Motion Detector?????


New Member
Dec 22, 2009
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Do anyone of you have a motion detector that alerts you by a flashing lamp? I know it may not be perfect. I just had a weird brain storm while eating my dinner.

I was wondering if a motion detector would be good to put by my driveway to alert me of my bus pulling into my driveway..... Of course, I know I would get false alarms with deer and whatnot meandering across my driveway.

I was wondering because sometimes, my bus comes way early (not a bad thing, really) and I never know that they're there waiting for me. I missed a couple of bus rides because of this.

What do you think? I've never had a motion detector before, ever. Hopefully a wireless kind.

Thanks in advance! :ty:
Of course, I know I would get false alarms with deer and whatnot meandering across my driveway.

I was wondering because sometimes, my bus comes way early (not a bad thing, really) and I never know that they're there waiting for me. I missed a couple of bus rides because of this.

Sounds interesting.

You might be able to put it through a "light switch," so when you are expecting the bus, you can switch it on. And if you're not expecting anything, turn it off, so the deer don't trip it.
Well, I use to my Logitech Alert security camera with motion detector alerts to iphone or android device or laptop or ipad while i was away.



[ame=]New Logitech Alert Video Security System - YouTube[/ame]
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

I'd just ask the bus driver (I'm assuming this is a private bus?) to text/call you when they arrive, if they're early.