I got a BOYFRIEND!!!!!

*laughing so hard ... good ones.. sabby*


No wonder that if Miss pee tells truth abt her boyfriend since her man got long nose which good rubbing her clitoris and stick it up in her hole since she won't make sex as normal like we do!! :lol:

looks like Miss P is dreaming of her bf that actually thinks it's so real! That's what it looks like on her post. It must be mr. Peter Pan from Neverland.
sequoias said:
looks like Miss P is dreaming of her bf that actually thinks it's so real! That's what it looks like on her post. It must be mr. Peter Pan from Neverland.

you're just jealous cause you don't have a boyfriend, sequoiass. :greddy:
Miss*Pinocchio said:
you're just jealous cause you don't have a boyfriend, sequoiass. :greddy:

wrong, big fat lips. I am not GAY. Good luck with Peter Pan, and I'm not jealous, *whack*.
how you know what I look like? big fat lips... *looking in the mirror*...
why you called me big fat lips?
Big Fat Lips meaning: you got wrong answer .. it not mean that you got thick lips! duh. so read careful and using your own common sense! :)

Hey -- I found this article in the net titled "Pinnochio Becomes Real Boy. Sue Michael Jackson" -- see in the link below:


Miss*Pinocchio said:
I got a BOYFRIEND!!!!! YAY!!!! I love him!!!!!! Lucky me!!!! :mrgreen:

Oh yeah? Who's your new boyfriend? Oh Let me guess, It's your computer? :type: that entertains you all the time, :buttsex: and even sometimes he doesn't start, so you gave it a few hard whacks on the side and it comes back on huh? So, you're satisfied because your computer doesn't talk back to you either huh? I knew you'll find him right in front of you. What took you so long to find him? :whistle:
sablescort said:
*mmmm* Anybody got a hot dog bun that can fit this nose?

Ummm well she got pregnant from that since she hates penis.

Hey Hey Hey Everybody! Didnt you just read Alex's thread about "ask him anything"...

I just noticed that Miss P said on Alex's thread...I copy and paste what she said about RavenSteven..

I don't want to miss my RavenSteven...

WOW she finally admitt her boyfriend is RAVENSTEVEN! :type:

Her real boyfriend is RS and fantasy boyfriend is MJ :afro:
Let's :fingersx: that RS and MP gets married..:lol:

Hey! Why dont you two meet real soon and experience this..

:kiss: :bj: :buttsex: :69: :lick:

Don't let us know how it goes...we dont wanna know!

:dance2: :dance2:
Fly Free said:
Miss P -- congrats on getting a fantasy boyfriend

:laugh2: GOOD one... but how about a cyber boyfriend? :roll: that she can *cough* have cybers** online with :roll: how fun NOT :ugh: