Obama A Smoker....

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I don't care whether Pres. Elect Obama is smoking, but it's important thing is that I just want to see him to do well at his job as President.
Again, I don't care about his smoking, that's his problem, not ours.
I don't smoke, BTW.
There are worst things you can do in the White House then smoking, like getting a BJ :)
Take a very good look in the mirror FIRST before you feel fit to judge others.

I don't smoke sweetie. :) Besides when an individual is smoking--it shows that they don't care about themselves as it's known fact that cigarette smoking kills.

Why do you ask? Planning on kissing Obama? :lol:

:lol: Touche! Seriously--would you rather kiss an individual that has minty breath or an ashtray breath?

:lol: This is such a silly (as in dumb) thread. :P

:lol: And you responded. :lol:

There are worst things you can do in the White House then smoking, like getting a BJ :)

wow I didnt know that he's a smoker but who cares? I agreed with Hear Again post #4.
Byrdie, let's take President Bush.. he loves his Jim Beam a tad bit too much. It's been documented he's a known alcoholic and his wife had to have him choose between her or his Jim Beam.

Now you bring up Obama and his cigarettes.. I can understand the public perception of a smoking president. It would show that Obama "allows" second-hand smoke BUT you would need to go ALL the way back to the presidents starting with the first one.

If you were to criticise Obama for his choice of using cigarettes, then you would need to look into all the world leaders for their choice of dabbling into alcohol, cigarettes, reefers, ladies/men of the nights and so on.

Byrdie.. why just only Obama? Why not Bush and his Jim Beam, Clinton and his reefers, Reagan and his "evening pleasure with the ladies" when he was younger?
I guess his smoking habits will cloud his judgement as a president...:roll:
Okay, he's a smoker. And your point is...?

I am very certain he is aware that smoking is considered a bad habit, but that is his business. There is no way to force anyone who smokes to tell them to quit smoking and smoking is a very personal decision. Whether you like it or not.

Yes smoking cause lung cancer and I'm sure ALL the smokers out there are aware of that so they are not that stupid. It is their choice whether they perfer to smoke or not.

While I admit I do smoke sometimes but that doesnt mean I am a smoker. I only smoke once in a while like once a month or longer. I usually smoke on occassions when I hang out with people around my age as hanging out and having fun, relaxing, whatever you call it.

While I know cigarettes have some chemicals such as rat posion, I know for the fact that smoking can be dangerous and can slowly kill you as you are so addicted to it and such.

But I take good care of myself and I try to be careful with my health, and I dont intend to smoke heavy.

So...Many smoke, Many dont. So we are even. Seriously, what difference does it make when our elect-President smoke? I am sure he is not the only president who smoke before. :roll:
Saying no to Obama just for this cigarette? It's like saying no to a president who are addicted to the candies which are also unhealthy. :roll:

I am planning to quit by smoking the electronic cigarette vapors instead..
There are worst things you can do in the White House then smoking, like getting a BJ :)

Or order the illegal invasion of a country that doesn't have weapons of mass destruction, hence killing millions of their citizens and thousands of our soldiers.
wow you all didn't know he was smoker? obviously you missed during 2004 it was known that he was smoker.. want proof?
Media Matters - Gibson called Obama's long-known cigarette smoking a "dirty little secret"

The reason he quit is because of the White House rule and he wants to be healthy to be fit for president and such. It's no secret.

I knew that he quit but the OP's post was about him falling off the wagon few months ago and said that he won't smoke in white house. *shrug*
We know before Obama announced his presidential candidate that he quitted his smoking habit with the help from his wife Michelle. It doesn't bother me really either he still smoke or not...

It's good thing that he is determinte to give up his smoking habit for his healthy.
There are worst things you can do in the White House then smoking, like getting a BJ :)


But to me, Bush's lies over WMDs in Iraq cause thousands people to death is the worst than BJ or smoking...
I'm reminded of a Tom Robbins' book.

"Kissing someone who smokes is like licking an ashtray"-princess
reply: "Kissing someone who's intolerant is like licking a mongoose's ass"

I quit smoking in 95 with the help of weaning, then acupuncture and self-hypnosis. After that I realized how terrible it smelled and am now very sensitive to cig smoke.
Well, the White House is famous for health fit such as joggin' and exercisin', because of the job itself is really a HUGE and BIG responsibility and it could stress health. Smokin', or drinkin' or what ever is not a good idea, because it conflicts to exercisin'. The White House IS a drug-free zone.

If, they want to turn the White House into a " health unfit " then, we will have a problem. It will show uncarin', poor responsibility, and such. IF, he continues to smoke - he is not helpin' American citizens to change their poor health to a better health. He will let people DO whatever they want, just because he smokes.

Like some of ADers said about women what women want to do with their bodies - they don't care, either. Hey, remember that's my perspective. It doesn't mean that I am against them, but to give details what I view around them. Of course, they still have their own choices. :)
wow you all didn't know he was smoker? obviously you missed during 2004 it was known that he was smoker.. want proof?
Media Matters - Gibson called Obama's long-known cigarette smoking a "dirty little secret"

The reason he quit is because of the White House rule and he wants to be healthy to be fit for president and such. It's no secret.

I knew that he quit but the OP's post was about him falling off the wagon few months ago and said that he won't smoke in white house. *shrug*
So, he didn't really quit smoking, right?
We know before Obama announced his presidential candidate that he quitted his smoking habit with the help from his wife Michelle. It doesn't bother me really either he still smoke or not...

It's good thing that he is determinte to give up his smoking habit for his healthy.
If he wants to smoke, fine. But he shouldn't lie about it.
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