
I am not social drinker. I drink very rare.
I never got drunk before and never will. I just enjoy taking sips of tropical malts or something similar to smirnoff. I hate beer, it tastes like piss or something.
Drink and party like a rock star!


I turn 23 in September and have only had 2 alcoholic drinks, total, since turning 21. When I turned 21, I was against drinking alcohol. By spring after my 21st birthday, I was curious and wanted a taste. Last summer, my sister (she's older than I am) brought over some wine coolers (I forget what brand, only had 5% alcohol in them). That was my first drink. Had a margarita with alcohol at a Chili's after my 22nd birthday. Haven't had a drink since then.

I have to be careful if I want to drink. I take an antidepressant, and you're not supposed to drink when on antidepressants. If I have taken my pill for the day, I wait until it is dinner to have a small drink (I take my antidepressant at lunch time). Or if I haven't taken my pill yet, I'll have a drink, and wait a few hours before taking a pill. I always keep this in the back of my mind when I think of having a small drink. I don't ever want to be drunk.

Likely Wellbutrin

I remember having a little too much Rum and Coke that time. :ugh3:
this is the alcohol thread

not just the beer thread

not just the wine thread

not just the liquor thread


i just turned 21. i've been drunk about 4 times in my life. i have such a low tolerance for alcohol, i would get smashed on one glass of whiskey.

i'm now trying to increase my tolerance. i bought some 1 liter bottles of Cutty Sark and Smirnoff and am mixing them with juice. i enjoy a good beer, but hard liquor tastes like complete shit to me. but DAMMIT! i like to get blind, stinking drunk just like everyone else. i had about 4 shots worth of liquor and a beer within 3 hours and didn't even feel a buzz. strange for me.

discuss alcohol.

Im a little perplexed here.:hmm: U want to increase your tolerance to Alcohol? Trying to find logic, intelligence, or maturity on this idea. Aside from cost of alcohol, and most people acting like complete fools when wasted, and "stinking" like you said when drunk, oh yeah and the effects on the "Kupfer cells" (functional detoxifying unit in the liver) I'd say maybe the feeling of drunkeness would be good. Please rethink all this thoughts. You could even become bad alcoholic and be dependant on the stuff.
Why don't we set up AD party one day, and get ALEX all drunk again and embrass himself. lol jk.

I've been drunk few times but I've never passed out.
The most I ever drink is one margharita at a mexican restaurant.
LOL, Alex.

I have had rum with Coke many years ago - they were pretty tasty.
I don't drink soical anymore, maybe just for speical occasions when time allow it. I am not crazy about beers. But I do like wine and frozen fruit drink with rum.
:lol: "sharpied" (omg) thats pretty funny, but he wouldn't have posted the innocent pic if it happened

Yeah, It'd have been worse if Alex was sharpied. Also, Just imagine if Alex was sharpied and had tons of shaving cream all over him. That'd be messy! :lol:

Anyway, I'm a social drinker. I don't drink very oftenly. Usually I'd head for the Arbor Mist, Smirnoff Ice Wild Grape, or SKYY Blue. There are times I'd like to drink Rum with Coke or bourbon with coke.
I was former alcoholism which I used to drink whiskey with coke or vodka a lot just almost daily till I entered rehab to recovery. I am no longer to be alcoholism. I went to "AA" and already recovery.. Thank God I am no drugger!