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my thoughts

What really is interesting is how women jump up and down for the so called "right" to get rid of unwanted babies. Yet, men have NO say! Here is my thought on it.

If a man does not have any say over whether or not a woman can keep a baby, then the man should not have to pay any child support if the woman chooses to keep the baby.

I'm personally opposed to abortion as a birth control techinque.

Abortion should not be allowed to be a birth control method.
deafdyke said:
Diehardbiker, AMEN!
I personally would never ever have an abortion. I don't like the idear of abortion, and wish it did not exist. But it IS a nessary evil. Yes, I believe that it shouldn't be used as birth control....any woman who uses it as birth control should be sterilized. Yet most abortions are due to birth control failure. If you are against abortions, then support the morning after pill! Support health care plans covering birth control! That way, abortion rates will go down DRAMATICLY!
crazymanwoot, what if a woman had an abortion b/c of severe health abnoramlities in the fetus? What I mean by severe health abnormalities are the kind that have a VERY high risk of prenatal death or where the baby would be so severely affected that they would be in a persistant vegetative state forever. Do you think that parents should be forced to have the baby then? I definitly think that in those cases, that parents can and should be strongly informed as to survival rates and things like that, so they can make the appropreate decisions. I think also that parents need to educate their kids...not in a brainwashing way, but just get it through their heads that sex should be sacred and not causal or anything.
I also think that along with sex ed, we should


That´s reason I support pro choice!
IrishmanDan said:
What really is interesting is how women jump up and down for the so called "right" to get rid of unwanted babies. Yet, men have NO say! Here is my thought on it.

If a man does not have any say over whether or not a woman can keep a baby, then the man should not have to pay any child support if the woman chooses to keep the baby.

I'm personally opposed to abortion as a birth control techinque.

Abortion should not be allowed to be a birth control method.

Who make women pregnant?

Who carry the baby up to 9 months?

Who take care of baby?

Why the men deny to accept the responsible when they know they are father of unwanted baby?

All what I say is it´s women´s decison nor they can keep their baby or not but the men still have to pay the child support because it´s them who made women pregnant.
Well, i know its not my business with every other women, but for me, i'm TOTALLY against to the abortion. Its a murder to the baby! Will be ur scarred of nightmare of ur life that you will not regret it. But, if they don't want the babies, then just put them adoption which is safety, alots of people can't have make babies or can't have one. Which they re waiting for.

As Raped, i understood thats reason, since it a crime and use abortion to rid of the nightmare and memory after baby born.

IrishmanDan said:
...If a man does not have any say over whether or not a woman can keep a baby, then the man should not have to pay any child support if the woman chooses to keep the baby...
I am pro-life. I believe the man should always be responsible for financial support for the woman's pregnancy, and for the minor child. If a man is truly pro-life, he will do all he can to support the woman financially and emotionally, to save the life of the child. How can a man say to a girlfriend, "I don't want you to abort our child but I am not willing to give you money to support your pregnancy expenses or the baby's needs." Lack of financial support is one of the excuses the woman could use to decide for abortion.

Remember, child support takes care of the child; that is most important. Even if the man and woman don't agree with each other, the child should not suffer.
Liebling:-))) said:
...All what I say is it´s women´s decison nor they can keep their baby or not but the men still have to pay the child support because it´s them who made women pregnant.
Yes, the man should pay child support if the woman keeps the baby.

Of course, if the woman aborts the baby, or gives it up for adoption, then the man would not pay child support because the woman no longer has the baby.
Men made the women pregnant? Amusing how the word "made" is used. Ahem....women can also choose not to have sex. Women AND men make a baby. If the woman has the right to choose, then the man should also have the right to choose. It is simple logic.

It is interesting how you put all the finaical responsibilty on the man. I suppose I could infer from your comments that women are UNABLE to provide for children? I am the father of 3 wonderful kids and provide for them. Why is it that some women make it the man's responsibility to finiancially supprt the children? Why not the other way around? Why don't the women pay and let the men raise the kids? I know many men who are wonderful parents and are even better at it than some mothers. I was raised by a single mother and my father did not have anything to do with us. My mom raised 7 kids by herself. My mom was mom and dad to me. Do I think my dad should have paid? Oh yes! He should have paid his share.

My whole issue is that women need to stop preaching equality and start practicing it. I believe men and women are equal in the responsibilty of a child. If the woman has the right to choose to have a child, then the man should have equal right to choose as well. Too many times women have used children as a tool to get financial support so they don't have to work. Is that always the case? No, there are many men who are terrible. The Dead Beat dad's of the world are awful and I support locking them up when they don't provide their FAIR SHARE of support.
Liebling:-))) said:
Who make women pregnant?

Who carry the baby up to 9 months?

Who take care of baby?

Why the men deny to accept the responsible when they know they are father of unwanted baby?

All what I say is it´s women´s decison nor they can keep their baby or not but the men still have to pay the child support because it´s them who made women pregnant.

Who takes care of the baby depends on the situation. MANY men take great care of their children. It is not a given that the women do it.

There are men who gladly accept their FAIR SHARE of responsibilty. But, it cannot be ONLY the man who pays. It has to be equal.

I think it is incredible that women can carry a baby. So magical. I remeber watching my ex-wife's belly grow with my son inside. I was in awe of my ex-wife. What an incredible gift! To be able to carry a child!

Men do not "make" the women pregnant. The man AND woman make the woman pregnant. It takes 2 to do so, unless it is done medically.
Reba said:
Yes, the man should pay child support if the woman keeps the baby.

Of course, if the woman aborts the baby, or gives it up for adoption, then the man would not pay child support because the woman no longer has the baby.

Yes, that´s right.

Yes, I know the man would not pay child support if woman abort his child. He has to pay child support if the woman keep his child.
IrishmanDan said:
Men made the women pregnant? Amusing how the word "made" is used. Ahem....women can also choose not to have sex. Women AND men make a baby. If the woman has the right to choose, then the man should also have the right to choose. It is simple logic.

Do you want to say that the woman´s fault for choose to have sex because they should say NO to sex? Watch out what you are saying. It does not matter who is the fault but the men are still on responsible to support women with child whom they are father to.

Yes, I said that men made women pregnant BECAUSE you said in first place.
Yet, men have NO say! Here is my thought on it.

That´s what I mean is:
it´s men´s responsible who made the women pregnant. Without sperm, the women would never get pregnant. Right?

Logically yes, the man and woman together make a baby because they want to have baby but....
IrishmanDan said:
Who takes care of the baby depends on the situation. MANY men take great care of their children. It is not a given that the women do it.

It would be different story if you and your partner are married and want divorce and take the child custody...... but we are talking about abortion, unmarried mothers...

Unmarried woman has her right to have their decision either she can keep her baby or not. Unmarried men could´t do anything to stop her to abort his baby.

There are men who gladly accept their FAIR SHARE of responsibilty. But, it cannot be ONLY the man who pays. It has to be equal.

Sure, but the men has to support women with financally to take care of their baby.

Yes, the women has to support men with financally only if they let men to take care of their babies or they are unfit mothers etc.

I think it is incredible that women can carry a baby. So magical. I remeber watching my ex-wife's belly grow with my son inside. I was in awe of my ex-wife. What an incredible gift! To be able to carry a child!

I am mother of 2 sons. I know what I had been through. It´s easy for you say this because men don´t have any experience to carry unborn child but women. Yes, men are happy and exciting to watch their wives´s grow tummy...

Men do not "make" the women pregnant. The man AND woman make the woman pregnant. It takes 2 to do so, unless it is done medically.

Check my response post on your post...

IrishmanDan said:
It is interesting how you put all the finaical responsibilty on the man.
I never said that men should bear all the financial burden. I am just saying that they should do their share.

I suppose I could infer from your comments that women are UNABLE to provide for children?[/i]
No such inference. I think both parents should provide for their children. Even if a woman is able to provide lavishly for her children, the man should also provide to the best of his ability. That means financial, emotional, and physical (time spent).

...Why don't the women pay and let the men raise the kids?
The proportion of time, money, and responsibilities have to be divided up depending on each family's circumstances. There are many factors involved (age, physical health, education level, earning potential, temperment). But each parent needs to do as much as possible.

... If the woman has the right to choose to have a child, then the man should have equal right to choose as well...
Please clarify. What is it that the man would be choosing? Do you mean the man could either forbid or require a woman to get an abortion?

Essentially, man's choice begins at his zipper. After the fact is too late.
Reba, I am prolife FOR ME.....I would never ever have an abortion, but unless it was disabilty related, I would not stand in the way of another person's right to have an abortion. If someone came to me, and asked whether or not they should have an abortion, I would discourage them from having one!
Most people don't take the decision to have an abortion lightly.
MANY men take great care of their children. It is not a given that the women do it.

There are men who gladly accept their FAIR SHARE of responsibilty. But, it cannot be ONLY the man who pays. It has to be equal.
Agreed, gender shouldn't play a part in who's labeled as a good parent...BUT, the fact of the matter is, that MOST deadbeat parents are males. Ask my mom...she works as a maternal child health care nurse in the inner city and it's very rare that she sees involved dads!

Women's choices also begin at the zipper. It s a 2 way street.

For clarificaiton: If a woman has the right to choose, then a man should have the right to choose to be responsible for a child. Seeing as how the law currently leaves it up to the women to either keep a preganancy or not, then a man should at the very least be allowed to decide if he will support the child or not.

I personally feel men should support their children just like I feel women should not be allowed to use abortion as a birth control device. Women CAN prevent unwanted pregnancies just as men can by using actual birth control methods.

BOTH sides are responsible and BOTH sides should have rights protected
IrishmanDan said:

Women's choices also begin at the zipper. It s a 2 way street.

For clarificaiton: If a woman has the right to choose, then a man should have the right to choose to be responsible for a child. Seeing as how the law currently leaves it up to the women to either keep a preganancy or not, then a man should at the very least be allowed to decide if he will support the child or not.

I personally feel men should support their children just like I feel women should not be allowed to use abortion as a birth control device. Women CAN prevent unwanted pregnancies just as men can by using actual birth control methods.

BOTH sides are responsible and BOTH sides should have rights protected

Well...well, you can not force any woman to make a decision. Remember that men is responsibiltiy to hold their sammy instead of spilling.

Good luck at the Irish bar and one of the days you will be happy not to have any baby since you may not like that kind of lady who is fatty, short toothless..
Any women, who want abortion, are rebellion against God's LAW. God said, "THOU SHALt NOT KILL"

A term, "Abortion" is to mock WOMEN because it is men's insult at them. Abortion is not to love. Can't you see?

My friend shared with me about the true story. He explained that a woman screamed loudly during aborting her unborn baby.

HOW would you FEEL when YOU were unborn baby whom YOUR mother KILLED? Do you WANT your mother to KILL you BEFORE you are born?
set aside the whole GOD SAYS thing. i understand that some women may have pregnancies that they dont want. and thats fine. but give the kid up for adoption. there are so many couples out there that CANT have kids. i was almost an aborted baby. my father told my mother that if she did not get rid of me he was leaving. and ive only seen my dad twice in my whole almost 23 years of life. and even though she's gone. i thank her all the time for giving me life.