Worst Ticket POST IT!


New Member
Sep 22, 2004
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What the worst ticket u ever gotten? me? i gotten 2 tickets, but i got away with one but had to pay the fine. i did a 52 in a 35 but he dropped it down to 43 cuz i told him that i have a man whose wife is pregnet and i need to haul ass to get over there lol. it was PART true! and the other just Joyriding with my friend doing 95 in a 50 yea BIG TIME but im in the middle of the case right now :smash: lol. so i'll tell u how that goes. POST what your worst ticket! :type: :cool:
Mine was getting an infringement of going 63 in a 60 speed limit area. :roll: They had a margin of error of 3kms -- allowed to go at least 3kms over the speed limit before one gets ticketed for speeding...but not in my case! :mad: I talked to the police shop about this, they refused to waive it. Augh..had to pay $125 and lose 3 demerit points -- if I refused, I would've gotten double fine. *sigh*
I got three tickets in two nights in row in July 1997.

My French friend was with me, and my best friend, when we were on a trip to Niagara Falls, Canada. We were returning to a motel after visiting, and apparently I forgot to turn on my headlights because it was so well lit over there at night. We were lost, searching for the exit to the Interstate, when I accidentially went through a red light. A car was following me at a distance, but it turned out to be a policeman.

He gave me ticket for going through the red light, and for "imprudent speed." The speed was not even indicated on the ticket though, but my friends thought that because the policeman thought we were giving him a hard time... I am deaf, my French friend can't speak English well and my best friend is deaf too... The policeman was a real asshole.

Next night, we were in Pennsylvania, and it was like at one o'clock in the morning in heavy rain. Suddenly a police car followed us, so I pulled over. The policewoman was very nice and respectful, saying we ran a stop sign. I got a ticket for it. It was so hard to drive in this pouring rain.

All in totality, it cost me like 225$ for Niagara Falls and 90$ for Pennsylvania. Fortunately, that was the last time I was ticketed, since 1997 have been clean.
Ehh..still it sucks getting a ticket. I remember when I almost ran a red light, but put down the brakes hard -- I skidded a bit too hard to the line, heh...and unfortunately a police car was sitting at the next intersection waiting for the light to change when they saw me skid to a stop on the opposite side. :roll: They pulled me over -- and I apologised as I hadn't noticed the light had changed...fortunately, they were nice enough to let me off with a warning. Phew! :)
Another night -- when I got kicked out of my parents's home after an arguement and I was staying at a motel -- It was about 2am in the morning when I dropped off a friend at her home and I was driving back to the motel where I was staying the night -- was on the freeway when a grey corvette nearly ran up the back of my car but swerved to the right of me and then fishtailed in front of me -- nearly caused an accident with me. He ran off the road and into a ditch. I happened to be high on doobies (eeps) and had a bag with me!

But luckily, since that guy nearly ran me off the road, I burst into tears and was crying my eyes out when a cop car stopped by and asked if I was OK -- I told him I was fine and was ready to drive off. He let me go...oooooh! Close call, :lol:.
On my birthday day few years ago, I went to Travel Agent Shop to pick up Holiday Brochures, and I was too lazy and decided to park my car on disabled space zones, and I was only pop in Travel Agent for 5 mins, the police came and write down a ticket, I went out saying I am about to leave now, the police said after speaking to their mobile/radio and say ok and let me go free and warning me if it happen 2nd time, I will receive a ticket on the spot.... phew!!!!!

On very hot day (40 celicus), the police stop me for breathleyzer at 4 in the afternoon, to check how many alcohlic drinks I have drank during the Christmas month, and this time my reading is zero as I was drinking coffee!!

I remember at that time I was learner driver in England, and my ex boyfriend offer me to drive his car for the day, as I didn't put "L" plate to display but the police came to stop me to inspect my learner permit licence, oh my god no way, and my boyfriend tell a fib that its because he had a bad headache and let me to drive as emergency, lucky he believe his story!!!!!!!!

Also I received few speed tickets - say once per year if I am lucky - thanks to the speed camera!!!
I've never gotten any traffic or parking ticket.
Maybe because I couldn't afford my first car until I was age 22, so I have been driving only 31 years. I got a late start. ;)
Reba said:
I've never gotten any traffic or parking ticket.
Maybe because I couldn't afford my first car until I was age 22, so I have been driving only 31 years. I got a late start. ;)
Lucky you! VERY LUCKY you lol :jaw: :thumb: :bowdown:
I've gotten pulled over 14 times in the year of 2003. In the year of 2004, 9 times. 4 of these came on Memorial day. I've gotten only one ticket, and that was back on Labor Day, September 2000. That one was 84 in 55.

Stupidest pullover -- I got yanked over, doing 84 in 55, uninsured, not carrying drivers license. After some talking that included telling the cop I was heading to the sex store in the next town that was closing, giving the officer my license number off my mind, etc etc, I was able to get off with a warning.

It all may sound like I'm BSing around, but believe it or not, it's true.
every time i travel around the states for rock climbings or vacations i almost get the speed tickets. why me ?! the most expensive speed ticket ever i paid was 303 dollars. no sheet... :( i was clocked at 90 on 70 speed limit.
I only received one ticket that was 8 yrs ago for speeding I was going 85 into 55 mph. It wasn't cheap LOL!

Twice the cop let me go , without a ticket and one with a warning. I guess they found me cute. ;)
Crazydawg69 said:
What the worst ticket u ever gotten? me? i gotten 2 tickets, but i got away with one but had to pay the fine. i did a 52 in a 35 but he dropped it down to 43 cuz i told him that i have a man whose wife is pregnet and i need to haul ass to get over there lol. it was PART true! and the other just Joyriding with my friend doing 95 in a 50 yea BIG TIME but im in the middle of the case right now :smash: lol. so i'll tell u how that goes. POST what your worst ticket! :type: :cool:

i got 3 speeding tickets back in 99 (all in one year!) everytime i went to rochyshit?? sheesh!! i was surprised i didnt lose my licenses! cuz in ny you lose your licenses after the 3rd ticket.. hehe.. i guess it is because i kept going to court to appeal! haha..
Cheri said:
I only received one ticket that was 8 yrs ago for speeding I was going 85 into 55 mph. It wasn't cheap LOL!

Twice the cop let me go , without a ticket and one with a warning. I guess they found me cute. ;)

during one summer when i was about 18 or 19... a few hearing friends and i drove to ocean city, md.. i was speeding.. i guess i was excited ... and not paying attention cuz i was talking to my friends in the car... of course i got stopped.. luckily i had a bathingsuit on with a top over it and a towel on the bottom.. i acted like a TRUE DUMB BLONDIE.. the cop said.. may i see your licenses and reg. i am like.. oh.. it is in the trunk in my purse.. he said.. please go get it.. i said ok.. as soon as i got out of the car.. my towel dropped.. i grabbed it so fast... i said.. excuse me.. but can u pls hurry.. i have my period.. and i am lost.. andi am looking for a restroom to change my period stuff.. he got nervous.. he was like OK OK.. ILL LET YOU GO.. BUT SLOW DOWN.. DONT DRIVE TOO FAST.. and just let me go after looking at my licenses.. and i think he looked at my reg.. MY FREINDS WERE HYSTERICAL AND IN TEARS!! and kept asking how the heck i did it.. lol i dont remmy much anymore cuz it was over 15 yrs ago.. grrrr arent i getting senile! YIKES!! :ugh:
Well...I'm an idiot.


Once on Hwy 64/40, late for work, going 83 in 60 mph zone, paid 193 dollars...in 1998. As it was, I shouldn't have showed up anyway...FBI raided our offices.

Again on Hwy 70 westbound, near Boonville, MO...got clocked 93 in a 70 mph zone...paid $350.00. dont ask me why so much, it was the standard fee since i was almost 25 mph over.

Since then Ive kept on speeding, but have been good...only when I see the police car in the distance. Leadfoot, off. Past police, leadfoot, on.
I only had one ticket all my life, that was from running over a red light...

What? I had an excuess for doing that! :mrgreen:
Lol, would love to hear that excuse for "running over a red light."
Hee hee.
Once I went thru a red light, made a right turn, went thru a stop sign, and there was a Bear behind me, the cherries going.
It was in a rather hilly area, I was on the outter street next to the highway...but anyway, I kept going a bit, before I pulled over.
The cop was thoroughly pissed when he came to my window, asking me if I knew what it meant when a patrol car practically pulls up alongside a car, the lights flashing, etc. I replied that it means for me to pull over.
He asked me why I didn't then.
I replied that it was because of the steep hill, if I pulled over right away, it would endanger his safety at the location where I first became aware of him flashing the lights, that I was concerned that a car would hit him if he stepped out of his vehicle.
He paused, and then said even though he could give me several tickets, he would let me go with a warning.
He did.
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^Angel^ remember that time when we were going over your ex husband's work and we got pulled over by the police?

You said, "Pretend we are deaf" I was like? eh? We are deaf! Remember that one? LOL!
for me the most expensive ticket i was cited for speeding was from PA when i was returning home from RIT for Thanksgiving break -- was going 70 in a 55 (if i recall correctly) -- sure has pissed off dad cuz he was a cop :lol: had to put it in light with my folks cuz i was a broke college student at the time and couldnt afford paying the ticket

yes im STILL speeding over the years -- got an incorrigable lead foot :lol:
Cheri said:
^Angel^ remember that time when we were going over your ex husband's work and we got pulled over by the police?

You said, "Pretend we are deaf" I was like? eh? We are deaf! Remember that one? LOL!

*laughing* Oh yes, I remember that but shh, I wasn't thinking at that moment, you know Cops scares me sometimes!

I mean't to say, do not use your voice, pretend we couldn't speak so we could get away with not getting a ticket!.... :lol:


*laughing*....I meant to say ' running thru the red light '.... :aw:

<---One of those blonde moments!
The worse I ever got was a ticket for making an illegal U-turn, having an expired registration sticker, having an expired inspection sticker... and having a bottle of beer in the back seat. I was 20 years old at the time... that's why it was pretty bad. Luckily, the judge put me on probation for 90 days... as long as I don't get any tickets in THAT city. Even more luck.... I never go to that city. I only went there for one day for my parents for family pictures. ;)