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  1. M

    What did you learn today?

    Today I learned that if my usual 6 hour day needs to be a 10 hour day, that I need more than one jolt of caffiene to make it :roll:
  2. M

    Asl 1

    I have a deaf ASL instructor, and she's just great. She tells us a story from her life while teaching us certain signs that makes them easier to remember. Like when she taught us wine, she told us how she was babysitting for a 3 year old, and the parents had a unlabelled container of juice in...
  3. M

    Autocross anyone?

    Hey I was just wondering if there were any autocrossers in the forum? Anybody at all?
  4. M

    Deaf guy gave to the cop officer to have a good day!

    you have an R1? how is it? I thought about getting a bike for a while (I used to own a beat up 93 civic,) but instead I got a 5 speed miata. I love it! It's probably good I didn't end up getting a bike, because I would kill myself with the way I drive.
  5. M

    whats your favourite WHISKY

    I LOVE Jim Beam white label. It's my favorite by far! I haven't had many others, but Jim is the one that made me love whiskey. Jim and Sprite, or Jim straight from the bottle! Mmmmm so good! Keep in mind I was a college student, and couldn't afford the really good stuff! My boyfriend doesn't...
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    Graduate School

    Thanks for all the advice everyone. If I don't get in this time, I'll definitely do what you suggested, naisho. I applied to University of Texas at Austin, Baylor College of Medicine, and University of Houston Health science Center. I have been following up with everyone, and was told that I...
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    Graduate School

    Hi all! I recently applied to 3 graduate school programs in Texas. I just finished resolving a paperwork mishap for one of them. I should now hear from all 3 within a few weeks. I can't stop checking my email! Have any of you applied to graduate school? How do they notify you if you aren't...
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    Crazy Weather in Arkansas!! Grrr

    Man, down here in texas, it will be almost 80 degrees one day, and then a few days later in the 20s. I ride my bike to work, so I have to check the weather every night to see if I should wear 2 jackets, gloves, and a hat, or just pair of jeans and a light jacket that day. Though I'm VERY...
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    The Question thread

    Lasagna, but I'm not Italian at all! I just really like my mom's lasagna. If you won the lottery today, what about your life would change?
  10. M

    The Question thread

    A cruise around the world! Or do I only get to pick one place? :p I suppose the barrier reefs. That's probably one of the most beautiful places in the world. Q: If you could change lives with anyone in the world for a day, who would it be and why?
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    The Question thread

    I think this is a fun game to play in person and online! What you do is ask a question, and the next person to post, posts their answer to your question! Then they pose another question for the next person to answer, etc. Want to play? I'll start! :D Q: If you could have any superpower...
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    what it like to be deaf

    It gets to the point where we hearing people use its so much we don't realize its slang anymore. So please feel free to point it out!
  13. M

    The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

    urg you eastern time people. i still have 45 minutes to suffer through, and NOTHING left to do!
  14. M

    Pics of you - Part III

    Hahaha, but I can totally see it in your avatar. I agree, but.... I won't be getting on my knees for you :p
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    Pics of you - Part III

    lol why is your location listed as ireland?
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    Pics of you - Part III

    hahaha! nice to meet you, brad's tongue.
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    Pics of you - Part III

    haha I noticed that to, between my avatar and that pic, we're 2 for 2. I hate smiling for pictures though, it seems too posed.
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    Pics of you - Part III

    lol thanks. :blush:
  19. M

    Pics of you - Part III

    Hey! Sorta new... I've been lurking a lot, trying to feel out a new forum. This is me at an anime convention with a bunch of friends! They go for the anime, I go for the party! It's just great spending a weekend with all my closest friends and seeing everyone dressed up is crazy!
  20. M

    idk if hearing ppl r loooked down on....

    Hi! I was worried about that as well, so I just lurked the forum for a while until I was sure people didn't mind us hearing people on here. Everyone seems to be really friendly :wave: