Getting rid of someone

He's a cheater and an abuser. Those kinds of people never change, I would say drop him cold and if he tries anything even small go to the police and start a record on him.

I have been through this before and I do not want to come back here and read that you were killed or seriously hurt because of his temper tantrum.

I took my guy back multiple times the same as you. He verbally abused me and physically abused me and cheated on me multiple times but acted like an angel with my parents and they loved him.

I now have no contact with him because he stalked me for almost a year after I finally said enough and I had to get a restraining order.

I am still very good friends with his sister who stopped talking to him also.

BELIEVE ME these guys get WORSE with time and forgiveness NOT better!
Lanapoo, It look like you have no boundary. You let your boundary open too wide. I know that you are kind hearted person but there are time that you need to take care of yourself first and you need to set up your boundary. If a person crossed your boundary and you take actions in defensive mode, then you are being protected from abuse. A person with no boundary, then that person become vunerable, and blind sided.

Really, I'm sure everyone here heard this many time, when women have abusive partners, and many people want to help her but she refused to leave him. Why? Common words, "I have no place to go". She's blinded!! She doesn't see the exit of happy life!! She have no boundary or stregnth to leave him.

So, if you have boundary, and strength to leave him, then you have courage to accept the pain and move on to healing.

Now remember, think of the words "Life time partner", do you want to become prisoner of abuse? It's your choice.

she gave him 3 chances hence my "3 strikes"

so pls....sssshh


oooo ok *wink wink*

If I didn't know better, I'd say you were developing a fondness for cats. ;) (yes, wink, wink!) :lol:

Sorry for off-topic!

Lana, I agree with most others here. I've had jerky ex'es who I gave chance after chance. And it never panned out. I'm now with a perfect guy who would not dream of hurting me in any way. As it is, I didn't mind my ex-hubby's mom -- I would not have minded at all staying in touch with her. (She chose not to. That's ok.) So I understand how it is to like a partner's mom, and perhaps the two of you can maintain some kind of relationship. But, dump the son. Find someone who will treat you well.
My saying for this:

This is a dangerous situation, two words for you.

Walk away.
I don't... His mother really wants him to settle down with me although he put me through so much. It seems that she's determined that I'm the only one who can control him... You know how protective mothers can be. They want the best for their son, no matter how crazy they are.

What about what best for you!! I really would NOT get involved with this dysfunctional family ! Is the guy name Norman Bate by any chance! Do you really want to be controlled by that crazy mother, you need to think of your safety and this does not sound like a good move! RUN the other way and do not look back! You can deserve than this!! Abused people do not get better then get worst!
I don't know if I did something right or wrong here. She haven't replied since I last wrote her. But I hope she does the best for her!
It was in the past, but he stopped. Hasn't gotten physical with me in almost a year, but he still gets emotionally abusive when he feels that he's losing control of me. I've been incredibly patient and perfectly aware of his actions.

RED FLAG! Don't let him back in your life.
I don't know if I did something right or wrong here. She haven't replied since I last wrote her. But I hope she does the best for her!
It's been a couple days since she posted. I'm afraid she might have quit this thread. :(
It's been a couple days since she posted. I'm afraid she might have quit this thread. :(

The only reason I am here is because I saw your name as the poster. This thread makes me physically ill. :(
Wirelessly posted (droid)

These control freak men are master manipulators. They exploit insecurities. They give a woman just a shred of hope so she'll stay. And they never change. He'll be like this in his next relationship. The key question: how long are you willing to live walking on eggshells and hoping that he'll change? You deserve better, but you already know that.