Have anyone gave their kid a unusual name?


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May 1, 2003
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Have anyone given their baby names like Chevy, Reebok, ect? ...weird aint it eh?

Good thing my daughter aint named like that (after all she's named after Annika Sorenstam and Annika means Grace in Swedish ;) )


Americans are increasingly turning to the world of popular culture to name their children, a study has found.
Children have been named after big brands as diverse as beauty company L'Oreal, car firm Chevrolet and designer clothes company Armani.

There are even two little boys, one in Michigan and one in Texas, called ESPN after the sports channel.

Psychology professor Cleveland Evans discovered the trend after surveying US social security records for 2000.
DEFFY one thing i can tell u depends on the reason behind it, my kid isn't going to have some common name BUT will give her a common name and a unqiue middle name for a VERY good reason, I can give them ops to change the name around or go get a new one when thier of legal age the reason behind it is, i been ridculed with my last name but im used to it just have to tell them to be bold and stuck up to them and let them talk the talk cuz only we walk the walk and walk away the winner :) heheh Serious case i already have two names ready just in case BUT sometimes the name will change at the day of the birth never know!
I'd name my kid "Benjamin"! Oh wait, he needs a middle name... I guess it'll be "Dover". :thumb:
Yeah, I've been hearing stories about people naming their kids after a popular brand name and so forth. I feel sorry for those kids. :roll:
I'd just scour for an unique name that has no attachment to any famous/popular brand names. If I ever have a daughter, I'd like to christen her as Shayla or Shantel...

Holy moley! I just remembered a name I had earlier wanted to name my first child -- I was about 16 when I first started reading V.C. Andrews' series...there was one saga called the Casteel Saga -- a girl in there was named Heaven Leigh Casteel. Has anyone unashamedly read V.C. Andrews' books? (**blows whistle @ myself for going slightly off-topic here :Oops: **)
I named all my kids from family tree wayyy back.. and middle names too :)
Amanda Hilda
Amelia Winona
Mackenize Joseph (short for Mack)
Mallory Antionette
Allen Earl

My 3 children's name..

Michael Kevin (Condiser removed name Kevin switch to silke) My son's requested wishes.... One day, My son and I will go Birth Certv and change middle name removed from kevin to silke and family last name too..
Adopted last name Neville switch to Watts (He really wanted to... because isn't belong to Neville reason he feelings. I respect his wishes. I do not mind and pay for it..

Michael Kevin

Tasha Devorna

Riker Duncan

Tasha and Riker are rare beauitful name..

Our children are last name Watts :)

My birth last name "Silke" awesome.. I wish I could removed Neville switch to Silke (still thinking about tha... ) :)
If I had children, I would probably name them after my past ancestors. Naming your children after brand names or companies seems to me to be in poor taste, and makes me wonder if these companies sponsor their childbearing expenses? :lol:
kuifje75 said:
If I had children, I would probably name them after my past ancestors. Naming your children after brand names or companies seems to me to be in poor taste, and makes me wonder if these companies sponsor their childbearing expenses? :lol:

I agreed.. that what I did with my kids' names :)
I almost named my son Jasper Dew.. last name :-X

however most my family don't like that name.. oh well. i liked it cuz i like jasper.. something different.. and dew.. cuz i love mountain dew :P

instead i named him Sean Joseph (lastname not to say) :D
OMG! If this keeps up, we'll have this...
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VamPyroX said:
OMG! If this keeps up, we'll have this...

Hah, thats great. Reminds me of that news article I read a while back. The video game company Aklaim wanted to promote the latest installment of the game Turok, by having a family name their baby Turok, in exchange, the baby got a full scholarship. Not a bad deal really, Turok isn't that bad of a name, and he only had to keep it for the first year to get the scholarship.

About being named 'Seven', I remember there was a sienfeld where George wanted to name his kid Seven, and moved his finger in the air like a seven, and Susan optomisticly said "Is that Sign Language?" george said "No, as in, the name would be the word 'seven'." Susan replies "Oh, well thats just stupid."
WaterRats13 said:
Holy moley! I just remembered a name I had earlier wanted to name my first child -- I was about 16 when I first started reading V.C. Andrews' series...there was one saga called the Casteel Saga -- a girl in there was named Heaven Leigh Casteel. Has anyone unashamedly read V.C. Andrews' books? (**blows whistle @ myself for going slightly off-topic here :Oops: **)

:rofl: hahah WaterRats -- u arent alone i also read the Casteel saga along with other sagas written by Andrews before i gave up -- i had thought the same when i was a kid abt naming a lil girl "Heaven Leigh"
Hey...at least naming a kid something unusual will mean that they won't be one of ten Elizabeths, or Smashlies, or Kates, or Johns or Jens, or Joannes or Karens or Robs or whatever.
My name is kind of common but the spelling isn't....everyone ALWAYS misspells my name, even if they've known me for over ten years!
My dear friend and his wife named their son Stieb after his all-time favorite Toronto BlueJays baseball player, Dave Stieb and their daughter Seine after a famous river in Paris, France where they honeymooned.

A few years later, he introduced his son to Dave Stieb and Dave :jaw: and so flattered.
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Fly Free said:
:rofl: hahah WaterRats -- u arent alone i also read the Casteel saga along with other sagas written by Andrews before i gave up -- i had thought the same when i was a kid abt naming a lil girl "Heaven Leigh"

Hehehe...I believe the generation who had read the Andrews series all contemplated that name as well...:roll: :lol:
deafdyke said:
Hey...at least naming a kid something unusual will mean that they won't be one of ten Elizabeths, or Smashlies, or Kates, or Johns or Jens, or Joannes or Karens or Robs or whatever.
My name is kind of common but the spelling isn't....everyone ALWAYS misspells my name, even if they've known me for over ten years!

yea i agree Deafdyke LOL -- my name is WAYYY too common and in a way its helpful when wanna keep anonymous cuz they wont know the last name and wonder WHICH one as opposed to having unique names would stand out for years to come and anyone looking for him/her would know by the uniqueness of the name to begin with (this being IMO)
When I was born, my father was all set to name me Puzant - a fairly common Armenian name. Mercifully, my mother put her foot down.

William Lear, the developer of the Lear Jet, named his daughter Shanda. She's often qouted as saying that she couldn't wait to turn 18, so she could change it.