class. It's not heart! The Upper Class are so SELFISH!

Not true, he does care about low and middle class families, race aren't matters.

Most low and middle class families are suffered from economy crisis and recession since rich people is just nothing to affected.

I would love to see Bill Gates to pay VERY VERY VERY huge tax every year, that fair for us, stupid rich MS.

Yeah but it depend on people with criminal activities. But I am not a racist person. I am white! I have friends with Africa-American. It's nothing wrong with it. I don't like to hang out with Africa-American with wrong crowd. Because it's drugs, murder, gangs, thief and show OFF of gold. I don't like it. I like Africa-American people are smart and not a DUMB for Criminal Activities!

Do you care Africa-American?
Thank you for response my post. I can't tell you who told me about Obama is care about black people. I don't want you to against someone's view. I have to respect someone's view. It's not McCain. It's other person.

I don't have $250,000 income. I am not telling anyone about my business. But myspace show up for income to everyone. I put mark "not answer" Why they need to know how many I do have income? That's not important to know. It's my personal private. I wish I am Rich. But it's suck! I am not a stuck up as Upper Class.

I can't make $250,000 in my bank account because SSDAC will against me. I don't like SSDAC's rules! Many deaf people are panic to get married because SSD, SSDI, SSI will cut down. I don't know if it's true or not. I did report to SSA that I got married and replacement a new Social Security Number with my new last name. I did get my SSDAC on July 3rd. It's not cut off down yet. I will wait and see until Friday or Monday. I will answer if it's still same or cut it down. My friend said really want to get marry but she is scare to get marry because of SSI will cut her down. Ohh well.

Nobody read my message so I repost it here.

Who says that Obama cares about his own race more than white people?

As what you said that your earn is under $250,000 (accord the link, I posted) which is good because they won't increase tax on your earn because your earn is too low than $250,000. Obama plan to increase the tax on wealthy people who earn more than $250,000. You need nothing to worry about. :P
:ty: I wonder how many other forms of SS folks can get!

I used to have SSA and now I am taking SSDAC. Because of my dad's death when I was 15. I has a disabled because of usher syndrome. My dad was in army long times ago.
Do you mean someone with U.S. and with a Vet Dad would get SSDAC? I am not trying to pick on you . . . I am trying to understand.
Agreed. I'm a Republican, but McCain scares the crap out of me! I'm seriously leaning towards voting for Obama.

As are many other Republicans according to the national polls. And anyone with a disability that is covered under the ADA needs to be seriously scared of McCain.
Do you mean someone with U.S. and with a Vet Dad would get SSDAC? I am not trying to pick on you . . . I am trying to understand.

No, that's not the way it works.

I'll try to explain it from a personal perspective:

My son received Survivor's Benefits monthly from the age of 6 as a result of his father's death. He was not qualified to receive SSI because he was receiving Survivor's Benefits. Survivor's Benefits are based on the amount his father had paid into the system during his lifetime, and are awarded as the deceased individual did not reach the age necessary to collect their retirement benefits from SSA. Those benefits stopped when he reached the age of 18. At that time, as long as he was still a student, he could have transferred his eligibility to SSDAC, and continued to receive benefits until age 22 based on his father's income because he was disabled (deaf). He chose not to continue with the benefits.

After the age of 22, if he is not working, or is working only part time and not making sufficient income to be considered self supporting, he could apply for SSI. He has not applied for those benefits, either.

His father was also a veteran, but the only benefits he received as a result of that was a small stipend to assist with his educational expenses. And when I say small, I mean very small. Those funds do not come from SSA, but from the Veteran's Adminsitration.

Also, because his father was a deceased veteran, when I decided to relocate to place Him in a deaf school, I received a one time award of $1000 from the Veteran's Adminsitration to assist me with moving expenses.

I, as well, was entitled to Survivor's Benefits as the mother of a minor child with a deceased father that had paid a considerable amount into the system. However, my income was above the level for eligibility, so I did not receive benefits. If a mother qualifies for these benefits, they are based not just on the amount the spouse has paid into the system, but the mother's income as well. Disability does not figure into the equation: death of a spouse and child's age are the crtiteria. Likewise, if a father is left with dependent minor children after the death of a wife who has worked and paind into the system, he and his children are eligible to apply for Survivor's Benefits as well. Parental Survivor's Benefits stop once the child has reached 16 years of age, the parent remarries, or the income of the surviving parent reaches the level of cut off.

Hope this helps to explain some of it.
Ditto! I'll know more come November. Obama may be a little too raw but sometimes having fresh air 'blow in' is good.

We are in dire need of some "fresh air"! Americans are suffocating on the stale air that has been the status quo for several years now.
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