
Reba said:
It is also not the baby's fault.

There is another option. The baby can be given up for adoption. There are many, many families waiting and waiting for a baby. They don't care about how the baby was conceived. They just want a baby to raise with love.

There are private agencies that will help the pregnant woman with her medical and other expenses, and even provide a quiet safe place to live while she is pregnant, if she wants privacy.

The truth is, a woman who has been raped will remember that event for a long time, whether she is pregnant or not.

And, the truth also is, it's up to the woman to decide what is best for her. Not a third person who doesn't know the woman or her state of mind.
Reba said:
It sounds like they had other mental problems not related to their conception.
Nope. It is not mental problem. Before they found out about their fathers, there were numbers of tests which revealed that they are normal with virtually no problems. They were 'normal' kids (school tests, social advisors, their mothers, etc proved that) then right after found out that their fathers are rapists, everything turned out bad for them. I believe one of them were preparing to enroll at M.I.T.. Reader's Digest tend to cover many things in their articles and almost always print in long articles. [edit] Depression is very, very strong emotional response. It destroyed many women's lives and easily turned headstrong & well-developed men into Gollum-like creatures. I believe not many religious people understand fully about these emotional responses (that's my opinion). [/edit]

Oceanbreeze said:
And, the truth also is, it's up to the woman to decide what is best for her. Not a third person who doesn't know the woman or her state of mind.
:gpost: Indeed.
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Yes rapist do belongs in jail but a innocent baby doesn't deserved to die ...

If a woman decide to get an abortion because she was raped by some jerk, why does the unborn baby have to be the one that should be punished when it should be the other way around....

I believe it wouldn't make no difference if a woman who was a victim of a rape would rather to abort her baby than carried her baby full terms so the baby wouldn't be a reminder of her past...The truth IS being a victim of rape can cause years of emotional scars, sometimes that type of memories last a lifetime...It is very important that you go to counseling to help you cope with being a victim of rape

Most rapist are denied access to the child meaning no visitations, you don't need to worry about having the rapist in yours and your child lives...

Remember, victims do not cause the rape either did their unborn babies....

Do not let pride or embarrassment get in the way of you getting the help you need or had decide to keep the baby.... Remember, you and the unborn baby are the victims. You did not cause the person to rape you. Keep reminding yourself, you are the victim, not the cause....
I've watched serveral of my friends going thru an emotional depression after abortion their babies.... They kept saying they made a huge mistake, and wish they never did abort their unborn babies in the first place.... :(
^Angel^ said:
I've watched serveral of my friends going thru an emotional depression after abortion their babies.... They kept saying they made a huge mistake, and wish they never did abort their unborn babies in the first place.... :(
I can understand your point, I truly do but well, I have watched and heard that many people & my friends who are very happy that they made right decision about abortion.

And.. many of women wish that they never birth their children because of economy and other different kind of problems and are going thru heavy depression stages. Many of women feel that they are stuck with their abusive, lousy, deadbeat and nutty men right after birth (through accident, birth control didn't work well, etc) and became so depressed that it affected their own children. I know because I was in that situation too (no thanks to my conservative christian father). Many mothers cannot afford to be on their own due to responsibilities (children) and other reasons. Does anyone know that suicide rate is higher in single mothers/married mothers (who isn't happy with their husband) groups than in will-be mothers who had abortion group? That's how bad it is.

Everyone, I always wonder about this 'abortion' issue.... I never know why it is so hard for them to let women to have their own decisions? After all, God gives us the 'free will' for us to make the decision for ourselves. Wait.. it just pop up in my mind, I wonder.. does it mean that Religious Right decide to become immoral 'God' and take our 'free will' away?

God gives us 'free will'.
Religious Right takes our 'free will' away.

That made me go 'hmmm'.
Magatsu said:
Does anyone know that suicide rate is higher in single mothers/married mothers (who isn't happy with their husband) groups than in aborted mothers group? That's how bad it is.

The higher rate for sucide has nothing to do with a women not having an abortion...

Everyone, I always wonder about this 'abortion' issue.... I never know why it is so hard for them to let women to have their own decisions? After all, God gives us the 'free will' for us to make the decision for ourselves. Wait.. it just pop up in my mind, I wonder.. does it mean that Religious Right decide to become immoral 'God' and take our 'free will' away?

How am I taking away their free will? How am I stopping them from getting an abortion, I didn't stand by the abortion clinic and stop them from entering the abortion clinic....All I am doing is standing up for what I believe, am I allow to do so?...

I'm sorry if I am against abortion here but that what I believe...It is wrong to kill a living fetus...
^Angel^ said:
The higher rate for sucide has nothing to do with a women not having an abortion...
Yes, it does. They asked these women in survey. I just explained above... Well, I will have to look through these mothering magazines to see if I can find and post the entire article for anyone to get a bigger picture. My mother almost commit suicide few times in her marriage with my father but what kept her from committing because of us. She cannot imagine how fucked up our lives will be with that... father of ours. She had to give up her happiness for us which is not right at all but fortunately that she have enough sense to apply for divorce... otherwise, she will commit suicide someday or even worse, in mental illness hosptial. However, it is still rare for me to see her to be truly happy because my father still cause these problem time to time.

^Angel^ said:
How am I taking away their free will? How am I stopping them from getting an abortion, I didn't stand by the abortion clinic and stop them from entering the abortion clinic....All I am doing is standing up for what I believe, am I allow to do so?...
Angel, I am not even talking about you (I mention 'everyone'). btw, I was talking about Religious Right who tried to take their 'free will' away by ban women's rights or freedom of choice. I know that you didn't even try to take their 'free will' away that which you earn my utmost respect for you.

Anyway, I got this nice pm from one of AD'er which I will not name the username, that person asked me to keep her/his identity in private (and yes, that person wouldn't mind if I post this pm in the public) Here it is:
When you said about understanding having an abortion due to abuse, I was so amazed. Normally I don't tell people about this, because they judge unfairly, but I have been there. I was in an abusive relationship and I got pregnant. (Yes, I was on birth control - and aynone who says it works 100% is ignorant). I was 20.

I used to cry about my decision, but now I honestly feel I made a good choice. If I kept the baby, I would probably not have left the man who was abusive to me & my pets. For those who haven't been there, it is hard to explain... but an abusive relationship doesn't start bad. It progresses & gets worse over time. I even watched this man shove his mother, and I know that if he would hurt his mom, eventually our baby would have been hurt too.

I'm sharing this with you because some of your points are very valid, and real, and not just "what if.." Because this happened to me. And I'm sure there are many more out there like me. [/rant]

Beliving in a right to choose is very controversial, and the fact that you have the guts to speak up is admirable. Thanks for speaking up when some of us can't or don't. You deserve a great big hug for that.
With this pm I recieved, I am glad that I made a right decision to fight for women's rights or their lives. Frankly, it is not easy... but someone have to. To that person, thank you for that wonderful pm, it meant lots to me more than you think :)

I will not post in here until I find this article about suicide rate.
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^Angel^ said:
I'm sorry if I am against abortion here but that what I believe...It is wrong to kill a living fetus...
Don't be sorry about it. You just do what you believe in. That's not wrong. It is right thing to do... but it is wrong for anyone to take anyone's 'free will' away. It is morally wrong. What you did is just freedom of speech with social responsibility. Nothing more or less than that. So no need for you to be sorry about it. Cheers.
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I'm glad you are standing up for women's rights, and I think that is great but there are some people out there who been somewhat the same situation as this person who send you a pm, I am one of that person, I've been married to an abustive man for 15 years and have three children by him, not once have I ever thought of the safty of my children, I had fears everyday of my life not knowing what will happen once I had this child, but I know in my heart that it is wrong to abort an innocent baby just because of the situation they may be in.....I'm not perfect either and I've sinned from time to time in my life too and I am also a sinner as today for having a divorce, I rather to divorce my abustive husband than abort my three innocent babies because it is murder to me...

I'm a proud mother of 3 beautiful boys and they are very happy with the life they're living now, which they are not facing the abuse anymore...And I am glad I made the right choice by keeping my babies....

I'm not going to judge those women out there for having an abortion or for whatever reason, but I am only speaking for what I believe in, and that's all I'm doing...
Magatus said:
Nope. It is not mental problem. Before they found out about their fathers, there were numbers of tests which revealed that they are normal with virtually no problems. They were 'normal' kids (school tests, social advisors, their mothers, etc proved that) then right after found out that their fathers are rapists, everything turned out bad for them. I believe one of them were preparing to enroll at M.I.T.. Reader's Digest tend to cover many things in their articles and almost always print in long articles. [edit] Depression is very, very strong emotional response. It destroyed many women's lives and easily turned headstrong & well-developed men into Gollum-like creatures. I believe not many religious people understand fully about these emotional responses (that's my opinion).

It makes no sense why they turn out bad after they recovered that their father was a rapist and that is how they were produce. Number one that is not their fault, There is no reason for them to turn out bad because of what action their father did. They should be glad that they were raise by a loving caring mother who was there for them since they day they were born. That is more important than worry about where they came from. It's better to be raise in a loving home where they have alots of love than being in an abusive/sexual family home where the father hits/or have sex with the child. Nobody wants that. Same goes for adoption children, When mother gives up their child and a child goes in a loving stable family home, Should they care or matter where they came from? No it shouldn't. ;)
I don't plan to post but this article comes up today. It hit me hard so here it is (warning: long article):

On the day I was supposed to leave for summer classes at my university, I received a bit of information that suddenly changed my life and my relationship with my family. My mother and I were standing on the driveway, waving to my grandparents as they pulled out and onto the street, when she burst into tears. The grandparents had been in town for my sister's graduation, and my grandmother had been very ill recently, so I assumed my mother was broken up at the prospect of that moment being the last time she would see her mother alive. I put my arm around her as we walked back in the house and told her in the most comforting manner possible that granny was going to be fine. She looked at me and told me, in a rather pained manner, that she was not crying because of her mother. Confused, I asked what it was. She told me it was about my sister.

My mother told me later that when she said that my face turned ghost white, and I have no reason to doubt this claim, as I remember feeling at that instant, all the blood drain out of my face. She merely had to mention that it was about my sister and I immediately knew why she was crying. But I asked anyway.

"What about her?"

Her expression became even more hopeless. "It's bad."

I continued to prod, knowing full well what it was about.

"What is it?"


"She's pregnant." I said it in that matter-of-fact way, too.

My sister had been in an on-again-off-again relationship since she was 15 with a fellow whom none of us particularly cared for but nonetheless permitted her to see regularly. He was, to put it bluntly, the product of poverty and neglect. He lived with his mother on the other end of town, away from all the fineries of white suburbia. His mother worked pretty much from sun up to late at night to support him, but as a consequence, she was rarely home. He hung out until all hours of the night with some less than admirable individuals. It wasn't long before he went to jail for burglary. No one was terribly surprised.

He made a brief return from his program in the spring of my sister's senior year (he, sadly, was 18 and still in 9th grade). They had not been corresponding regularly while he was in prison, and they were not on the best of terms when he got out. They saw each other only once after he returned, but apparently that was enough. Within a week he was picked up for possession and hauled back to jail. And again no one was terribly surprised.

My sister was happy to be graduating. She seemed radiant in the spring when we celebrated my brother's graduation from college. But there was something there that did not seem quite right. As I pored over pictures of her later, it did seem crystal clear that she had a bit of excess fat around her belly. But her weight had always fluctuated, so no one paid it any mind. She briefly quit smoking, too, which everyone thought was a good thing. But her abstinence was brief.

She had been aware for a while that she was pregnant. That's why she stopped smoking. She had known for at least two months before she told my mother the week she graduated. She admitted that she was terribly frightened and did not know what to do. As wise as it seemed for her to stop smoking, she soon reversed course. She began not only to smoke, but to drink and abuse narcotics as well. She wasn't doing these things for fun, either. She had a plan.

But it was fruitless. Trying to poison the life inside her was doing nothing except possibly damaging the fetus. It wasn't killing it. By the time month four arrived, she was desperate. My mom knew something was up, and confronted her about it on the Wednesday before her big day. Seeing no other option, she admitted to it.

The next day she walked across the stage and smiled as she picked up her diploma. My mother wept the whole time.

As hard as it was to leave my devastated mother and frightened sister, I did. My mother insisted. So I went back to college.

Over the next month, things became unbearable for my mother. She had told my father, who proceeded to explode with rage. My mother and sister had decided that there was only one option, and when they told my dad, he - despite being a longtime advocate of abortion rights - became hostile. For the next month, he and my mother were not on speaking terms, save for his occasional remark about how she was killing her unborn grandson. I only learned about his hostility later. Had I been living with them at the time, I might very well have killed him.

But his protestations did not stop my mother and sister. Because she was in her second trimester, she had to go to a clinic in San Antonio, one of the few in the state that perform abortions that late. So it was arranged. My brother and sister-in-law booked a hotel. I mapped out the trip from Houston to San Antonio. Everything was set in motion.

When they arrived, my sister and mother were subjected to the worst sort of pseudo-scientific lectures about higher instances of breast cancer in women who underwent the procedure and such. To his credit, the doctor, a young African-American male, repeatedly told them that he was required by the State to tell them this, and that he himself did not believe it. My sister became angry. My mother did as well. When the doctor finished his state-mandated Bible-science lecture, they began. I do not wish to recount the procedure. It involved seaweed and a lot of vomiting. That's really all my mother could remember. My sister vomited all night. That was what stuck in her mind.

My brother was in the clinic with them as the doctors were operating. What he remembered was seeing a gurney go by with a woman on it bleeding from her vagina. She was unconscious, and they were moving her out to an ambulance so that she could be taken to a nearby hospital. One of the nurses later explained that the women on the gurney had two children and could not afford to have another one. There had been a complication during the operation, and she began hemorrhaging. He never found out what happened to her.

The next day, the doctors finished what they had started and she went home that afternoon.

The logic behind my decision to be pro-choice is simple. I don't have ovaries. I am incapable of giving birth. I will never know what it is like to be pregnant. Therefore, I do not feel justified in telling a woman what to do with her body. Whether or not I personally would do it is another matter. I believe that a woman's body should not be the property of the state.

I have grown increasingly weary of moralizers, of Bible-thumpers, of self-righteous men telling me why abortion is wrong. Morality seems to be something that is cherry-picked by many. I understand the moral opposition to abortion. However, what is moral for some is not for others. The truth is that this is a very gray area. That I why I believe the only logical position is a pro-choice position. Some people think abortion is murder. That's fine. They don't have to have them.

I do not need to be lectured by those who have not seen the effects of abortion up close - the way is can tear apart families, the way it changes the woman involved. I asked my mom after the procedure whether or not it had made her less pro-choice. She thought about it, and told me that it did make her question the morality of it, that it did force her to confront the issue head on, but that in the end it made her more pro-choice. She told me that she realized just how important the right to choose was when she was sitting through the junk science lecture, being forced to hear a man who didn't believe in any of that bunk recite it as fact. She became angry. Who do these religious people think they are, she asked herself, telling my daughter why she shouldn't do this? If my sister had been forced to carry the child to full term, there was a good chance that it was going to have some sort of disability. And what of the effect on my sister? She was not even mature enough to have sex, let alone care for a child.

If one is divorced from a situation, it is extremely easy to make judgments about the actions of others. There is a perception, propagated by the religious right, that women simply fuck around and get pregnant and turn around and have an abortion. It's all so very easy. Abortion on demand, they say, a sort of amoral, sexually free existence right out of Brave New World. Abortion encourages sexual promiscuity. Why won't anyone think of the children?

Well, what if those children are inside the belly of children? As much as I would hate to destroy anyone's precious world-view, the process of getting an abortion is not easy, simple, or free of hardship. It is, quite simply, awful. But people will continue to stick their fingers in their ears and scream about the hidden holocaust and how much God disapproves. That's not going to change. But we can try and educate them about what the true nature of abortion is, and attempt, however vain it may be, to alter their illusions.

Source: Why I am a pro-choice man

one of these members mentioned about this book, Back Rooms: Voices from the Illegal Abortion Era. I completely forget about this book, I read it several years ago. It is highly recommend for anyone to pick up and read to see how many women suffered during pre-Roe v. Wade era. I recommend that book because it will be much worser than pre-Roe v. Wade era when Religious Right destroys women's rights.
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Cheri said:
It makes no sense why they turn out bad after they recovered that their father was a rapist and that is how they were produce. Number one that is not their fault, There is no reason for them to turn out bad because of what action their father did. They should be glad that they were raise by a loving caring mother who was there for them since they day they were born. That is more important than worry about where they came from. It's better to be raise in a loving home where they have alots of love than being in an abusive/sexual family home where the father hits/or have sex with the child. Nobody wants that. Same goes for adoption children, When mother gives up their child and a child goes in a loving stable family home, Should they care or matter where they came from? No it shouldn't. ;)
You are entitled to your own opinions but no one on this earth can change the facts that what these people are going though when they found out about their fathers. No one can. Ok, I want to know one thing... did you or anyone walk in their own shoes?

Edit: You see, I haven't walk in their own shoes, that's why I refuse to judge others... no matter what kind of decisions they made for abortion & unborn issues. I have no rights. Everyone on this earth have no rights too.
Magatsu said:
You are entitled to your own opinions but no one on this earth can change the facts that what these people are going though when they found out about their fathers. No one can. Ok, I want to know one thing... did you or anyone walk in their own shoes?

Edit: You see, I haven't walk in their own shoes, that's why I refuse to judge others... no matter what kind of decisions they made for abortion & unborn issues. I have no rights. Everyone on this earth have no rights too.

I refused to answer that question because it's none of your business if I walk in their shoes already or not. It's my business. And Look at Vampy here he was adopted and he is not losing his mind going mental because he came from someone who neglect him when he was young. He turn up into a young fine man who was brought up with love from a new family. That's what important. What ever action the mother or father did, It's again not the child's fault. Get my drift?

I don't care if they decide to have an abortion I never said they cannot. That's their choice their body. What I am saying is that doesn't make no sense why the person who recovered that the father raped the mother is where he or she came from, being at blame or should be sad in the result of where they came from. They shouldn't. Nobody has a perfect mother or father out there, Every parent make mistakes in life, Not even one parent is a perfect parent. Who says life was easy? They should be happy with how they were brought up, Not how they were produce. That's my major point. ;)
That's my point being about 'walking in their shoes'. How do we know how these people felt when they found out about their fathers? How? Anyway I take my leave from this topic because this topic is getting too 'sticky' now (all abortion topics tend to be like that anyway). But I will post the article about suicide rate and these people who stumbled into heavy depression right after they found out about their fathers (that if I can find it in Reader's Digest, it is very old).

before I take my leave, I didn't say that you are wrong or whatever but keep it in your mind that we have absolutely no idea what they really feel about these situations.

Have a nice weekend to everyone!
Magatsu said:
That's my point being about 'walking in their shoes'. How do we know how these people felt when they found out about their fathers? How? Anyway I take my leave from this topic because this topic is getting too 'sticky' now (all abortion topics tend to be like that anyway). But I will post the article about suicide rate and these people who stumbled into heavy depression right after they found out about their fathers (that if I can find it in Reader's Digest, it is very old).

before I take my leave, I didn't say that you are wrong or whatever but keep it in your mind that we have absolutely no idea what they really feel about these situations.

Have a nice weekend to everyone!

You kept missing my point Magatus. People commit suicide for a lot of reasons. You giving them an idea to do it now. Every person is different do you understand that? You making it sounds like those who recovered that their father is a rapist would likely repeat the same cycle as those who did. They are not at the blame period, Maybe they didn't realized that. Every child is precious every child is a human being, who cares where they came, Maybe they are scare they would get judged badly based on how they were produce. If there weren't so much judgment people then they wouldn't feel as bad they felt. Ever thought about that Magatus?
This is sensitive subject. My sister in law was raped and got pregnant. My nephew came out fine and doing great. My brother adopted him. One of my sister tried to killed herself once for had an abortion when she was a teenager. Thank God I was there to stop her from committed sucide. I have few friends who went thru depression after had an abortion, that is why I am against abortion because they want to keep them but someone esp in our society frown on them. They were so afraid of keeping babies. Truly sad.
Cheri said:
You making it sounds like All Mothers who been raped have their baby are wrong for keeping their baby? They are not wrong. It's their choice, their body. They are not thinking about themselves they are thinking about the unborn baby only. Which that means the unborn baby is innocent, for the crime that the father did. They should not be blamed for what the father did.

You making it sound like the Rapist deserve a credit for keeping the baby not matter what, despite the Mother's fight, bash and awful fight and crying NOOOOOOOOOO in first place, why should she gave up her life for this imprisoner to bring up unwanted baby in first place?

To keep the baby bring a flash-back of this awful fight and beat up??

Anyone who were born as a raped results will feel bad to know what their mother went through - nice isnt it?
jazzy said:
I am against abortion but it is none of my business what others do with their bodies. I have problem with some people who force others to have an abortion. For instance my friend's daughter who is 17 now and expect to have a baby anytime. My friend once told me her few friends come to her and told her that she should force her daughter to have an abortion because she was too young to carry the baby. It digust me when people judge teenagers who got pregnant and force them to have abortions.

I disagree with you on this fetus part, when an egg and sperm met together it created a life, it already has a soul whether it has brain developed or not.

Yes, I second that.

I respect/support everyone's choice to keep the baby or not because it's their bodies, not mine.
I don't beleive to judge everyone's decision but support.
Reba said:
So you think it is necessary to kill all babies just because they are not fully developed? That doesn't make sense.

What if there are severe malformation (example about brain damaged?) Depend to kind of malformation babies either you can keep or not.

I think it's unfair for the malformation children grow up like this and also burden for the parents, too.

I would not abort if my baby have heart diease, siamsate twin, etc because the doctors CAN cure their healthy except brain damage, etc.