Your Christmas wish list?


New Member
Sep 25, 2003
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your christmas wish list ??

Tell everyone what you really wanna it so badly from your goal christmas wish list...


Indoor Grilled BBQ Electric
Bulldog statues
New Clothes
Mircowave (need replace new ones)
Toaster (need replace new ones)
Posion (my favorite perfume kind)


A plane ticket to Europe to see my sweetheart
Money to help me live there

alertmaster2000 for my new ohana thats being built,
laptop for me on the go,

BUT the real things I NEED is....
some new clothes ( some others gotten old time to throw them out and get new ones)
anything related for lilo and me :)
OH YAH.....

other i wish is
some peace within the community :)
for me..

- for everything to get better, at home, at work, in my heart..
- a digital camera
- a weekend out of minnesota with friends
- a new bed
- a personal heater
- someone to pay my vet bill when i need to declaw and neuter my kitty in january

... i could go on =/
A new job for the wife that all I want. (esp nice if its on 2nd shift so wife can take my daughter to physical therapy in mornings and not have to miss work and having my mother watch the girls on 2nd shift save $ on daycare)

For me....I'd love to have a new computer and a cablemodem connection ;)

I m thinking of getting the girls some nice Care Bears toys for xmas (sigh I dont have a son cuz I would have bought all the HotWheels I could get my hands on heh!)
Peace and Harmony all around the world

right now -- i cant think of any material things i would want this Christmas other than good joy, happiness and all the blessings
Fly Free said:
Peace and Harmony all around the world

right now -- i cant think of any material things i would want this Christmas other than good joy, happiness and all the blessings
:werd: MUCH agree with u fly we need that at this point in time, too many poeple are lost without sons brothers fathers grandfathers , mothers, sisters, daughters, and what have u.... all in the name of the iraqi war. thier ALL in my prayers
New full time job
buy a car
pay off debts
go snowboarding
move out and find a roomies
a partner would be nice...
My christmas wish list:

-pay off my college debt
-pay back to my daddy for loans (ugh)
-digital camera (not a damn cheap $10 digital camera which my dad owns)
-buy my first brand new hybrid car
-new clothes and shoes
-pig ears for Bo

I do want to donate my 1994 Toyota Corolla to my friend who needs the most!

However, I like Fly Free's comment better...

Peace and Harmony all around the world!
new computer and cash.. is all i need :)

the real things i really need... dishwasher, toaster, microwave

Jams- if u wanna me take u out of minnesota i can ;) i'm more willing to take u to green bay, WI..
a winning lottery ticket so that I can pay off my new car bills, car insurance, my debts, and get a new house in Alpine.


- a new second part-time job so that I can pay bills
- new jeans and pants to wear
- some real friends in Utah
- some help in finding and moving a nice new flat when I move in December to Salt Lake
- To see Zoey again and hug her
Christmas wish list? Hmm...I'm not keen on Christmas -- but to be honest, it's nice to receive things, but I prefer giving than receiving.

As for the wish list, it's short.:P

DeafSCUBA98 said:
new computer and cash.. is all i need :)

the real things i really need... dishwasher, toaster, microwave

Jams- if u wanna me take u out of minnesota i can ;) i'm more willing to take u to green bay, WI..

wisconsin.. i'd be tempted to write "the packer suck!!!" on your car.. :) I hate Wisconsin. No offense :) I may be a transplant (i was born in Colorado, raised in MN) but I am a Minnesotan at heart. Wisconsin can kiss my ass :)
-Hummer truck
-Travel 55 states and include out country states.
-new life
-new clothes and shoes
-$50 million dollars

That is all i need. :afro:
pinkster said:
wisconsin.. i'd be tempted to write "the packer suck!!!" on your car.. :) I hate Wisconsin. No offense :) I may be a transplant (i was born in Colorado, raised in MN) but I am a Minnesotan at heart. Wisconsin can kiss my ass :)

that's fine with me if u hate wisconsin.. I'm a huge heart on Minnesota.. and also do have some heart in wisconsin since my family had a cabin in bone lake, WI.

I have already visit west side of green bay.. now i wanna visit east side.. the Bay area..... it could be nice if i have some company come with me.. since driving 4 hours on a flat road is boring...

OFC i can let you write " PACKERS SUCKS" cuz i hate packers :P
DeafSCUBA98 said:
that's fine with me if u hate wisconsin.. I'm a huge heart on Minnesota.. and also do have some heart in wisconsin since my family had a cabin in bone lake, WI.

I have already visit west side of green bay.. now i wanna visit east side.. the Bay area..... it could be nice if i have some company come with me.. since driving 4 hours on a flat road is boring...

OFC i can let you write " PACKERS SUCKS" cuz i hate packers :P
:rofl: :rofl: "Hate PACKERS SUCKS" by the way.. sorry I'm not fave football league!
DeafSCUBA98 said:
that's fine with me if u hate wisconsin.. I'm a huge heart on Minnesota.. and also do have some heart in wisconsin since my family had a cabin in bone lake, WI.

I have already visit west side of green bay.. now i wanna visit east side.. the Bay area..... it could be nice if i have some company come with me.. since driving 4 hours on a flat road is boring...

OFC i can let you write " PACKERS SUCKS" cuz i hate packers :P

hee hee :naughty: i did that once driving home from michigan with my dad's then girlfriend in 99 :P a little girl of maybe 11 or 12 was in another car with her parents and she gave us the :madfawk: i was rolling with laughter :D
The #1 thing I want is a car!

Other than that, I could use a new television, Xbox, some DVDs, a few video games, and a pager.
nothing more i wish for..
all i just love to have everyone have safe and good health whole through year :)