Search results

  1. Firebrand

    Alarm Clock With Vibration

    Yeah, I do have medical issues..... And, yes, I am planning on having a full sleep study someday soon (not sure when). I should have done this a long time ago, but my insurance wouldn't pay much of it. Now I have a different insurance that is way better than what I used to have. I already...
  2. Firebrand

    Alarm Clock With Vibration

    Hmmmmm. I'll definitely think about keeping my current one for that purpose, though I'd hate to have clutter. Would be nice to have a clock that can have two vibration units plugged into the same clock. Is there such a clock like that?
  3. Firebrand

    Doorbell & Phone Alerting Devices

    Um, would they provide light flashers for the lights in all the rooms in my house?
  4. Firebrand

    Motion Detector?????

    Hmmmm. Neato! DeafBadger, that was exactly what I was thinking.
  5. Firebrand

    Motion Detector?????

    Do anyone of you have a motion detector that alerts you by a flashing lamp? I know it may not be perfect. I just had a weird brain storm while eating my dinner. I was wondering if a motion detector would be good to put by my driveway to alert me of my bus pulling into my driveway..... Of...
  6. Firebrand

    Doorbell & Phone Alerting Devices

    :ty: I really appreciate your advice! :D
  7. Firebrand

    Alarm Clock With Vibration

    Thanks A Ton!!!! :ty: I think that's what I will get, for sure! Really appreciate this! Time to end my anxiety about being able to wake up for my appointments! :D
  8. Firebrand

    Doorbell & Phone Alerting Devices

    Even though I've been deaf all of my life, I never could afford to buy the door and phone alerting devices. I need help here, as I have no clue about these products. I have no doorbell, but would like to have a doorbell that is wireless. I'd like to have my lights in my house to flash when...
  9. Firebrand

    Alarm Clock With Vibration

    I am completely deaf and hear absolutely nothing. I've had alarm clocks that vibrate for many years and they had never failed to wake me from my slumber. In the last year or so, my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has made a real mess. It's a hit and miss whether my alarm clock wakes me up because...
  10. Firebrand

    Help! I need a new phone!

    I'm hoping that's without the phone cord attached to it. Hehehehe. Don't want more wires to trip over. I think I got a good solution to my problem. The internet relay service with my laptop and a regular cordless phone. :D
  11. Firebrand

    Help! I need a new phone!

    Oh, thanks! I was just surfing that website. I'm looking for a cordless version of a VCO phone.
  12. Firebrand

    Help! I need a new phone!

    :wave: I am in need of a VCO phone. I cannot find a cordless version and I'm tired of being chained to the desk at the wall when I have to make phone calls. I'm so retarded on internet phones.... Of course, my husband is very cheap, so I will not be able to be spendy for a phone. But, I...
  13. Firebrand

    DOG OWNERS! I got a question for you.

    Thanks, everyone! Budha, my dog, has been crate-trained for years. My back yard has no fencing and the property association do not like the owners fencing their yards. Their rule.... So, I really can't put in a doggy door. During warmer days I take him out on a schedule as usual but will...
  14. Firebrand

    DOG OWNERS! I got a question for you.

    I have a Frenchie-Pug, a mix between a French Bulldog and a Pug. Yes, he's a real cutie! He's 7 years old now. We had so much trouble with housetraining because of the fact that I'm deaf and he just plain won't tell me when he needs to go, body language-wise. That problem is sort of solved...
  15. Firebrand

    Everything has gone to hell again....

    I may not be on StrokeNet very much for awhile because my husband just lost his job. He probably need the laptop more and we only have one laptop. I'm freaked out because COBRA costs so much to pay for. Last time my husband lost his job, the payment was over $500, which matched our mortgage...
  16. Firebrand

    What camera do you use?

    Yeah, I could. Some situations calls for no-tripod. Tripods take time to set up and my shots are happening then...
  17. Firebrand

    What camera do you use?

    I'm jealous. I have a Nikon Coolpix S60. The vibration reduction is not enough for the camera shake. My hands shake a lot at times, due to meds and my neurology. I would love to be able to take night landscapes much like the professional quality I've seen. I would love to be able to take...
  18. Firebrand

    Anyone sleep in a hammock?

    I hope I can find a hammock that's reasonably priced. Been needing a new bed for far too long. My bed is over 20 years old.... Eek!
  19. Firebrand

    Is it normal.....

    I had swollen ankles from water-retention, despite low-sodium diet. My hypothyroidism causes this, and it did not go away as I hoped with my thyroid treatments. I was experiencing swelling in my fingers. My doctor prescribed water pills for me. The one I take is Furosemide. And it DOES...
  20. Firebrand

    Eye Exam

    :cool2: Yeppers....