
Douglas said:
It's friggin' scary..he's got it the "gene" from his rapist father. Eww..***shuddderrrs***

So watch out.

How tragic.

"Gene" - I believe children will inherit one of their parent's - not every child, on average 1 or 2 out of 10 will follow their parent's footstep, like alcoholic etc.
Originally Posted by Douglas
It's friggin' scary..he's got it the "gene" from his rapist father. Eww..***shuddderrrs***

So watch out.

Honestly, "gene" is nothing do with rapist.

The children learns from their parent´s upbringing education. This is so.

The children will be okay if they receive plenty of love and attention from their mother.

The children would turn into crime if they didn´t learn enough from their parents but neglection.

Of course, I do understanding if young girls or women got tragic tramua from rape rapist and their rights remove their fetus.. which good reason doesn't want stuck their head "as reminder how much really quite horrible"

**MEANS YOU whoever Ad'ers trying to critizite their opnions rights.** You have to say nothing , oh hoo boo, you're wrong.. removing fetus innocent baby.. Don't say any word toward young girls or women.. *shudd'up* their mind bussiness rights.. Why do you care contuine debate rest other people' opnions.. Really silly.. respect their wishes.. don't debate contuines. *I'm really tired of it*

If suppose *OppiSe* well I do not support abortion for that no reason, Why both inimated(sp) pleasure first place.. Too bad..

I don't care what you're saying *pointing finger* Look that person did surviouir .. Their life is different compares other girls or women who have tragic horrible.. You cannot see their emoitions really deepily pains hell lotsa.. Oh aw come on.. don't imply trying you think aw, don't be silly.. blah blah blah.. means obvouisly you don't understand more their feelings 110%. Excuse me.. Leave'em their mind business.
I had abortion two years ago...

I would like to share with you all about my experience with abortion two years ago...

First of all, I was raped by deaf man...he drugged me...he told me the pill called, "valium" were good for my depression even though I was taking another medication for depression...so I decided why not try valium which I was dumb founded about this medication...he gave me two of it..(he knew i didnt want to have sex with him)...when I fell asleep...i dont want to give details but he confessed two days later what he did to me...that he had sex with me...I ended up got pregnant bez of it.

So....I was 11 weeks pregnant..I was very out of control, emotionally upside down...my mental collasped...it was horrible experience for me...I was raised to believe Abortion was wrong and I strongly against abortion...

However, I couldnt survive 9 months preggy without medication for mood swing and depression soo I struggled with my decision...whether if I should have it abortion or not...

So, finally I decided I had no choice...I had abortion on 11th week of pregnant...after the abortion, my mentally were stable, emotionally were better, etc...soo...

BUT...the night before I had abortion...I did pray to God and explained to God how much I love my baby and for God to raise my baby in heaven...etc...I also explained to my baby...I talked to my baby in my womb...I told my baby how much my baby was precious to me, etc...I felt soo peace about it...

While I was asleep, I saw my tiny baby...my baby cried and smiled at same time...I felt soo peace...knew that God wasnt angry with me...knew that God understood where I was going through...

You see, I am a Christian and strongly against abortion...however I believe abortion is for people who have mental illiness, cancer, and raped...I had mentally collasped and was raped...

I do not feel guilty about this because I did the right thing by talk with God and my baby that night...I knew that my baby knew how much i loved my baby...I love children,...and it was just out of my hands...I had no choice...I couldnt live with 9 months for this...

BUT,,,I have my baby picture (ultrasound)...I plan to put up in frame...and say this is my first precious baby...

You see, I was raped back in 1997 and also again two years ago...do you think I could handle emotionally and mentally by being preggy for 9 months??? OF course not!

I will always cherish my first pregnant baby..always!
ravensteve1961 said:
Bush will Appoint someone to the supreme court who will overturn roe vs wade.

Pardon me, What are you talking about? It doesn't make sense to me...Who is roe vs wade??
coloravalanche said:
...Who is roe vs wade??
Roe v. Wade was the Supreme Court decision that allowed abortion on demand to become legal in the United States. Prior to that decision, abortion in the U.S. was very restricted.
ravensteve1961 said:
Bush will Appoint someone to the supreme court who will overturn roe vs wade.

:roll: {edit} It won't gonna happen, ever. Because if he does that, that means you and him want more and more severely multiple disabilities (from mercury and chemical poison) that cannot be fixed, incest, and raped babies to live. We don't want to suffer with that. That's so sick. If you find out that your son or daughter born without a brain, what would you do? You want to suffer yourself with expensive debts for medical and etc. for the rest of your life, would you?
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I'm just now findind this thread, and I of course have to spout my mouth off, so here is what I have to say about the topic.

Abortion is a touchy debate, whether you're pro-life, or pro-choice. I don't believe either side is right. I am pro common sense. Adoption is a very overlooked option for younger mothers. There are 4 times as many couples that want to adopt a child as there are children for adoption, I read once. I do believe that life begins at conception. I do believe that abortion is murder. I also believe that abortion is necessary at times. Mostly in such cases where the mother's life is threatened by the pregnancy. That is where I agree with pro-choice. I believe abortion should be legal, but heavily regulated, with necessary tests, background checks, etc. I don't believe that any teenager should be able to terminate her pregnancy. Its pretty simple to understand, and I don't see why a system like this would not work, and was not implemented in the first place.

Now if you completely did away with abortion, do you know what we would see the return of? Illegal practicing, alley way, clothes hanger, DIY abortions. If its going to happen, it best be done in a clean, licensed medical facility. Not in the back of some alley by a young girl who is confused and frustrated.

And RS, 1 court appointment is not going to lead to a turnover of Roe V. Wade. Its not as simple as you'd like to believe.
cental34 said:
I'm just now findind this thread, and I of course have to spout my mouth off, so here is what I have to say about the topic.

Abortion is a touchy debate, whether you're pro-life, or pro-choice. I don't believe either side is right. I am pro common sense. Adoption is a very overlooked option for younger mothers. There are 4 times as many couples that want to adopt a child as there are children for adoption, I read once. I do believe that life begins at conception. I do believe that abortion is murder. I also believe that abortion is necessary at times. Mostly in such cases where the mother's life is threatened by the pregnancy. That is where I agree with pro-choice. I believe abortion should be legal, but heavily regulated, with necessary tests, background checks, etc. I don't believe that any teenager should be able to terminate her pregnancy. Its pretty simple to understand, and I don't see why a system like this would not work, and was not implemented in the first place.

Now if you completely did away with abortion, do you know what we would see the return of? Illegal practicing, alley way, clothes hanger, DIY abortions. If its going to happen, it best be done in a clean, licensed medical facility. Not in the back of some alley by a young girl who is confused and frustrated.

And RS, 1 court appointment is not going to lead to a turnover of Roe V. Wade. Its not as simple as you'd like to believe.

:gpost: I agree with you on this!
Douglas said:
:roll: Let you talk with that :bsflag talk. It won't gonna happen, ever. Because if he does that, that means you and him want more and more severely multiple disabilities (from mercury and chemical poison) that cannot be fixed, incest, and raped babies to live. We don't want to suffer with that. That's so sick. If you find out that your son or daughter born without a brain, what would you do? You want to suffer yourself with expensive debts for medical and etc. for the rest of your life, would you?

If the baby had no brain and the mother will have miscarriage with the baby anyway. It is the mothernature to cause it. Thank god for that.

To be honest with you.

Who will want to abort their children with the health problems? It means that you want your parents to abort you because you are deaf? Be realistic. You will see everything when your baby is born and it is either a healthy baby or the baby has some health problems. You really can't predict your baby's health while you are pregnant. Only few things can be predicted like bloods, body parts, and something.

Many many parents would like to keep their children if they have many disabilities problems. I have a boy in my neighbor and he can't do anything expect do business in the bathroom, eat, watch, play with ball and that's all. The boy is happy to live. Their parents are very proud to have him and that's a good example for everyone.

It isn't about the money it is about how much do you love your own child. It is sad for some people that think money more than the baby's love. We have many benifits and insurance covers for the child's health problems. We pay taxes and the taxes do cover them.

Abortion is a outrange thing. It does not make sense at all if you are asking for the abortion, really. You ask for the sex pleasure as intercourse sexual activity and then you found out that you have a baby. You freaked out, you are going to have a crisis life with the baby, and then you decide to go for the abortion to have a short-cut solution. Really, who asked for it? The couples and they risked having a baby during the sexual intercourse activity. The abortion is not an option for them. For the rape situation, it is extremely rare to occur to be pregnant after the rape. For the life-threaten situation with mother and baby, the abortion should still not be an option anyway because the doctor's job to save everyone's life at any cost. People keep saying abortion is an option because of blah blah blah but really, they just want a short-cut solution that's all. I do not care if people go for black-market abortion because they asked for it with their sex activities. Well, I am sad for the baby that had to die because of the mother made a mistake. The world is full of sick but no one can fix it, but only God can fix it.

Well now to the point with this, "For the rape situation, it is extremely rare to occur to be pregnant after the rape." If you happens to have pregnant with the rapist and the abortion should be not an option anyway. There are million couples that really want to adpotion the children. If you don't want to go through the pregnant experience and then I don't know what to say about this one without the religion comments. Only thing I can say this one with my religion comments, "Obviously God want you to be pregnant by the rapist for his plan and maybe he want you to give a couple for their adpotion with your child or you will find your own lover through your child. Your child must be a reason for your life. You gotta to pray and have a chat with God and follow your heart."
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Crazymanw00t said:
You ask for the sex pleasure as intercourse sexual activity and then you found out that you have a baby. You freaked out, you are going to have a crisis life with the baby, and then you decide to go for the abortion to have a short-cut solution. Really, who asked for it? The couples and they risked having a baby during the sexual intercourse activity. "

Am I the only one who notices that it's usually the woman who has to pay the price, not the man? The man can just walk away! It is not always that easy to catch a guy to pay child support. Even then, the guy does not have to carry the baby for 9 months and go through all those body changes, then have to keep or give up the baby, which is very difficult either way.

That is the POINT. You are a man. Everytime you have sex, you don't think, "I hope I don't get pregnant". You don't have to go through what women have to go through every time they have sex. What do you know? The couple is not the one who has to risk it. It is the WOMAN. The man has a choice. He can walk away or raise the baby. The woman does not. She is stuck with the baby no matter what, for 9 months at least. Men already have a choice. Women don't.

Besides, if we women let men tell us what to do with our babies, then when will it stop? Do we have to let men tell us what to eat when we are pregnant? What things to do? Do we have to let men tell us what clothes are right to wear?
cady75 said:
Am I the only one who notices that it's usually the woman who has to pay the price, not the man? The man can just walk away! It is not always that easy to catch a guy to pay child support. Even then, the guy does not have to carry the baby for 9 months and go through all those body changes, then have to keep or give up the baby, which is very difficult either way.

That is the POINT. You are a man. Everytime you have sex, you don't think, "I hope I don't get pregnant". You don't have to go through what women have to go through every time they have sex. What do you know? The couple is not the one who has to risk it. It is the WOMAN. The man has a choice. He can walk away or raise the baby. The woman does not. She is stuck with the baby no matter what, for 9 months at least. Men already have a choice. Women don't.

Besides, if we women let men tell us what to do with our babies, then when will it stop? Do we have to let men tell us what to eat when we are pregnant? What things to do? Do we have to let men tell us what clothes are right to wear?

:gpost: :gpost: Well Said Girl :hug: You nailed it perfectly. ;) And it's true too.
cady75 said:
Am I the only one who notices that it's usually the woman who has to pay the price, not the man? The man can just walk away! It is not always that easy to catch a guy to pay child support. Even then, the guy does not have to carry the baby for 9 months and go through all those body changes, then have to keep or give up the baby, which is very difficult either way.

That is the POINT. You are a man. Everytime you have sex, you don't think, "I hope I don't get pregnant". You don't have to go through what women have to go through every time they have sex. What do you know? The couple is not the one who has to risk it. It is the WOMAN. The man has a choice. He can walk away or raise the baby. The woman does not. She is stuck with the baby no matter what, for 9 months at least. Men already have a choice. Women don't.

Besides, if we women let men tell us what to do with our babies, then when will it stop? Do we have to let men tell us what to eat when we are pregnant? What things to do? Do we have to let men tell us what clothes are right to wear?

Good Post! Well said!!
I was nearly to have abortion when I was pregnant at the time I was very very sick and the dr was about force me to abort it but I told him I refused cause I cant accept that cuz I was married to my second the big reason I refused because I wanted to allow my body to develop to accept not abort. But bad time I lost my child as of miscarriage. It really bothers me when I think about it. But as for rapists, that s their opionion. I can't recommend but for myself, I am really against abortion cause I feel that its murdering a unborn in fetus.
cady75 said:
Am I the only one who notices that it's usually the woman who has to pay the price, not the man? The man can just walk away! It is not always that easy to catch a guy to pay child support. Even then, the guy does not have to carry the baby for 9 months and go through all those body changes, then have to keep or give up the baby, which is very difficult either way.

That is the POINT. You are a man. Everytime you have sex, you don't think, "I hope I don't get pregnant". You don't have to go through what women have to go through every time they have sex. What do you know? The couple is not the one who has to risk it. It is the WOMAN. The man has a choice. He can walk away or raise the baby. The woman does not. She is stuck with the baby no matter what, for 9 months at least. Men already have a choice. Women don't.

Besides, if we women let men tell us what to do with our babies, then when will it stop? Do we have to let men tell us what to eat when we are pregnant? What things to do? Do we have to let men tell us what clothes are right to wear?

:gpost: :werd: :kiss:

It's the best I ever read. You nailed it prefectly!!! :bowdown: Cady75
For a couple, if you don't want a baby, keep your pants on or use protections!

For those who were raped, I totally believe its your choice whether you want to keep the baby or abort it. (hate the fact that happens, there are other options!)

I know a girl that was in a violent relationship, she was getting beaten up badly, getting run over by a car (no joke) , getting death threats, She was about to crap in her pants for thinking of leaving him. She has called the police for domestic violence and did nothing! Well, she found out she was pregnant and had asked me to go with her to the abortion clinic.. I honestly didn't want to do this but I needed to be there for her. Well, she was only 18 at the time, she found out she was having twins and couldn't do it (abort it) So she told her boyfriend about it and her boyfriend beat the crap out of her, punching her stomach etc, etc. Her mother had told her to abort it or go to a hiding place and give it up for an adoption. She had chose to abort it. Now, the twins would have been 7 years old. I asked her about the twins.. she was pretty stunned that i still remember. She regretted doing that to this day wishing she hadn't done that. But she's got 2 beautiful kids and her life is in a much much better place.

that's hard to choose so i guess i'm just neutral about this depending on the situation. I would never in a million years have an abortion, that is unless something bad happens to me like getting raped, I'm not sure how strong I can be to handle it.. So hope it doesn't happen!
cady75 said:
Am I the only one who notices that it's usually the woman who has to pay the price, not the man? The man can just walk away! It is not always that easy to catch a guy to pay child support.

I was speaking of both men and women. But your point is true.

Even then, the guy does not have to carry the baby for 9 months and go through all those body changes, then have to keep or give up the baby, which is very difficult either way.

Yes it is very difficult but the abortion is not an option. Women had the choice before the sex activity. It is either to have sex or not to have sex. Yes you are right women don't have a choice when they have a pregnant. Men do have nasty choice after their women being pregnant is to be with her or walk away from her. Stupid and loser men would walk away, anyway.

Women must feel lucky that they can give the birth while the men can't.

That is the POINT. You are a man. Everytime you have sex, you don't think, "I hope I don't get pregnant". You don't have to go through what women have to go through every time they have sex. What do you know? The couple is not the one who has to risk it. It is the WOMAN. The man has a choice. He can walk away or raise the baby. The woman does not. She is stuck with the baby no matter what, for 9 months at least. Men already have a choice. Women don't.

Whoa Whoa Whoa!!! Women do have the choices!!! The women can say no to sex easily. If they want the abortion and why do the women opened their legs at first place and they could resist the sex against the lustful men. The raping situation is different thing.

Honestly I don't understand why people want to have sex before the marriage. Marriage is a purpose to protect all those messy situation and set-up a strong family. Of course it depends how the people respect the marriage's value. If they respect the marriage value and then they should not have any problems with their own family.

Yes, you are right with the men and the men should be more responsible with the sexual activity. I am still virgin because my parent and church taught me well. Honestly, I feel lucky to be virgin.

Well, you were talking about the "Player" men who can walk away with their women being pregnant. I gotta say to those men and they are super loser boys! They aren't men because they chicken out! I wish I could track all those boys and put them in the jail.

I don't know the statstic with those men walking away from the pregnant women. Maybe you can find one for me and I would like to look at it and study it. I believe few men will walk away from their women being pregnant and those men are loser anyway. I couldn't imagine that if I walk away from my woman being pregnant.

Besides, if we women let men tell us what to do with our babies, then when will it stop? Do we have to let men tell us what to eat when we are pregnant? What things to do? Do we have to let men tell us what clothes are right to wear?

Well the basic duty for the men is to protect and lead the women. I am not talking about like the balance between sex rivals. Both sex are equal but the women need men to protect and lead them.
For the rape situation, it is extremely rare to occur to be pregnant after the rape.

Excuse me...it is NOT extreemly rare to occur to be pregnant after the rape! It happens to alot of women. PERIOD!

For the life-threaten situation with mother and baby, the abortion should still not be an option anyway because the doctor's job to save everyone's life at any cost.

Be Realistic...pregnant women could not survive for 9 months if they have cancer or any health reasons...which is better? for woman to live without having a baby OR woman to die for herself and the baby? I would choose to live...it is health reason....didnt you know that the treatments is not good for the baby in the womb?? it is very dangerous for the baby...or just like someone who is on drugs...and it can affect the baby's health..either die or end up disability...
Well now to the point with this, "For the rape situation, it is extremely rare to occur to be pregnant after the rape." If you happens to have pregnant with the rapist and the abortion should be not an option anyway.

Im sorry but you have no clue what you are talking about! You dont understand women's emotions at all...

Only thing I can say this one with my religion comments, "Obviously God want you to be pregnant by the rapist for his plan and maybe he want you to give a couple for their adpotion with your child or you will find your own lover through your child. Your child must be a reason for your life. You gotta to pray and have a chat with God and follow your heart."[/QUOTE]

I dont believe that God want me to be pregnant by the rapist...It happened for a reason...we have choices to obey God or sin against God or bad things happen to us...I certainly dont believe that God did it on purpose...God allow things happen for a reason...however...I did pray and talked with God and my baby the night before the abortion...

I understand your perspective...but you must try not to be judgemental about women's decisions...I am strongly against the abortion..yes! but...as for health reasons...it is a good reason to abort it.
Men DO walk away from women when they're pregnant. I see it all the time! I'm sure it happened to many of you guys.

I agree, that people should be responsible and use birth control at all times. It is very true. If a couple does not use contraception or birth control and gets pregnant, then it is their FAULT. However, I do not think it is fair to force the woman to have a baby if she made a mistake. Nobody is perfect. I don't want babies born in families that don't want them. That would be a terrible way to live. Adoption is an option, but it is a BIG DEAL to carry a baby for 9 months and then give it up! That is a very painful thing for some women to do! It really messes up your body, and you have to put up with a lot to have a baby.

I don't like abortion, and I couldn't have one personally. But it is still very important to keep that option open because you NEVER know. Maybe the man played games with the woman's contraception (Like in Desperate Housewives). What is the woman supposed to do, then. She's the one who has to carry it and do all the work! Maybe a couple gets married, and everything is ok at first but then husband becomes very abusive. But it's too late. The woman is already pregnant. What can she do? Have the baby and maybe the husband will beat on the baby too? Her husband is not doing his job to her. Is she supposed to leave him and raise the baby alone? Put up with it for 9 months and pay for a baby without any insurance? I can think of many, many situations where abortion might be necessary.

And you are right. Women can say no to sex. Men can say it too. But if both of them say yes, guess who has to pay for it? Not the man!

And no, women don't need men to protect and lead them. Women need men to love and support them. I don't need a man leading me or protecting me. If I had a man I would like for him to LOVE me, to SUPPORT me by giving me advice, giving me protection if I ASK for it, and allowing me to lead him, too. Men are not the experts on everything!!!

Anyway, thanks for the good debate and all of you guys' support.

I hope someday our society will -

-provide birth control information and access to EVERYBODY, even in high school sex education classes!
-make abortion safe, legal and RARE
-respect women's rights to make decisions about THEIR bodies
-encourage more monogamous, committed relationships between straight AND gay people with laws that respect their rights and support them.
-have a better way of dealing with unwanted children. Adoption agencies should be cheaper, not so expensive (it costs 15,000 at LEAST to adopt a baby in some places!)
-be more open about sexuality and what makes us sexual beings with desires and needs instead of punishing people who express their lustful feelings

Okay, so that's it!! :)