Would you go back to an ex for great sex?


Prayers for my dad.
Premium Member
Nov 24, 2003
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If the sex was good and neither of you aren't seeing anyone will u go back with ur ex for sex?
Errrr....no...because honestly, hon, the word "EX" to me means "NEVER AGAIN." I dunno, Cheri...but ya gotta keep in mind this. Whether the sex was good or not, you still broke up with him for a damned good reason. So, no, I personally wouldn't go back to anyone just for a good lay. If he's your ex, he doesn't deserve you...there is someone out there for ya who does...and that's someone worth waiting for. ;)

Love yas girlie! (((Cheri)))
oh well, i admitted, when my ex hubby and i sepreated married, we did sex often but we stopped sex in 2001 before i became BI... smile... now i learned lesson not do that!!!
If the sex is good, why do you need to go to an ex?
Once I plow the grass, I would not plow the grass TWICE. I would just move on and leave that EX behind. :) Find a NEW gentleman who would make your life a brand NEW... and, even a brand NEW sex, too ! :naughty:
Although sex might have been great, there is a reason the relationship is not there anymore. It's not worth to "re-discover" that reason!
Sorry FlyFree Didn't know you posted the same thing LOL!

Heh MalfyGirlie U know me too well Hun!

I do not think I would want to do this either because, so much had happened between the two of us why would I want to be in the same spot all over again. I would have to agree with you people here. and Thanks a Bunch! :kiss:

You are so Correct CyberRed someone new is worth the wait.
No, I don't believe in that. Why give your good sex to a loser who is your ex when you could give it to someone who will respect you?
There's no reason to go back to an ex for sex..move on! :roll: I'd not go back to an ex for that reason. No way...it's best to move on and leave the past behind me.
HelloKittyGal said:
No, I don't believe in that. Why give your good sex to a loser who is your ex when you could give it to someone who will respect you?

You said it so Perfect! :P
Go back to any ex for great sex? To me, I considered that as "Sex Buddy".

In my expereince, I did that before. Not worth for go back to any ex or the problems and feeling start increase more. I mean UGLY replase and heavy tempt. Also, I notice great sex can make both to forgot the problem for short time. Some of us have hard time to resist on SEX, SEX, SEX, and more SEX.
Hmm... I might. It's usually not a good idea cuz sometimes, the other is still attached. I have friends who went through the same thing. They broke up, then still continued to be "fuckmates" for a few more weeks until they decided to stop.
good thread here.. I personally believe once its an ex.. no more sex. but believe me i have done that with my ex girlfriend when we break up we did have sex few weeks later.. and i learned my lesson its not worth it.. once you break up.. its best not to have sex...
I agree with Malfy and Kootchie. ;) Millions of fish in the sea for a gorgeous woman like you, Cheri... why this one who gave me a reason to break up with? LOL uh uh.. no way. Too much bad history and might create more drama for me and probably my family and friends if they were close by.
I would NEVER go back to that ex, even if he was a fabulous lover in bed. Sex without intimacy for me is not worth it.

He is an ex for a good reason and I would rather keep moving on and working on healing myself from that relationship so I can be ready for somene EVEN better in my life.
Lasza said:
Go back to any ex for great sex? To me, I considered that as "Sex Buddy".

In my expereince, I did that before. Not worth for go back to any ex or the problems and feeling start increase more. I mean UGLY replase and heavy tempt. Also, I notice great sex can make both to forgot the problem for short time. Some of us have hard time to resist on SEX, SEX, SEX, and more SEX.

:werd: i agree Lasza!