Byrdie Situation UPDATE!

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I agree! He's probably just waiting for us to get mad at him, but that'll give him more kicks
I agree. To engage in this is simply to lower ourselves to his standards.

Good Point jillio PLUS by doing that also gives him the attention he is seeking... especially since I'm pretty sure he's reading these even if he can't reply... ya know?? So why let him have that satisfaction?? By doing so is letting him play w/you more~~
I agree. To engage in this is simply to lower ourselves to his standards.
Fair enough, but trying to find information about who this guy really is is light-years away from faking one's own death.
Fair enough, but trying to find information about who this guy really is is light-years away from faking one's own death.

Perhaps that is your percpetion. Look for information if you choose. We are simply requesting that you not feed into the hurtful hoax that has been perpetrated on members of AD. It does nothing to help the pain heal, and in fact, keeps the cycle going. Not to mention which, as Adamsmomma mentioned, it enables the distorted thought processes of the individual that did this.
After pages and pages of people speculating who this guy is and wanting to know what his true story really was, if people decide they want to move on, I'm fine with that. No more from me. But let's keep our pespectives straight- finding information that may help answer some of these questions is nowhere near faking a death and hurting a community.
I think we should stop posting about this whole ordeal...there is really nothing more that can be added that has not been said.
Why glorify the incident. The more we post and discuss it, the more we are adding fuel to the fire.
Uh oh, the fire grew too big and we gotta get a plane to put it out. *running in circles*
Well for me, I just don't want to be wrong about people so I like to hear the whole story before I make my judgment. Especially if I have been friend with someone for a long time. I'm sure others feel the same way.
Uh oh, the fire grew too big and we gotta get a plane to put it out. *running in circles*

*falls to the ground* I got too dizzy...I should be running away from the fire not running in circles. :giggle:
May I suggest something? Despite the fact of his wrongdoing, lets not go on a witch hunt. Lets just put him behind us and go on and enjoy the site the way it was meant to be enjoyed.

Great post, and although it may be easier for me cause I did not know him personally, I can certainly pass out supportive hugs, watch mindfully as people process all the info. and enjoy getting to know you guys, through thick and thin. Truth eventually shines through, as it did in this case. All-deaf is a wonderful place and I would like to believe that most of us here do represent ourselves honestly, the relationships formed here are as real as they can be on a site and I value each and every one of you.
I think we should stop posting about this whole ordeal...there is really nothing more that can be added that has not been said.
Why glorify the incident. The more we post and discuss it, the more we are adding fuel to the fire.

Agreed. I think we all have enough information to make our own decisions how we feel about what was done, and the type of person who would do such a thing. That's all we really need. The rest is just gossip. It serves no good purpose.
I think we should stop posting about this whole ordeal...there is really nothing more that can be added that has not been said.
Why glorify the incident. The more we post and discuss it, the more we are adding fuel to the fire.

Well Said!! I totally agree!

*shakes head*

Pathetic, really.

I'm appalled and angry.

Is he even deaf???

I remember a similar death-faking thing happened on DM a long time ago - some girl named "Bella" did this exact same thing.

Just, ugh. Disgusts me far beyond time.
Then I found out that Bexley is just outside Columbus so I thought maybe it didn't made into the news in a large city.
I know it doesn't matter in the scheme of things but Bexley is essentially Columbus. It is an upscale neighborhood that abuts the city line.

Yup, since he "died" so we should make sure he stays dead in the AD.
I like the way you think *smile*

Thank you to the Mod's for watching out for us and protecting us as a community!!!
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