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  1. J

    What not to do when getting a speeding ticket:

    Im pretty sure she blew in rages!!!
  2. J

    What Would It Be?

    I voted other. Imagine There No Religious, by John Lennon This is a real thorn to both sides in this world! So, actually Im not an atheist.
  3. J

    Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody ASL

    I would have to agreed with you, yes it was good and related with the music! I was a Queen fan until then. Still listen to brian may tho! :hmm:
  4. J

    Closed Threads

    And lo! Im with you! That threads are out of orders! Seems like it. She90, I agreed with you and like to know what the madman s word were!!
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    Which country would seize when United States of America collapses?

    Well! As far as Im concern, it was with great interest that I read a piece of articles in the paper last summer. Here it goes! Supposely that China sent in over 500 million soldiers across Alaska and march toward across Canada to USA! Would we be wipe out??
  6. J

    Which country would seize when United States of America collapses?

    I cant beleive that we are a bunch of carnival debaters about all this hype happening to our country!! And the South shall rise again!!
  7. J

    Woman out $400K to 'Nigerian scam' con artists

    So, that s so inept of her! Should have caught on earlier, thats sound like what IBC is today. Use your head everyone and think about all that money you and I can make use of!!
  8. J

    Alaska panel finds Palin abused power in firing

    Hey! Palin had just been cleared today of her guiltness!!
  9. J

    Deaf-mute youth thrown out of bus by conductor

    Boy! Oy! What kind of people do they have there without lack of respect huh??
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    Sarah Palin signing ILY - cool

    Oh! man, What is LOL mean anyway if we r about done with ILY? Any ?? Babyblue?
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    Sarah Palin signing ILY - cool

    Brian, Have no fear about this threads ok?
  12. J

    Sarah Palin signing ILY - cool

    Hey! All you guys that posted here about Palin. Why dont we ask the Alaska Deaf Association feeling toward Palin as a governor there? Anyone here on this from there?
  13. J

    Can you understand lipreading well?

    Hey pepsi you made my night! This is so hilarius!!! what a laugh!!!!!!!!!!!! yes im HOH n deaf!
  14. J

    I wonder, do you keep your old TDD/TTY?

    Spider will dance while you r asleep until then when you pull it out from under ur bed!! Heh! Heh!
  15. J

    Want to Know More about "Joe the Plumber?" Read This...

    I thought they were refeering to Joe BIDEN THE VEEP!
  16. J

    Happy New Year, U.S. National Debt!

    it already has!! there s suicides out there!! Um, no wonder our tax dollars were never at work! Huh??
  17. J

    A Great Way To Bailout The American Economy! {Gotta Love This Idea}

    Have you just heard that the senate bldg. passed it! Baloney! Now you know the big difference in amount of big cats shedding that amounts of $$$$$$ passed on to us taxpayers!!!!
  18. J

    Hateful note to McCain supporter

    Shel 90 Go ahead and do it! Pleeze, You gotta humor me!! Ha!Ha!
  19. J

    How did you find out about alldeaf?

    Thanks! Allmighty God for Google!!!!!
  20. J

    How did you find out about alldeaf?

    Hello! Alex, Hope you had a good day! I know Im new at this and tho you like to know how I came about this one! It came from Soreson, on this website that i was looking for something and lo! behold I found here! Thanks alot!