
Douglas said:
Sure...how is that for an incest baby to be a precious thing? Veerryy G...R....O...S...S to think that way.

It's the growing in the womb the feelings of the kicking of the unborn baby, the feeling of moments, etc. I guess you have to be a woman to understand. And yes it is very precious.
Tamara said:
For me, If I was raped and got pregnant as a result, I would like to abortion BECAUSE I do not want to live with it for NINE MONTHS as a reminder and I don't want to tell my raped-child the truth, he/she will be devasted to know is it nice way to tell them? It is cruel.

That's understandable, but, what if the victim decide to revenge on rapist by keeping the baby and make the man pay for child support? It's just a thought that I think should be up for debate, too.
Tamara said:
For me, If I was raped and got pregnant as a result, I would like to abortion BECAUSE I do not want to live with it for NINE MONTHS as a reminder and I don't want to tell my raped-child the truth, he/she will be devasted to know is it nice way to tell them? It is cruel..

That's your choice, But, I don't think the child would be devested, I think more of "thanking you for not aborted me." :)
Cheri, I respect your choice. No-one should tell what to do as it is their body and their decisions.
Deaf258 said:
That's understandable, but, what if the victim decide to revenge on rapist by keeping the baby and make the man pay for child support? It's just a thought that I think should be up for debate, too.

IMO, I don't want to have him in my life, to chasing him for child support money, I rather to block him out of my life quickly, after all he is a RAPIST.
Tamara said:
IMO, I don't want to have him in my life, to chasing him for child support money, I rather to block him out of my life quickly, after all he is a RAPIST.

Right, That's what I would do too :thumb: I would rather to see the rapist give up all his rights to the child. ;)
Tamara said:
IMO, I don't want to have him in my life, to chasing him for child support money, I rather to block him out of my life quickly, after all he is a RAPIST.

A few people misunderstood my post, so I will rephrase this. I know a Deaf lady who told me she was raped a few times by her exboyfriend. Now, she has a child and made the court drag her ex to pay child support. I think he deserved it, but the same time, I think it is unfair to their child. That's why I asked about that point of view why some women use their child to make their rapists suffer. I know this Deaf lady love her child very much, but hated her ex's guts.

Edit: I am not supporting rapists!! They are wrong as fuck and should get their weiners chopped off when they are found guilty of rape.
Tamara said:
For me, If I was raped and got pregnant as a result, I would like to abortion BECAUSE I do not want to live with it for NINE MONTHS as a reminder and I don't want to tell my raped-child the truth, he/she will be devasted to know is it nice way to tell them? It is cruel.

I read a magazine a lady was convinced as a result by raped, she was falling in pieces and feel dirty. I feel sorry for her as it is not her fault in first place.
Nas have the same opinion as you do about that issue.

As I said in another topic sometimes ago that I will support no matter what decision Nas will make if she somehow (which should be impossible) gets pregnant from me. It is her body so therefore she is the only one who can make a decision. No one else. I will not allow anyone... not even God to impose/force their delusional decisions on her. If they do, they will see a barrel of CZ 75 handgun that which I hold points at their faces.
Rapist belongs in Jail, not out on the loose to hurt more innocent women.

How would these victims announced their pregnant by a Rapist to everyone? Become a pregnant should be exciting news and congratulations from your family and friends?
Cheri said:
That's your choice, But, I don't think the child would be devested, I think more of "thanking you for not aborted me." :)


You got a GOOD point!
Douglas said:
Sure...how is that for an incest baby to be a precious thing? Veerryy G...R....O...S...S to think that way.


What do u mean, incest baby?
Cheri said:
That's your choice, But, I don't think the child would be devested, I think more of "thanking you for not aborted me." :)
Well, I read a good article from Reader's Digest several years ago about two people who rather to have aborted when they found out that their fathers are rapists. They constantly are in and out of depression stage for years and years...they still do (in fact, one of them have to be on heavy medication.. otherwise, that person will have to stay in mental illness hosptial. Other person struggled to have a normal 'life' because of emotion problems or something). So yeah, they does feel devasted about it. To me, it is not worth at all. If it is possible, I surely will send my thanks to my mother who aborted me. I would. But that's me. The two last things I want to see in my life: to see my mother suffered ALL of her life because of that... and found out that my dad is a rapist (my dad is a conservative christian & red-neck, that is nightmare enough for me at least...).

Again, that's me.
Magatsu said:
Well, I read a good article from Reader's Digest several years ago about two people who rather to have aborted when they found out that their fathers are rapists. They constantly are in and out of depression stage for years and years...they still do (in fact, one of them have to be on heavy medication.. otherwise, that person will have to stay in mental illness hosptial. Other person struggled to have a normal 'life' because of emotion problems or something). So yeah, they does feel devasted about it. To me, it is not worth at all. If it is possible, I surely will send my thanks to my mother who aborted me. I would. But that's me. The two last things I want to see in my life: to see my mother suffered ALL of her life because of that... and found out that my dad is a rapist (my dad is a conservative christian & red-neck, that is nightmare enough for me at least...).

Again, that's me.

Every individual is different in their own way, Some can move on life forget the rape some cannot. Depends on the person. It might not be worth it for you because you a guy, as result of saying that, because you never have to be pregnant to understand the growth in the womb, some people fall in love with the unborn baby doesn't matter if was raped or not. Remember it's not the baby's fault.
I know what you mean. I am aware that I am a guy but I rather to not see my mother to be suffer like that. In fact, I would sacrifice my life for my mother in a second if she ask or need. That's what 'love' really means (my opinion).

I know that it is not baby's fault but still, if my mother would rather to abort me because of rape issue... as unborn baby, I will send my thanks to my mother. I prefer to see my mother to be happy and enjoy her life than be suffer and miserable. I grew up seeing my mother suffered and struggled because of my father and his cruelity for 14 years... I understand and I know what this feeling that I have means... I would pick the 'peace of death' over 14 years of suffering at any time without any second thoughts. Because many years of suffering is not a "life" at all.

What does really worth to me is her happiness. It is totally unnecessary for her to be suffer like that.

However I completely agree with your statement: Every individual is different in their own way, Some can move on life forget the rape some cannot.
How would these victims announced their pregnant by a Rapist to everyone?

Become a pregnant should be exciting news and congratulations from your family and friends?
Tamara said:
How would these victims announced their pregnant by a Rapist to everyone?

Become a pregnant should be exciting news and congratulations from your family and friends?

You making it sounds like All Mothers who been raped have their baby are wrong for keeping their baby? They are not wrong. It's their choice, their body. They are not thinking about themselves they are thinking about the unborn baby only. Which that means the unborn baby is innocent, for the crime that the father did. They should not be blamed for what the father did.
I will said, At least you are here better than never had been here to my kid. So they will understand 100% completely and thankful to me.
Cheri said:
... Which that means the unborn baby is innocent, for the crime that the father did. They should not be blamed for what the father did.
Magatsu said:
Well, I read a good article from Reader's Digest several years ago about two people who rather to have aborted when they found out that their fathers are rapists. They constantly are in and out of depression stage for years and years...they still do (in fact, one of them have to be on heavy medication.. otherwise, that person will have to stay in mental illness hosptial. Other person struggled to have a normal 'life' because of emotion problems or something)...
It sounds like they had other mental problems not related to their conception.
Tamara said:
For me, If I was raped and got pregnant as a result, I would like to abortion BECAUSE I do not want to live with it for NINE MONTHS as a reminder and I don't want to tell my raped-child the truth, he/she will be devasted to know is it nice way to tell them? It is cruel.

I read a magazine a lady was convinced as a result by raped, she was falling in pieces and feel dirty. I feel sorry for her as it is not her fault in first place.
It is also not the baby's fault.

There is another option. The baby can be given up for adoption. There are many, many families waiting and waiting for a baby. They don't care about how the baby was conceived. They just want a baby to raise with love.

There are private agencies that will help the pregnant woman with her medical and other expenses, and even provide a quiet safe place to live while she is pregnant, if she wants privacy.

The truth is, a woman who has been raped will remember that event for a long time, whether she is pregnant or not.