What's your New Years Resolution?

My NYE resolution (WARNING: can be broken anytime, my fault or not)

Get my car paid off by February so I can start saving the $ for another car

See my kid more oftens even if I gotta pull some miracles to do otherwise

that is all I can think of.
CandGLoveMad said:
For me for new year resoultion... is.. I'm diabetic.. i have about 5 years left for me to be blind eventhose i'm 25.. will be blind at age 30.. soo want to start on eating HEALTHY Foods.. like sugar free candies, salad, eat more meats, many good foods that are very healthy.. want to gain some weight cuz i was chubby but now i'm very skinny i used to be 165 and i like who i was but now i'm 115 and want to gain to 130 that's my goal to be gained to have some fats in my body.. that's all i want for my new year resoultion and i hope i can make it out good so i wont get blind on age 30..l so I'm pray ing for myself.. My brother is only 20 and he has diabetes also! he's skinny same as me.... I sometime do prray for myself to get myself better cuzi have 3 year old boy and want to raise my son for many years instead being blind.. U know.... TTYL

I am sorry to know about this....hope it goes well for you and to eat healthy so you won't go blind. :hug:

I know every year I break tradition, but I do want to lose some weight...that's one goal (about 5 to 10 lbs weight loss)....we have too many holiday candies here and I love chocolate. LOL
No New Year Resolution here. Just going to take things one day at a time. Wish you all a safe and Happy New Year! :dance2: :cheers:
Thanks for ur saying on this and yeah once i start on health foods and i'll be fine.. the doctor made me scared little bit so that's why i want to work on that and see how it goes.. cuz i dnot want to be blind for my son.. no i want to see him growing up and what he doing in his life and manything so that's why i want to get better for my son only .. :aw:
I have no idea about NYR -- I used not think advance of time but I do have plan to do is repair and fix up over my house.
CandGLoveMad said:
;) thanks to Color Avlanche... Yeah.. eye surgery i dont know.. the dr told me to start eating healthy food and eat the property foods then i wont get blind by age 30.. if i keep stubborn eating junks,etc.. then i will be blind for good but i'm working on my goal to get myself better and be there for my lil boy.. he goes to school and everything but still i want to see him growing up and have a girlfriend get married u know how it goes.. :-D and thank you for syaing.. Prayers will be with me anyway cuz of my father.. he goes to church and prays... so I pray for this too to get myself better!

I am Diabetic, too. I've lost 20 pounds due to a severe stress. I am sort of related to Lindsay Lohan in some ways. I am still working on gaining all pounds I've lost. Sighs. It sucks royally. I want my meaty body back!! :(
My New Years Resolution is getting a new house and hopefully it will really happen :fingersx:
My resolutions are this:

Lose 50 or more pounds in 2006.

Continue to pay my bills on time, and to clear up my credit report.

Be with MizzDeaf.

Take more time to be with my family.

Get a ... NEW CAR!!!!!!

Continue to work on my scrapbooking and stamping projects and to do more beading work.

Get cards ready for Xmas 2006 to mail to all of my AD friends, both old and new!!

Pray for the goodwill of family and friends, and to keep in touch with them daily.

Be myself.
To Oddball
yeah i lost alot of weight cuz of diabete type 2 and stress too and want my meaty body back too.. my boyfriend love who i am.. not just cuz i'm diabetic.. cuz he understand how i felt cuz his uncle was diabetic since 3 to 49 he died.. cuz he was heavy drinker and smoke ciggys sooo that's why i'm worry about my health cuz i have heart diease and plus diabetic.. it's alot on me u know what i mean.. talk later
WildKaTReSS said:
For me, I hope that my divorce will not be nasty and get it final as soon as possible then move on with my life with my kids. And visit with a very dear friend of mine out of state this summer. Also to lose some weight and have it size 7/8. That's it for me

What about you all?

Divorce just few months after the 2nd baby was born and several years after the wedding day? What a very shame. :ugh2:
I learned not to make a new year's resolution way long ago. Sometime promises are made to be broken but then, some of it could be good when you are able to have a strong willpower to stick to it. I'm just taking it step by step and pretend there's no tomorrow to live in the present.
coloravalanche said:
To have a better relationship with God and Bible reading.

Go to church every week.

These are my two, have others, including watching my language and attitude.
What's my resolution ? Umm... *thinkin"* I don't know. I haven't decided just yet. Will find out later ~
Today's the first day of New Year's Resolution and here I am sitting and eating gosh dern M&Ms. You're gonna hafta forgive me because Aunt Flo came to visit me today. Reasons why I don't start New Year's Resolution on the first of January because there's so many holiday candies sitting around in my house! Fortunately my daughter is helping me out. It'll be ALL gone by the end of the week and Aunt Flo will be gone by then.

I gotta bail because I smell a stinky load from my daughter's diaper. :roll:
Catmandu said:
Today's the first day of New Year's Resolution and here I am sitting and eating gosh dern M&Ms. You're gonna hafta forgive me because Aunt Flo came to visit me today. Reasons why I don't start New Year's Resolution on the first of January because there's so many holiday candies sitting around in my house! Fortunately my daughter is helping me out. It'll be ALL gone by the end of the week and Aunt Flo will be gone by then.

I gotta bail because I smell a stinky load from my daughter's diaper. :roll:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

HMMM! for me ....

i guess to lose the rest of my weight! :
move to illyhole to be with my honey!
save more moolah for our vacation this spring, to attend meggie's wedding :D and also to buy a house hopefully next year! :D

i guess that is all i can think of right on the top of my head for now as i am still dead tired from a nye party last night ... so i hope i don't break my ny's resolutions ... let alone starting them today since i am still craving for chocolate as we got some hershey 'KISSES" from the nye party last night! :D
Catmandu said:
Today's the first day of New Year's Resolution and here I am sitting and eating gosh dern M&Ms. You're gonna hafta forgive me because Aunt Flo came to visit me today. Reasons why I don't start New Year's Resolution on the first of January because there's so many holiday candies sitting around in my house! Fortunately my daughter is helping me out. It'll be ALL gone by the end of the week and Aunt Flo will be gone by then.

I gotta bail because I smell a stinky load from my daughter's diaper. :roll:

:rofl: :rofl: That's so cute...

I dunno about me yet, I don't start mine on the 1 st either cause I know it doesn't happen, so for the New Year's Resolution, I'm going to keep on my diet so I can wear the most beautiful wedding dress ever!!!

Got hard work on it!!!! :fingersx: