THAT makes a sound!??!?

I just googled. Just count the number of chirps in 15 seconds and add 40, and you get the approximate temperature. Now, to find a hearing person to stand and listen to a cricket is another story...:giggle:

I could ask my kids to come over... I saw one in the garage last night. It definitely means autumn is on the way.
I would never have thought that a mouse would make noise skritching across carpet. They're so little. Yet I remember the day that both my cats disappeared. They took up residence in front of my couch downstairs (these are cats that NEVER used to spend any time downstairs) because a mouse was living under there. I tool care of that situation!

anything that moves makes noise. bee. fly. ant. etc.

I don't hear it but my chopsticks do :)
I could ask my kids to come over... I saw one in the garage last night. It definitely means autumn is on the way.

last night? that cricket is most likely dead.
last night? that cricket is most likely dead.

Ok. Crickets must be short lived? But I think the rule is something like, "If you see one, there are probably a hundred."

I should buy hedge balls to put in the basement.
Ok. Crickets must be short lived? But I think the rule is something like, "If you see one, there are probably a hundred."

I should buy hedge balls to put in the basement.

that is unfortunately true.....
What are hedge balls?

The are some green fruit some tree about the size of a dwarf fruit tree. They grow in Kansas for sure.

You buy them here in the grocery store and put them in the basement to repel spiders and crickets in the autumn.

Hedge apple seems to be a more well known term
Huh. Never heard of that.

I like natural solutions whenever possible, so sounds like a good idea.
I just googled. Just count the number of chirps in 15 seconds and add 40, and you get the approximate temperature. Now, to find a hearing person to stand and listen to a cricket is another story...:giggle:
:hmm: I wonder if that would work with my cricket sounding tinnitus? :lol:
The are some green fruit some tree about the size of a dwarf fruit tree. They grow in Kansas for sure.

You buy them here in the grocery store and put them in the basement to repel spiders and crickets in the autumn. - Buy Hedgeapples Here. Learn everything about the Osage Orange tree and the Hedgeapple

Hedge apple seems to be a more well known term
Ah, monkey balls. See those on the ground around here every year. Didn't know about the "spider repellent" properties...will need to remember that when I see some. I don't mind spiders, but th basement is a bit cob-webby.
I never really think that much about sounds, and certainly have read enough books and captioned descriptions that I am pretty sure I know what makes sound.

The only thing that ever baffled me, was when someone with a new hearing aid talked about being able to hear the crickets chirping. I thought why?? They are creepy enough to look at, why would you want to hear them? :P

I've never heard them either... and they are very creepy... my SO doesn't like the sounds of crickets either... they remind her of the actual cricket...
I wouldn't worry about that. I make noise while eating even with my mouth closed too.

People who complain about you making noise while chewing need to lighten up and stfu :)

I'm not that THAT worried. It's just like.......I know I can hear it, but I'll wonder how it sounds for everyone else. And I'm going to sit there, trying to figure out how to smack my mouth when it's closed. I've only noticed it when, like you said, I chew gum, or something else similar.
:ty: I've always wondered. It was in the early sixties while I was living as a child near Tinker Air Force Base (near Oklahoma City) that I recall the sonic booms. Boy, they would rattle windows but we became used to them. :giggle:
I understand. We lived in base housing on Naval Air Station Pensacola, FL, home of the Blue Angels. They did a lot of the low flying practices right over our house. :lol: