Alarm Clock With Vibration


New Member
Dec 22, 2009
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I am completely deaf and hear absolutely nothing. I've had alarm clocks that vibrate for many years and they had never failed to wake me from my slumber. In the last year or so, my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has made a real mess. It's a hit and miss whether my alarm clock wakes me up because usually, I sleep as if I'm dead.

Right now, I have a Shake & Wake alarm clock with the vibrating unit under my pillow. I had thought I got the strongest vibration alarm when I bought it 5 years ago, I think. But now, it fails to wake me. Even though it's in perfect working order, I simply cannot wake up. I am on medication to help me wake up and promote wakefulness as well as to help with my chronic fatigue syndrome. I have to wake up at a certain time to take my first dose, so I can wake up normally in 2 hours or so after. If I fail to wake up, a lot of times, I will not wake up until very late and I cannot take my medication that late in the day, or I'd be pulling a straight all-nighter, not to mention messing up my sleep/wake rhythm.

I need help in finding an alarm clock that has the strongest vibration that can wake the dead. On my current clock, I have a bright flash alert, but it is not as effective as the vibration.

Can you give me any idea of which clock does the best with hopefully the strongest vibration I can get? I have been looking at the Sonic Bomb alarm clock with the vibration, but I am not sure if that's the best one out there.

I would really, really appreciate any direction to a clock that would work. Of course, I do not need sound, as I do not hear a thing and do not wish to give my husband a heart attack. LOL! I would be so grateful if you can respond ASAP. This has been driving me crazy. I'm getting anxiety attacks from worrying about waking up on time for my appointments.

In advance, many thanks to all of you! :ty:
I have the Sonic Boom and I think it is amazing. People on this site told me about it and I bought it last year. The first time it went off, I thought we were having an earthquake. It never fails to wake my tired self up. Best of luck!!!
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

Another vote for the Sonic Boom - it also comes in a model that receives from all other Sonic Alert signaller transmitters.

I've had mine for +15years and it's fantastic.
Thanks A Ton!!!!

:ty: I think that's what I will get, for sure! Really appreciate this! Time to end my anxiety about being able to wake up for my appointments! :D
You'll have fun with it. When I first got Sonic Boom - it scared me out of the bed almost every morning for first few weeks, but now I got used to it.
My suggest to get two bed shaker. It mean, you have to buy 2 alarm clocks at same time. Make sure, it's 12V, not 9V which is larger bed shaker, more powerful.
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

PowerON said:
My suggest to get two bed shaker. It mean, you have to buy 2 alarm clocks at same time. Make sure, it's 12V, not 9V which is larger bed shaker, more powerful.

Why would someone want 2 ?
Hmmmmm. I'll definitely think about keeping my current one for that purpose, though I'd hate to have clutter. Would be nice to have a clock that can have two vibration units plugged into the same clock. Is there such a clock like that?
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

Jane B. said:
Anij said:
Why would someone want 2 ?

Additional shake from two going off at once!

Seriously - SonicBoom is plenty on it's own ... If it's not strong enough between the matress, then put in under the pillow - but really anyone sleeping through a SonicBoom needs to see a dr. Seriously.

BTW the Sonic Boom can be set to do any combination of: "shake", flash a light and sound an audible alarm (adjustable volume & tone).
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I'll invent new alarm clock called.... Earthquake that enough give 6.5. Destroy your home!!!
I agree with Anji. I think one Sonic Boom is plenty. Maybe you can find someone who has it and give it a try. I can easily sleep thru my cel phones vibrating alarm, not the Sonic Boom.
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

Seriously - SonicBoom is plenty on it's own ... If it's not strong enough between the matress, then put in under the pillow - but really anyone sleeping through a SonicBoom needs to see a dr. Seriously.

BTW the Sonic Boom can be set to do any combination of: "shake", flash a light and sound an audible alarm (adjustable volume & tone).

If I remember right, she has had strokes, so she may have more problems than you would think.
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

Bottesini said:
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

Seriously - SonicBoom is plenty on it's own ... If it's not strong enough between the matress, then put in under the pillow - but really anyone sleeping through a SonicBoom needs to see a dr. Seriously.

BTW the Sonic Boom can be set to do any combination of: "shake", flash a light and sound an audible alarm (adjustable volume & tone).

If I remember right, she has had strokes, so she may have more problems than you would think.

If a person is sleeping so deeply that they are unable to feel a SonicBoom shaker - they are at risk for Sleep Apnea (stopping breathing while asleep) and other issues which need to be addressed by a dr.
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

If a person is sleeping so deeply that they are unable to feel a SonicBoom shaker - they are at risk for Sleep Apnea (stopping breathing while asleep) and other issues which need to be addressed by a dr.

That's what I meant. I think she has very serious health problems, and is under a doctor's care.
Yeah, I do have medical issues..... And, yes, I am planning on having a full sleep study someday soon (not sure when). I should have done this a long time ago, but my insurance wouldn't pay much of it. Now I have a different insurance that is way better than what I used to have.

I already ordered the Sonic Boom Bomb clock from It's being stuck at the UPS facility as the delivery person couldn't find my house (I live in a gated community where most houses have no address numbers showing. Hopefully, I'll be able to either sort it out with the UPS people or go there and pick it up.

Thanks for the review, everyone! Don't worry, I will be sure that I'm not having any sleep disorder that could be contributing to my hypersomnia (excessive need to sleep for a long time, like 20 hours straight). I take medication to help with that, but I need my alarm to wake me up in order to take my medication!!!! Anyway, I can't wait to get my hands on my new clock. :D
If Sonic Boom doesn't work, there should be a new clock coming out in 2012 that just bodily picks you up and slams you against the wall.......:laugh2:
Imin13, it is not necessary to revive threads from over a year. I believed she got what she needed. Thread lock is requested.