Autocross anyone?


New Member
Jan 12, 2009
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Hey I was just wondering if there were any autocrossers in the forum?

Anybody at all?
I know one guy who's an autocross on this forum. :) What kind of car do you use to autocross?
Yesum i do. sequoias did mention about me as well haha thanks.

so whats going on? if you have any questions and i will try to help and to answer it.

autox is fun!
Autocross is fun, yeah, but you'll cry hard when your car got totaled, because your insurance is not going to cover for it. :lol:
Autocross is fun, yeah, but you'll cry hard when your car got totaled, because your insurance is not going to cover for it. :lol:

nope. it isn't true.. Some Insurance does have the racing insurance packages too costs you more.. it's good thing though.

SCCA is doing safety in autocross for example.. SCCA Safety Members will put oranges cones keep away from anything like a pole, trees, building, etc..also they will check on your car suspensions, tires, engines, and other things. it's call an auto tech inspection.

Here's my old 05 civic hatchback si






Yes, I've been running SCCA for years. It's a blast. Everyone should give it a try. It will show you what a car is really capable of. I truely believe it can make a person a better and safer driver. I did not say a faster one or more agressive one. Most people hear skidding tires right before their first crash. Sideways is just to much fun except at 130mph coming off the banking of the front stretch at the Nashville Super Speedway hoping to make turn 1 on the road course. Made it and passed the Porsche GT2 in a Trans AM. Also, same day, made the front page of the Living Section in the news paper. I must have had a dozen copies on my desk at work the next day. Insurance Agent never said a word. I drove the car every day stickered up and NEVER was pulled over by the local officers but I also obeyed the speed limit. The Autocross course was the place to play, NOT the street.

Cars I've driven on course.
95 Firebird TA (retired to street use only now) F-Stock, E-Street Prepared
97 Camaro SS A-Stock, E-Street Prepared
99 Corvette Coupe A-Prepared
02 Corvette ZO6 Super Stock
06 ION Redline D-Stock
07 Cobalt SS D-Stock
07 Solstice Z0K C-Stock
08 Solstice GXP Z0K A-Stock
I know there have been more but I can't think of them now.
I've riden in a lot helping other drivers.
Never been in a kart but thinking about putting my 9yr old in one this summer. She really wants to give it a try. We shall see.