How tall are you??

I am 5'8". That's funny, my little brother taller than me, He's 6'2". :shock:
6 feet/ 5 inches. I hate to be tall because I have hard time get fit in Suzuki X90 and Geo tracker.
make that 2 ad'ers lol :P yay for u jillio!

I must be on a roll! That never happens. My great niece had her First Communion last week, and when the photographer was taking the family picutre, they had to put me behind the 8 year old in order to see me!:giggle:
I am 5'2 1/2 don't know how I can be a half:giggle:
I'm 5'3"

My oldest son is taller than me, my youngest son is getting there. :squint: