Hi, My Name Is Marie, I Am Deaf And Am Looking For New Friends


Aug 25, 2016
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Let me introduce myself, my name is Marie i am 33 years old, deaf, single, looking for new friends. tried to look for deaf chatrooms, support, etc. But have not found any that are deaf friendly. I'm deaf and have been teased all my life because of it.
Thank you very much! smile. I have been deaf my whole life. my mom is deaf in both ears, she signs as well as talk. i grew up learning ASL and SEE, learned how to speak. i have an accent like all deaf do.
Hi ! I am really sorry to hear you been tease for being deaf . People can be real jerks . Yeah I have a HOH and accent too and some people think it's am foreign accent and asked where was I born. LOL ! I wish I could come with crazy name for a country .
Thank you all!!!! My mom made mistake of making me go to hearing schools. i hate the hearing schools, i want to go to deaf school or college.
Welcome! I am deaf like you. We are about the same age. I get teased for being deaf alot when I was in school. I do not have speaking ability so I know how you feel.
I guess I was teased in school too but I couldn't hear the kids b/c I was 8 yo when I got my first hearing aid.
thanks! was poke poke poke around the forums and am comfortable here, do you guys have an irc channel here?
:welcome:, Marie. Sorry you were teased about being deaf. I was teased about being so handsome. :eek: :fingersx::rolleyes: (crossed fingers to hide a lie--not an "R" :mrgreen: ). I guess we all have our crosses to bear.

Nice to meet you, and that's the truth. :yesway::yesway:
There is one for any jokes about Hearies that you may have.... You can always use that one... Or create your own thread.

I'm a hearie and want to learn more about ASL and Deaf culture. But I promise I wont tease you about being deaf. Sorry to hear you got teased.
ah, ok! good! glad you are wanting to learn about Deaf Culture. Some of us deafies like being tapped on the shoulder, flashing lights in a room to get our attention , or stomp on the floor. All various ways to get a deaf person's attention. i was taught MSE, SEE, and ASL. i also was taught to speak. i still have the deaf accent.
ah, ok! good! glad you are wanting to learn about Deaf Culture. Some of us deafies like being tapped on the shoulder, flashing lights in a room to get our attention , or stomp on the floor. All various ways to get a deaf person's attention. i was taught MSE, SEE, and ASL. i also was taught to speak. i still have the deaf accent.

Happy to be here and thanks for the advice